My beast Emperor System

Chapter 131: The Hunt

"Hunt? What makes you think I want to be a part of this little skirmish?" Lucien asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yes, students were getting hurt because of him and even some died because of him but does that mean he has to bother about it. He fought for this empire and this is just the aftermath. If they can't handle it, they only have themselves to blame.

"Amongst the casualties are Hex and Brian… their condition is quite bad" Dean Xio said those words so calmly that it felt like he isn't Hex's family.

"Their team was sent to help recover a few badly hurt students, unfortunately, they were ambushed and their partner died... They barely made it out with their life" Dean Xio added casually.

Hearing this Lucien flinched, he may hate the entire empire but these two were his real friends before everything went down. He couldn't remember their faces anymore because he has been too distracted to find them.

"Where?" Lucien asked coldly.

"Just go past the western walls and keep moving…. Those bastards will find you and most likely ambush you" Dean Xio laughed cruelly as he said those words. Lucien didn't need to turn towards his direction to know he must have been wearing an evil grin.

Who would have thought the Dean of the entire Fotia academy is a vengeful person. He most likely came here because of Hex! Pushing his pride aside and asking Lucien for help.

"What if I meet capable of defeating me… What happens if I get hurt or worse even killed" Lucien asked coldly but Dean Xio only chuckled and got on his feet.

"You are the strongest person I know in the academy" He answered calmly while walking towards the door.

"Surely you are pulling my legs… Amongst the third and fourth years here, there are many more capable than most noble clan heads" Lucien said with a bitter smile on his face.

He knew the true strength of the Fotia empire. The pride of the empire lies in the younger generation. Amongst them are many geniuses with more potentials far beyond the older generation. Many spirit realm masters can be found amongst them.

"They are strong but you are capable… You get things done because you are more resourceful... If I send them out I would also have to worry about their safety but you are different… With you I never have to worry about anything… even if a champion realm expert comes for you, you can still give them the slip" Dean Xio said as he opened the door. After saying this, he gave Lucien a nod and just walked out of the room.

Seeing this Lucien frowned slightly and started at the food before walking towards his room. He refused to lock the doors since they can be unlocked by the Crux.


[You only took the job because you want to test your abilities right?] Rakuzen laughed.

"Hex and Brian are one of the most talented people I know… We have been together for a while so I know what they are capable of… They are only slightly weaker than me… If someone is able to defeat those two together then it means that they must be extraordinary… In normal circumstances, I would love to avoid fights like that. But this time is an exception" Lucien answered casually. He wore the same sleeveless silver mage robe and blue azure dragon mask. He didn't want to look too intimidating so he didn't bring any more weapons. He decided to fly above the clouds and thanks to the great sight of the Argo magic beast, he could see distant things so clearly it felt he wasn't far.

After a twenty-minute flight, Lucien spotted a team of six hiding in the thick forest surrounding the area and a vicious smile bloomed on his face.


He dispelled his wind rider spell and began free falling.


The team of six was too focused on the path below. People needed to move through these paths If they wished to reach the main route leading to other places. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard behind them, causing them to jump and their feet and turn to see the invader. They were expecting overly powerful enemies but what they saw was a silver-haired kid wearing a blue dragon mask. He looked harmless and weak but strangely he gave off no aura so they couldn't tell his power level. This youth could be considered the most mysterious person they have seen.

"Who the hell is this guy!" a burly-looking man with green hair asked with a slight frown on his face. He failed to understand how why his instincts were asking him to run!

Faced with this he didn't know how to react, neither did the other five.

"The rest of you… where are they hiding?" The masked silver-haired man asked with a calm tone. Looking through the small holes on the mask all they could see were cold ruthless eyes.

Lucien's words struck them like lightning forcing them to freeze. Most of them were even too scared to breathe! The sun was already setting and Lucien's shadow expanded, revealing the shadows of numerous magic beasts of various levels.

"Who the hell are you?" The Burly man seemed to be the leader of the team of six so he had to step up and ask the question.

But the silver-haired man did not answer, instead, he glanced around lazily after which his body flashed. In an instant, the silver-haired youth who vanished appeared in front of him, throwing a weak-looking punch!

The burly man frowned as he saw this! A man who dedicated himself to physical training for over four years, he could be considered as one of the physically strong humans in the Libet empire! He was afraid of Lucien's powers and not strength!



The moment the fist connected, his eyes yanked open as it shot back like a rocket, smashing into it and shattering it in the process!

He rolled a couple of times before stopping. The other five watched with horrified expressions on their faces as the burly man struggled to rise on his feet. No one would have ever thought a day would come when they will meet an enemy powerful enough to contest with their leader in terms of physical strength!

This young looking youth seemed looked like he sent him flying so easily, they found it stunning. He didn't look like he used any special technique in his attack, they can tell it was only a normal punch. At first, they were shocked but later they found it reasonable. Someone who was able to descend from above and land with his feet, creating a meter deep crater is definitely not normal.

The question now is who is this kid?

'The strength of the Lanka is more stunning than expected… I didn't think it would be this amazing for a low-tier magic beast with a lousy bloodline' Lucien cursed in his mind without reserves. He had a cold look on his face but what stunned him more was the fact that the Burly looking man took a direct hit from him and was actually able to get on his feet the next moment.

"Students from the Libet empire are really something… This explains why we have been losing ground in these puny fights" Lucien said as he took bold steps forward.

Hearing his words, the faces of all six students turned grim, and only then did they see the phoenix symbol on his silver robe!

"He's a Fotia academy student!" The burly man said with a deep frown.

Even if the masked man is a Fotia academy student, he is still too young! At most he would be in the second year, so why is he this strong?

"You the reason for all of this, right? A person named Lucien killed members of the expedition group of your empire… He was jailed for a year and finally, when it was time for him to receive punishment for his actions, he was awarded a noble title and given his own territory…" Lucien spoke lightly.

As he spoke, anger could be seen on the faces of these people, it was obvious they knew of the story and that's why they are here trying to repay the favor! Most likely their empire will act like they are not aware of this and let them kill as many Fotia empire students as possible! Lucien soon understood that whatever is going on now will probably end this night. The Libet empire is trying to retaliate by killing many of the Fotia empire's little geniuses, directly affecting the growth of the empire.

"We know of the story and that is why we are here!" the burly man growled.

It is extremely surprising that he is strong enough to talk like this after taking a serious hit from Lucien. This made Lucien conclude that this world is too vast! No matter how strong a person is, he will always meet someone stronger!

"I am that person!" Lucien declared coldly while his aura exploded!

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