My beast Emperor System

Chapter 165: The real threat!

Lucien watched as the massive azure Chinese serpent dragon charged towards him at full speed! Seeing a familiar face who he has depended on for a long while, Lucien felt emotions welling up in him. He had come to the underworld thinking he is all alone and that was the reason why he fought as hard as he could. Even if he couldn't make a name for himself in the world of the living, Lucien wanted to leave a mark in the underworld before his permanent demise! The appearance of the God of death marked his final ending but even then he wasn't scared, he planned to throw all he had at Death's attack, dying while knowing fully well that he did his best.

"I… I NEVER GAVE UP!" Lucien's voice was shaky as he screamed those words at the blue dragon just a few meters above him!


The Chinese serpent dragon suddenly exploded into a body of sky blue mist and from it a figure emerged, landing gracefully. The figure was over 6ft tall with ridiculously long sky blue hair with bright blue eyes and a nose ring put on. He had the tattoo of a blue serpent dragon on the right side of his face and his skin had strange cracks that made him look like he had dragon scales with his bright blue kimono fluttering gracefully as he descended.

"I know… You never let me down, even in death… After watching you struggle through your eye, how could I not risk my life to save the soul of my precious successor?" Rakuzen said with an ethereal voice while touching Lucien's cheeks gently with his hands and only then did Lucien realize that his nails were painted blue as well.

Hearing those words, his bad boy act almost collapsed but he struggled really hard to keep up a strong image for the sake of Rakuzen in the presence of a fellow god. He struggled and got on his feet while Rakuzen watched him doing this, giving him an approving nod before turning his attention on the god of death!

The moment he gazed at the lanky pale youth, his facial expression turned fierce causing the god of death to take a step back in fear!

"You dare try to lay a hand on my successor? What happened eternity got boring?" Rakuzen said coldly as he used his body to shield Lucien from his gaze. 

His blue nails soon began expanding, slowly becoming claws and fangs could be seen growing in his mouth while his skin was turning a little bit blue!

"Your successor? That explains a lot! Only someone with such a close relationship with the god of gods Rakuzen can enter my underworld and swagger about without restraint!" The god of death said with an understanding expression.

"But since you are here, don't even bother leaving!"  The god of death's expression suddenly turned fierce as he pulled his hand down and the massive skull began descending quickly!

"YOU!!!!" Rakuzen growled viciously as his body released a blue light and a massive azure Chinese serpent dragon shot out of his body, letting out a loud cry before charging towards Rakuzen!

It quickly assumed the shape of a dragon spear, falling into Rakuzen's hands as he leaped up towards the attack with a grave look on his face!


Lucien's voice stunned both Rakuzen and death and they couldn't help but watched Lucien recreate Rakuzen's actions using the faceless and leaping up towards the massive death skull descending from above! Seeing this a smile bloomed on Rakuzen's face and he got a bit more excited!

"Hahahahaha! Just this one kid! Just this once I will let you fight by my side!" Rakzuen laughed madly as he and Lucien began spinning their spears releasing a sea of blue flames twisting and turning viciously like an unsettling sea!

While Lucien's flame was like a match stick compared to a wildfire when put in comparison with that of Rakuzen he didn't look disturbed or discouraged! Instead, he kept pouring his all into that attack!


The realm of the dead shook violently as both sides clashed viciously!

Lucien could only see their blue flames striking hard at the massive skull and for a moment he blacked out but the next moment when he regained consciousness, he realized he was in Rakuzen's arm who was breathing heavily and had a frown on his face.

Staying so close to Rakuzen, Lucien finally noticed animal tattoos all over his body but all these magic beasts were beasts he was unfamiliar with. On the neck of the blue-haired expert, Lucien saw the tattoo of a man with the head of an eagle and two pairs of eagle wings, stunning him! This is the tattoo of the Raizen god beast! To have this tattoo meant Rakuzen must have slain a Raizen magic beast that reached the god level. Whether the slain god beast is the one they serve or not is something Lucien couldn't tell but considering the fact that they can create a link with the Raizen god beast, Lucien knew the god beast that birthed their clan must still be alive.

"Hahahahaha! I knew it! I don't know how you are still alive but your current strength is not up to one-tenth of what it used to be! If it were in the past I would be trembling in my boots, scared of you! Even when we all gathered to put you down, we were all scared shit and many of us were pessimistic about the operation, we really thought we will fail!" The god of death laughed hysterically, not caring about his image at all.

Hearing this, Lucien was stunned and he couldn't help but look at the indifferent look on Rakuzen's face. At this point, he couldn't help but wonder how strong Rakuzen use to be back then to make the ruler of the underworld openly admit he used to be scared of him!

How strong is a celestial being?

"Right now an even worse plague is about to befall our god vein…" Rakuzen said calmly, not bothering himself with the other god's taunts.

Hearing this and seeing how serious Rakuzen was, the god of death stopped laughing and turned serious.

"What do you mean?" The god of death asked calmly.

"As a celestial being, I am a rank above the realm protector… I know what going on in the realm right now… All I can say is that the most brutal god that has ever come into existence is coming for this world… He is a being who has swallowed up the power of his own fellow gods and that of the older gods that came before him! The one responsible for the death of the current realm protector and probably the new realm protector of this realm! He is coming for our god vein and I can assure you, this man… No, beast of a man will deal a major blow to the current gods of this realm… Your death is almost imminent at his hands since you play the same role as him!" Rakuzen said coldly and this time he was frowning.

Seeing this even the god of death couldn't help but feel anxious. He has known the strength of Rakuzen and this old monster is not the type to acknowledge someone easily unless they are really extraordinary. He saw no reason for Rakuzen and as a former celestial being, Rakuzen had no reason to lie his way out of a difficult situation! Even Gods have some pride!

"What role does he play?" The god of death asked with a somewhat shaky voice. Lucien couldn't tell if he was scared or just angry since everything was hidden under the indifferent face.

"He is the God of death in his own god vein but due to his reputation, he was given the title, god of death and destruction by the beyond and the other gods in his god vein! He nurtured his power and strength through wars and endless! Starting from nothing and reaching the true god realm in less than two decades! If I were to fight him at the same cultivation realm, I will definitely lose my life." Rakuzen answered truthfully, making even Lucien tremble in fear as he tried to wonder what kind of being the Rakuzen was talking about.

"GIVE ME A NAME!!!!!" The god of death screamed at the top of his voice making the entire realm tremble badly but Rakzuen didn't seem bothered.

"Know it that once I call his name, he will become aware of our discussion here and he will be able to find this location!" Rakuzen warned.


Seeing this Rakuzen only shook his head in response, in his opinion, this young god is acting impulsively and doesn't know there are beings far more powerful than he thinks.

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