My beast Emperor System

Chapter 112: Life of a leader(1)

Lucien entered the castle and went straight to the closest room he could find and laid down. His head was spinning, making him feel a bit dizzy and weak.

"Status" Lucien muttered with a little effort.

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 3rd sky of the human realm]

[Spirit realm: 1st sky of the warrior realm]

[Emperor points: 1000]

[HP: 10/110]

[MP: 10/150]

[SP: 10/100]

[Condition: weakened state]

[Exp: 7000]

Gazing at this Lucien frowned. It seems the system needed to draw some power from him just to complete the upgrading process without warning him. Considering all the time spent with the system, Lucien could help but admit that the system is a bit flawed and lacks a lot.

[Upgrading the system and most of these issues can be resolved] Rakuzen replied calmly.

Although he could tell why Lucien was angry, he couldn't get annoyed as well. How dare a mortal look down on his greatest creation. He knew the reason why the system was designed like this was to force the host to upgrade it for better services. The more upgrades the user makes, the more he and the system fuse, giving Rakuzen greater access to his mind and soul. This was set up in expectations that the person who gets the system would be a peerless expert but Rakuzen never expected the one to get the system would be weak so all those preparations were for nothing.

Lucien didn't pay much attention to Rakuzen's words so he just concluded he would try and lessen his dependency on the system. After spending an entire year locked down, Lucien couldn't help but moan lightly the moment his body hit the bed, his vision faded and he slept peacefully.

An unknown time passed and when Lucien woke up, he felt completely refreshed. His body felt lighter and his mana felt thicker.

'Did I have a breakthrough while I was sleeping?' Lucien muttered.

"Status!" He called out coldly

[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 4th sky of the human realm]

[Spirit realm: 1st sky of the warrior realm]

[Emperor points: 1000]

[HP: 60/120]

MP: 100/200]

[SP: 50/100]

[Condition: weakened state]

[Exp: 7000]

Seeing this Lucien felt overjoyed but he controlled his facial expression and calmed down. He has been training himself to restrain and hide his emotions for a while now, that way it makes dealing with people easier.

He tried to touch his hot face only to realized he slept with his mask on. Smiling bitterly he pulled the ma's off and walked into the bathroom to wash his face. After that, Lucien changed his clothe and left the room! He wore his standard silver kimono and with his hands placed behind he walked towards the lowest floor.

Moving down the stairs he noticed the loud sounds making him raise an eyebrow but that didn't affect his mood at all, it only made him a bit curious.


The people gathered at the entrance of the castle, gazing at the large entrance and the king tier magic beast walking around the first floor with an apprehensive look on its face. They could tell that the magic beast had high intelligence but they didn't know how to approach it. Since this is the living place of their lord, they dare not enter since they were not yet sure the type of person their lord is.

"It had to be you…" Lucien's cold voice entered the ears of these people.

They were expecting to see an aged man but instead what they saw was a youth barely up to fifteen walking down the stairs with a calm look on his face. His eyes were cold, carrying a hint of killing intentions with them, making people avoid eye contact each time they look at him.

Lucien was a bit stunned by Rupture's sudden appearance. He didn't think the cold and ferocious magic beast would take the initiative to look for him.

"Get down here… How can you sleep for so long! You lazy piece of shit;n" Rupture growled but Lucien only chuckled at his provocation.

"How long was I out?" Lucien asked casually as he walked towards Rupture fearlessly.

"An entire day!" Rupture said causing Lucien to frown.

He was unconscious for an entire day? It seems he was more exhausted than he expected.

"I guess using the creation authority got me drained considerably" Lucien said with a frown.

He couldn't believe that after resting for twenty-four hours he only recovered half of his stats.

At that moment the elderly chief of the town bowed at the entrance and apologized.

"I am sorry, I couldn't stop it from disturbing your rest!" the old man said fearfully.

Originally, everyone thought Lucien was as old as instructor Han because they were practically the same height and he gave off a matured vibe but after seeing his young face without his mask, they realized he was only slightly over fourteen. He heard of noble family kids getting titles and becoming ruthless. He assumed Lucien only got the Baron title through his family background and may be as ruthless as people say in those stories. The others thought the same and couldn't help but bow as well while apologizing.

"These people are scared of you... you don't look scary" Rupture commented calmly, making Lucien frown.

He naturally understood the line of thoughts of these people and he found it offensive that they would just assume he's like that without giving him a chance to showcase his true nature but he didn't take it to heart. Either way, these people felt their hearts skip a beat the moment Lucien frowned! They may have angered him!


Lucien's figure vanished and he reappeared in front of these people with a cold look in his eyes. His hands gently tapped the shoulder of the old man causing the man to shiver but after noticing Lucien had no intentions of harming him, he calmed down and looked Lucien in the face.

"You are old… You will only end up hurting yourself if you keep doing this" Lucien's voice may have lacked any form of emotions but it wants cruel at least. All those who heard it believed that he meant those words.

"Come with me… all of you" Lucien said and then turned and left.

On the ground floor of the castle was a pair of two large golden doors. Behind those doors is the courtroom filled with the statues of a Chinese serpent dragon. Rupture walking behind Lucien realized he found these statues familiar, it was the godly being living within Lucien. Rakuzen.

Everyone watched as Lucien walked slowly towards the throne. When he sat down he slowly raised his hand and a blue serpent dragon mask appeared in his hand. The moment his face was covered, Lucien's aura instantly turned cold and deadly. With Rupture standing behind him, he gave off a majestic yet tyrannic vibe with made his subjects sweat profusely. Even though Lucien noticed this, he didn't bother himself with minor things. He casually stretched his hands and pointed towards the old man.

"The list of people here… their clans… is it done?" Lucien's tone was a bit threatening yet calm at the same time.

Even the King tier magic beast standing behind him couldn't help but feel anxious about the clashing personalities. He didn't know whether it was the mask that was causing this or maybe Lucien is crazy.

"Yes!" The old man stuttered and dashed forward.

When he was at the stairs leading to the higher platform where the throne was located, he bowed and stretched his hands forward, revealing a scroll, this left Lucien helpless! Was he supposed to stand and collect the scroll, or send Rupture?

Looking at Rupture, he knew if he tried to order the king tier beast around, a fight will break out here, that's just how the mighty magic beast is.

"Hear my call!" Lucien's eyes let out a yellow light as he aimed to summon the flame pup but when it appeared it was something even he didn't expect.

"A flame wheel hound? Did the flame pup advance in its cultivation?" Lucien muttered in shock. Luckily his face was completely covered so no one could tell he too was shocked.

The flame wheel hound was the size of a wolf but it had a thick orange fur with countless black stripes all over its body like a tiger. Its face and limbs were covered in flames, giving it a ferocious look. The moment it saw Lucien the flames around it vanished as it barked and wiggled its tails.

"Little guy" Lucien took his mask off and got off the throne.

He crouched and let the magic beast jump into his embrace. The main reason he didn't summon it this past year was simply because he didn't want the magic beast anywhere near him while he's in the dungeon. He didn't want the cheerful little flame pup to see him in such a condition since it might break its heart.

The flame wheel hound, turned its attention to rupture standing behind the throne. It kept gazing at the king-tier magic beast for a while.


Making that sound it looked away! Seeing this Lucien couldn't help but laugh heartily!

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