My barracks is 100 million points strong

Chapter 99 Immortal Brother

The girl felt like she had lost consciousness all over her body, and she looked at Tao Zhiming blankly.

"I'm sorry, girl," Tao Zhiming said slowly, "Perhaps in Mr. Storyteller's story, a young lady disguised as a man and sneaked out of the house would encounter some wonderful things, and even develop some beautiful stories, but it is a pity that now It’s a war.”

As he spoke, the girl had been frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold air. In fact, Tao Zhiming was somewhat fond of her at first. After all, she was beautiful and had an innocent personality. She was the type of rich lady he longed for when he was struggling at the bottom of society.

However, it can be judged from the girl's conversational attitude and Situ Wei's deliberate behavior of letting her go during the test that her status in Lanshan County is extraordinary. Especially when Situ Wei called her "Tianyu" in desperation, Tao Zhiming had to suspect that she was the puppet emperor supported by Xie Chengfeng.

There is no need to verify, as long as there is suspicion, it is enough reason for Tao Zhiming to kill him. Killing her would be beneficial to the entire Blue Mountain County battlefield. Since he is a member of the Daxia Army, he should put Daxia's interests first in everything, and his personal senses can be completely put aside.

But how could Xie Chengfeng let her run out alone so easily? You know, even if she is a woman disguised as a man, it is one of the most important cards in Xie Chengfeng's hand. Anyone else must be on guard 24 hours a day to make sure nothing goes wrong.

It's unrealistic to be able to escape casually like in the storyteller's story.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Tao Zhiming suddenly noticed something was wrong. He saw that the ice sculpture of the girl he had frozen suddenly collapsed into ice shards on the ground. However, if you look closely, there were no traces of flesh or cloth at all, and there were only ice cubes on the ground.

She actually escaped! ?

"Are there any life-saving props? Or is the person I killed actually a clone?" Tao Zhiming was not surprised at all. Thinking about it, this is only reasonable. If he could kill the puppet emperor so easily, Xie Chengfeng could just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

"But don't try to escape next time."

"Dali Dynasty?" Xia Qingkong, who was cultivating in the territory, saw the latest battle report, "They haven't solved their own internal strife, so why would they bother to go to Lanshan County to fight? Is there anyone who can drive tigers and devour wolves?"

He thought for a while and said to the angel in front of him: "Send a message to the front and ask them to continue marching according to the original plan. Someone will handle the affairs of the Dali Dynasty, so don't worry about it."

"Yes." The angel wearing the helmet immediately returned to his job.

Hundreds of angels sit neatly in the hall, like customer service operators, receiving and transmitting information all the time.

With the angel unit, Xia Qingkong's army has greatly improved its information transmission. Some angels are on the front line, and some angels stay on Sky Blade 7. They can communicate with each other through the secondary biological engine and transmit the latest information back to the base camp in real time, and then the headquarters issues the most appropriate instructions.

When necessary, he can also call for long-range strikes like Tao Zhiming and directly kill key local strongmen. However, because it is so powerful, it must have precise coordinates before it can be activated, otherwise half of Lanshan County will be wiped out with one strike.

Xia Qingkong walked out of the palace and went straight to the Demon Locking Tower.

He is the owner of the Demon Locking Tower, so he doesn't need to go down layer by layer from the top floor, he goes directly to the bottom floor.

The soul of the Azure Dragon Supreme was locked in this layer. When it saw Xia Qingkong, its illusory soul body trembled suddenly. This damn human was going to torture itself again.

These days, Xia Qingkong spends half of his time here spending his power of law. If it continues like this, it will be wiped out sooner or later, but there is no way to save itself, and all that is left is despair.

However, what Qinglong Supreme did not expect was that Xia Qingkong did not go up directly today, but went around behind it.

There was a girl sitting cross-legged in that place, looking at it with her chin in one hand. The girl has been here for two days, brought by Xia Qingkong. At first Qinglong thought she had something special, but so far the girl has done nothing but stare at it in a daze, and it doesn't know what she has. special.

"Zisu." Xia Qingkong waved his hand in front of the girl.

Huo Zisu, who was staring at Qinglong Supreme in a daze, suddenly came back to his senses, as if he had just discovered Xia Qingkong: "Ah! Immortal brother!"

"Can you please stop calling me that? It's so shameful." Xia Qingkong was a little embarrassed. When others call him lord, lord or king, he thinks it's okay, but this fairy brother is really hard to resist, and he always thinks of his fairy sister.

"Then the fairy father?"

"Is this the point? Forget it, let's call it whatever you like, right?" Xia Qingkong was completely speechless, "Did you see anything?"

Huo Zisu has been leveling up in the Demon Locking Tower since he changed his profession and became a hero unit, and has never gone out. Xia Qingkong showed her all the secrets and techniques he had collected, and asked her to combine them with hundreds of classics to create her own techniques. The effect was quite good. She created many good techniques and techniques. However, I don't know if it was influenced by the Heroic Soul. The techniques she created were all life-threatening techniques that could kill one thousand enemies and damage eight hundred, and they were not universal at all.

Later, Xia Qingkong was bored when he was annihilating the Azure Dragon Supreme, so he brought her here to see if his 11-point enlightenment could gain anything from it.

Huo Zisu replied: "I don't know if I can tell. Although this dragon is in the form of a soul, it has a nose and eyes. It seems to be exactly the same as the original body, but it has become translucent. I was just thinking about that. Are its muscles and bones the same as its original body? Now that it has become translucent, can I not directly observe its body structure?"

Xia Qingkong nodded in approval and said, "It's a good idea, what next?"

"Then I created this move myself." Huo Zisu pulled out the Year Wheel and slashed at the soul of the Azure Dragon Supreme.

The latter's soul was instantly cut into two pieces through the air, and a humanized "confusion" appeared on the huge dragon's face. what happened? This little human is obviously not even at level 5, so how can she have the ability to cut through her own soul?

No matter how miserable it is, it is still level 7! One drop of blood is enough to kill Emperor Wu. If Xia Qingkong hadn't locked it, it would have been able to sweep across Longyuan Realm even if only its soul was left.

But it was cut into two pieces by a little girl, and it was shocked to find that its soul without substance could not heal immediately. It was outrageous! It feels like a praying mantis actually blocked a carriage with its own arms. How is this possible? ?

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