My beast Emperor System

Chapter 168: Famous!

As soon as Lucien was done saying that he turned his attention towards Aponi and his gaze turned so cold with murderous intentions surging out uncontrollably, even Alice jumped off his body in fright! After returning from the underworld, Lucien's soul has been greatly affected by the aura of the underworld making his soul undergo a terrifying change.

Rakuzen gazed at Lucien's soul and on them were countless tattoos belonging to the thousands of demonic beings he murdered down there. Originally people couldn't see this on his body but when he got pissed his normal beast assimilated tattoos vanished and the new ones appeared. But unlike his original tattoos, these ones were life-like and roamed around his body without restraint.

Seeing the countless tattoos on his body giving out chilling cries of pain and sorrow, even Klaus and the Emperor were terrified. Lucien's silver aura turned black at that moment, taking the shape of a massive skull over his head and causing the room to tremble violently.

"Because of the dumb actions of you and your people, I ended up dying a worthless death… I was dragged into the underworld! I fought borders of demonic beings until my body couldn't handle the power of the demonic beasts surging into my body! I bleed from my eyes for the second time! I encountered death and almost had my soul obliterated because of you all! All because you all are just damn stupid" Lucien growled as his body shot out of the bed and into the air. Unknown to his eyes were blood-red while dark cracks began appearing all over his skin.

He could feel some strange force pushing his anger to the extreme. It felt like his emotions are consuming him, making it hard for him to think. At this point, his shadow had spread across the entire room and from it, demonic beasts of various shapes were crawling out slowly with their murderous gaze pinned on Aponi. The old man was too terrified to even apologize or run. Even the emperor was frozen in fear as they gazed at the new Lucien and wondered if they will be attacked too!

"Lucien!" Rakuzen's weak voice echoed in his head and at that moment, Lucien snapped out of his rage and his shadow returned to his body, forcing all the demonic beasts to vanish!


Lucien let out a heavy sigh and returned to his bed and sat there. His eyes carried no emotions as he gazed at Aponi and said.

"You all serve Rakuzen… Keep it that way… for his sake, I will give you all a second chance. When next this sort of mistake repeats itself… I won't hesitate to wipe out the entire clan… Do you understand?" Lucien said coldly as Aponi shivered fearfully while shaking his head.

Without hesitation, the old man speed-walked out of the room with the support of his walking cane and Lucien didn't bother to give him a final glance. His death made him realize a lot of this. In this world, at least eighty percent of the population are just dumb and stupid! They are only slightly better than animals and in most cases, they are no better than animals. If Rakuzen was still a celestial being with unimaginable power, their act of praying to him can incur the wrath of the god on him and the people. The fact that these people don't think things through before doing something filled Lucien with disgust and he had no intentions of hiding it.

"You don't have to worry about me... I am okay... In fact, I have never felt better!" Lucien said as he gazed at the reluctant emperor.

Seeing this the emperor nodded but Klaus was still unsure of what to make out of the new Lucien. As a paladin he could tell with his eyes that Lucien hasn't been possessed by any demonic being, the only problem now is that his soul has been tainted by the power of the underworld, making it difficult for the youth to deal with his emotions. Luckily Lucien has never been the type to show too many emotions. He only showed his emotions when necessary.

"Your people are mourning your demise… Let them know that their leader is someone even death could not hold!" The emperor finally calmed down and spoke up making Lucien smile.

He turned his attention to instructor Han who approached and placed his hand on his shoulder and with an eye filled with worry, he said these words.

"Do go about dying when we need you the most kid… You broke our fragile hearts today and made our enemies rejoice... Go on champ! Show the entire empire you have returned… Let them know what true fear feels like! The Emperor will not fall!" Instructor Han said with so many emotions that Lucien felt his blood boiling.


Lucien exploded into a bolt of black lightning as he darted out of the room through the window, shooting towards the skies. His body shot into the air as his eyes let out bolts of lightning! The clear night turned dark as dark clouds blocked the moon catching the attention of every cultivator within the empire since they could feel the enormous amount of mana surging in the air.

"DID YOU THINK LUCIEN RAKUZEN WILL DIE SO EASILY? HAHAHAHAHAHA! I AM LUCIEN RAKUZEN, THE MAN WHO KILLED LUKAS RAIZEN! DEATH CANNOT HOLD ME" Lucien growled at the top of his voice as he struck the sky with flurries of punches releasing series of explosive sounds that made many shivers.

Black lightning surged out of his body, shooting into the clouds, and when it descended it took the form of the Rakuzen! The citizens of Bradford town cheered uncontrollably, as their invincible master showcased his strength! Even death couldn't hold this man they serve, doesn't that mean their future with him as his subordinates are boundless? In just a few minutes after Lucien appeared people began dashing out into the streets chanting his name until the streets of the Bradford town were filled.

Meanwhile, the section of the territory belonging to the spirit cultivators was extremely silent. After Aponi briefed them on Lucien's words earlier they were too terrified of him to even show their faces!

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