My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 289 Ten Thousand Dragon God Sacrifice

Mythical techniques and skills fit him perfectly. Xia Qingkong didn't even need to strengthen them, he could practice them directly.

"Divine Contract" is an auxiliary skill. When Xia Qingkong practiced it, it was like Zhang Wuji practicing the Great Shift of the Universe. He practiced it to the top with little effort.

As for the "Borrowing Method", this thing took a little time for him. Because he first needs to sign divine contracts with all heroes and soldiers in the territory.

Only after the channel is established can there be a channel for using the borrowing method.

However, because most of the troops have been brought to the same level by his talent "Tongyong", the borrowing method is actually of little use. Unless he is promoted to eternity in the future, the upper limit of the mythical level talent is the mythical level, which can bring others to level 90 at most. By then, the borrowing method will be able to play a better role.

For now, it is still effective for heroes with mythical talents like Xiao Yan and others. They still have to rely on their own efforts to break through the mythical level and gain stronger power. And the most suitable place for them to break through is naturally the Eternal Paradise.

When the time comes to go to Eternal Paradise, they will definitely encounter danger with their legendary strength. This borrowing method can help them.

"I borrowed my power from them, and that's the effect. The real power of the "Borrowing Power" lies in my borrowing power from the people. Millions of mythical powers are vested in me. God knows what I can do. If not, even the eternal level can be broken." Xia Qingkong boldly imagined it, but it was just an imagination, and his idea was not realistic at all.

"Borrowing Method" is not a special bonus for the lord profession. Lords can share the attributes and powers of their subjects without any side effects. That is the preference of this box for the lord profession. Although the "Borrowing Strength Method" has the same purpose, the side effect is that Xia Qingkong has to bear the power of tens or millions of people by himself.

Even if he has now gotten rid of the flesh and blood body, the concept of incarnation will still be overwhelmed.

Without this side effect, "Borrowing Strength" would be a proper eternal level skill.

But even so, it was already very good. Xia Qingkong's combat power increased sharply again.

"I feel like I'm invincible, how about I try to find a BOSS?" He was eager to give it a try.

Xia Qingkong didn't even notice that he was far more belligerent than before. It was clear to onlookers that Chen Jin and Xue Wuliang felt that he was not unjustly accused because he had a problem in his mind.

Xia Qingkong thought about it and finally chose the Dragon Realm as his goal.

Without him, it's just because Taiyuan Dragon God once blocked him. He is a very vindictive person.

On Green Forest No. 6, the official website of the game "Cloud Cavalry" suddenly issued such a notice.

"The new area "Dragon Realm" will be opened soon, and the expansion pack "Dragon Fighting in the Wild" will be released. Players can now enter the game to become dragon-slaying warriors and show off their heroic deeds."

Because it is his own exclusive unit, Xia Qingkong has given psychological hints to all the players of the Fourth Natural Disaster. Online, they are the invincible Cloud Cavalry Army, but offline, even though their souls are extremely powerful, they still live like ordinary mortals, and anything abnormal will be ignored.

"A new map has been opened again. Finally there is no need for grass anymore. Sign in! Sign in!"

"Is there a new version? I'm going to kill him and bleed him like a river!"

"I just know how boring it is to kill. I'm going to develop a new branch. Maybe I can meet a little dragon girl and become a dragon knight!"

Dragon Realm.

Coincidentally, this day happens to be the "Ten Thousand Dragons God Festival" held every thousand years in the dragon world.

All talented dragon geniuses will compete with each other on this day, and thousands of troops will cross the single-plank bridge. The final winner will have the opportunity to sublimate his bloodline and become the much-anticipated "Son of the Dragon God."

This is one of the most noble titles of the Dragon Clan, because only the son of the Dragon God can inherit the inheritance of the Dragon Clan's ancestral court and have a certain chance of improving his talent to a higher level.

The epic level becomes legendary level, and the legendary level becomes mythical level.

They are not people from the Earth, and they do not have the protection of the rising sun and the everlasting moon. The upper limit of their talent level is the same level. Without special opportunities, they will never be able to break through the limit.

The Ten Thousand Dragon God Festival is the closest "special opportunity" to them. Some female dragons even forcefully hold dragon eggs in their stomachs for hundreds of years before giving birth, just to catch up with the next festival.

Over the Tianlong Canyon, millions of dragons hovered in the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun.

A mythical dragon lowered its head from the clouds: "I declare that the Ten Thousand Dragon God Festival... has officially begun!"

"Haha! It's finally begun!" A young dragon burst out with powerful flames and flew into the distance. "This time, I am the son of the Dragon God!"

This is an imperial-level dragon, one of the most powerful among the underage dragons under a thousand years old. A single breath has the power of a nuclear bomb, and it can destroy a planet in a little time.

Another giant dragon was entangled in the storm, following closely behind: "Don't even think about running away!"

There were also various other dragons showing off their magical powers and flying in all directions. The first stage of the Ten Thousand Dragons God Sacrifice is called "Hunting", and they need to hunt enough prey to perform a blood sacrifice to open the door to the second level.

Among these giant dragons, the most conspicuous one is a five-clawed golden dragon covered with golden scales. Its body exudes law fluctuations that far exceed the emperor level.

That was an epic level. Even among the entire dragon clan, it was already considered a strong one. Being able to possess such strength at a young age is enough to be called the top genius in the entire dragon world, and he is the most popular seed player for Son of the Dragon God this time.

In addition to the five-clawed golden dragon, there is also a low-key Yimu Qinglong, a colorful fairy dragon, and a "dragon man" with a completely different appearance. These four all possess epic powers and have received the most attention.

No matter how noisy the other dragons are, they are just joining in the fun. Those adult dragons all know that the final son of the Dragon God can only be born among these four dragons.

The boundaries between humans and gods are not for nothing. The gap between epic level and emperor level is like a chasm.

"I'm still most optimistic about the five-clawed golden dragon. Its father is a mythical ancestral dragon. Its talent far exceeds that of any other dragon in this generation. It is invincible."

"I don't think so. Yimu Qinglong has a legendary talent, which is definitely not worse than it."

"I prefer the fairy dragon to win. It's so beautiful that I want to mate with it."

"As long as it's not that dragon man. A mixed-blood bastard. I don't know how he could be promoted to the epic level. He really tainted the noble blood of my dragon family."

"Don't deceive yourself, dragon. Who doesn't know that the blood of the human race is extremely powerful. The most powerful people in the current generation of the human race are all legendary level, but we only have the epic level. It is our dragon blood that pollutes the human blood."

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