My beast conquers everything

Chapter 78 Circular Arena

Su Chen spent the entire afternoon leaning against the big tree.

The body cannot move, and can only quietly operate the "Golden Body Hegemony Technique" to repair.

But in the final analysis, "Golden Body Hegemony Art" is just a training method, not a healing method.

The healing ability is just incidental.

There is some use for being weak now, but when the strength becomes strong later, this healing function will be useless.

In the past, Su Chen could refresh some tasks and get some healing elixirs. This is easier to use.

Things from the fantasy world should be regarded as magic medicine.

Since it is a miracle medicine, maybe one pill will be effective. If you take a few more pills, you will spiral to heaven.

Hehe, just dream, there is everything in the dream.

The top priority is to quickly regain mobility.

Damn it, my butt is numb!


The next morning, Su Chen woke up from his sleep.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was still a small flame.

Xiao Huo Miao felt like a nanny, caring for Su Chen in every possible way.

When you are thirsty, there is a small flame to pour water; when you are hungry, there is a small flame to prepare food.

Um! This jungle vacation is so comfortable!

But Su Chen is not a waste, how can we enjoy comfort so much!

Get up and move quickly.

After lying there all night, I couldn't feel my buttocks.

Under the guidance of Xiao Huo Miao, Su Chen came to yesterday's battlefield.

The body of the black-backed ape was completely unrecognizable, but it was still vaguely identifiable.

It seems that after being killed instantly by Little Flame yesterday, the smell of blood attracted nearby predators.

At over three meters tall, it makes a good dinner.

Su Chen was afraid.

Fortunately, it was not him who died, otherwise he would not be able to accept that he would not be able to rest in peace after his death, and would be chewed beyond recognition by those predators.

After observing for a while, Su Chen found the right direction and continued moving forward.

I can't handle the second level, so I can only practice with the first level first.

Su Chen couldn't understand why he was still so rubbish even though he had already gone through the third level of body training. Is it my own problem? Or is it a question of technique?

In fact, there is no problem with anyone. The only problem is that Su Chen's thinking is wrong.

After all, no matter how powerful the technique is, it still needs to be practiced to a high and deep level.

No matter how powerful your martial arts is, you have to practice it well enough to kill a tiger.

Not talking about dose, talking about toxicity is just hooliganism.

There is absolutely no problem with the technique.

This is an excellent book.

It's just that Su Chen is just learning this technique for the first time, and it's just a small third level of body training.

There is of course a huge gap between him and the second-order black-backed ape who has experienced hundreds of battles and has grown up in the troll forest since birth.

Physical exercise, as the name suggests, only improves the overall physical fitness of the whole body, but it is far from reaching the point of punching a tiger or tearing apart a giant bear with your hands.

Forging the body is just the foundation, just like laying the foundation when building a house. Only if the foundation is solid, the building will not collapse when the house is built later.

The same goes for cultivation. Only when you have laid a solid foundation can you perfectly break through to the next stage, so that your foundation will not be weak and you will not be able to control this power.

After talking about the exercises, let’s talk about practical experience.

It can't be said that Su Chen has no practical experience now! In fact, it is almost equal to zero.

It's just a simple practice of skills. If you can't fully display your strength, it's just a decoration.

The only way to deal with the giant beasts in the Troll Forest is to take your time, start from the bottom, and challenge little by little.

The third level of body training is pretty good. Ordinary first-order behemoths don't have this kind of physical fitness. First, practice with a first-order behemoth to gain some practical experience.

When the actual combat experience points are full, the cultivation level has improved.

Even if the hard power is not as good as that of the second-level black-backed ape, if you encounter it again, you can still do it by dealing with it.

Instead of being beaten to death through a layer of super armor like now.

Shame on you!

Su Chen was not a fool. He walked and thought all the way, and finally thought of the key to the problem.

Since you can't beat the second level one, don't rush, start from the first level and take your time!

Su Chen still remembered the green wood wolves he met when he came to the Troll Forest before.

That is an excellent training object.

I remember that at the beginning, I didn't have the "Golden Body Hegemony". I just relied on my natural ability and the feedback from the beast, which made my physical fitness far higher than the same level, and I was able to fight against the Aoki Wolf.

The average Green Wood Wolf is no match for him. One on one, Su Chen is invincible.

What Su Chen was thinking about was to find another group of Green Wood Wolves. Anyway, now that he had Little Flame and Shiyan Beast as bodyguards, his safety could be guaranteed.

When the time comes, let Shiyan Beast build a circle of earth walls around him as a gladiatorial arena.

Separate the Aoki wolves outside, and you are inside, randomly selecting lucky ones to go through life and death training.

"That's right, let's do it!"

Think of it and do it.

Su Chen quickly located the location of the Qingmu wolves through the marching ant king, and then ran towards the target Sayazi.

It's only about ten kilometers away.

Although it was in the jungle, it would affect the speed a little, but it didn't matter much. Su Chen arrived in half an hour.

At this time, the Aoki wolves were gathering together to enjoy a delicious meal.

The wolf king is superior and enjoys the priority to enjoy food and mate.

The entire wolf pack will act based on the wolf king's eyes.

So a bunch of wolf boys are complimenting and fawning over this leading wolf!

In the past, this Green Wood Wolf King was definitely a wealthy landlord.

Damn, I need to be beaten hard.

Su Chen winked at Xiao Huo Miao.

Little Flame understood.

A small rocket landed in the center of the wolves.


A fierce red light flashed, interrupting the Aoki wolves that were eating.

In the center of the explosion lay several charred Aokilang corpses.

Dead as hell.

The Qingmu wolves looked at this scene, then suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't want to hide at first, but since he was discovered, he simply jumped out.

Provocation, this is a naked provocation to the wolves and to the majesty of the wolf king himself.

This boy has a very bad conscience.

Lost conscience.

Didn't you see us eating?

How can we eat once your shells come down?

How can you have the strength to work if you don't have enough to eat?

You must die.

This is the inner thought of King Aoki Wolf at this moment.

Su Chen seemed to understand the eyes of the Green Wood Wolf King and the thoughts of the Green Wood Wolf King.

He raised his buttocks and patted it with his hands, signaling with his eyes.

If you have the guts, come and bite me!

Ah ah!

Aoki Wolf King directly broke through the defense.


After gathering the troops, the entire wolf pack rushed towards Su Chen.


Halfway through the rush, a high wall suddenly rose up from the ground.

Unable to dodge, many Aokiwolves had no time to brake and crashed straight into the high wall.

For a while, there were screams one after another.

This high wall has a circular design.

The top is open to the sky and the bottom is fifteen meters in diameter.

This caliber is just right, especially suitable for combat.

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