My beast Emperor System

Chapter 200: Victory in defeat

Lucien kept gazing at the Leader of the creed organization with a slight frown on his face. As much as he would love to leave here and forget everything he has seen today, he knew he couldn't unless the man said so.

"How do you know what's all of this... how can I be sure that this is not all a ruse?" Lucien asked with a frown on his face.

"The arrival of the death god to this world left the gods or our continent defeated and many injured... If you believe that in this world only one set of gods exist then you are wrong... This world is so vast even a realm protector like the one that killed your emperor could not see everything! With the gods of our side weakened and our backing gone... It's only natural for them to take over while their gods deal with ours... This time, our gods will not leave unscathed if they don't recover their strength on time" The creed leader said with a sigh, causing Lucien to frown.

There are too many things this man just said that he is unable to understand. The gods cannot directly interfere with the realm of mortals due to the god vein but that does not stop them from trying by using the god's descent. Lucien didn't know much but the fact that these gods are yet to attack the weakened gods of their continent means that the god vein also has measures set up to prevent them from doing so.

The only loophole now is the mortals now. If the believers of the Raizen god beasts are to be wiped out, doesn't that mean the god's source of faith power is cut off, making a full recovery impossible?

"I knew you were sharp... Your thoughts are on point" The creed leader commented making Lucien shiver in fear!

This man can read his mind? What the hell is this man or is this related to his pathway? At this point, Lucien decided to be more careful with his thoughts around this man but the man just chuckled at his thoughts and stopped paying attention to them.

"Gods need a constant intake of faith power to maintain their existence or at least grow in strength... Once a person reaches the demigod realm and above, mana is of no use to them anymore. They can only feed off the faith of those who believe in him and that's their only source of strength and probably existence. That's why gods cause minor events that force the weak to bend their knees and pray to them... the greatest fear of a god is to be forgotten" The man explained, leaving Lucien a bit stunned as the full picture crossed finally popped up before his eyes.

If these people can invade and use the god's descent to enter the realm of mortals and subdue all the forces of the continent, forcing them to pray to them, doesn't that mean that it's only a matter of time before their gods vanish?

"Why should I care about what happens to the gods? We owe them nothing" Lucien argued and the man agreed.

Their gods are not actually role models neither have they done anything impactful to positively affect the lives of those under them so it's only natural that Lucien hates them and does not wish to get involved with them but then this has more to it.

"Gods do not care about mortals and toy with them whenever necessary... I refuse to be one of their playthings, neither will I let my fate be decided by a being who I know nothing about... For this, to work I need a unified continent and as much power of faith as possible... If I can reach the god realm there is a chance" The man said with a grave look on his face but Lucien wasn't impressed! He knew that this man was their best shot at surviving but not their only choice. Seeing how deranged and fanatic members of the Creed are, Lucien was sure if this man got what he wanted the continent will be thrown into chaos by the same man claiming he wishes to save it.

"I refuse! The continent belongs to us and us alone... if you wish to fight and make it yours be my guest but don't expect us to just hand it over without a fight..." Lucien said coldly and then shut his mouth before continuing.

"Thank you for telling me what is to come and it's okay... I don't intend to lie on the ground and wait for death... I will make sure my people are ready" Lucien said, expecting this man to get annoyed but the man still wore the same gentle smile on his face.

He tapped the silver cloud once again and more images appeared. It was images of the people falling on their knees and praying to him. The invasion had started and when the empires got destroyed the only ones these people could rely on are the only ones capable of fighting against the enemy and only the Creed can do that. When that happened they had no choice but to sit and pray to the demigod amongst them, granting him all the power of faith needed. But what Lucien couldn't understand was that the images were blurry and the scene kept trying to change.

Gazing at this Lucien realized two things. The Creed leader is from the seer pathway and that explains why he can see into the future and tell about the events about to happen! The next thing he understood was that this future this man just showed was not certain since the images kept shifting like they shouldn't be there

"There is no absolute in this life... No future is certain! You should know this too as a seer" Lucien finally spoke up making the man frown for the first time since they met.

There are uncertainties and the only reason he couldn't see himself in that future this man showed is simply because the man couldn't see his future! That explains why he wants Lucien on his side since he cannot tell his future.

"You cannot reach me... That's why you want me on your side... something is wrong with you and that's why you can only speak to me in this manner... You could have come out in the open and have the entire world see your awesomeness, subdue them with strength but you couldn't because you just can't... Are you hurt? Are you sealed? Do you need our faith to strengthen yourself enough to break free? I get it now... You cannot see my future and sing I have become such an influential figure you want me on your side... That way you can draw more people to your side? Or do you simply want the power of the celestial being lying dormant within me? The answer to this question is simple! You will never get it! NOW, LEAVE MY MIND!" Lucien growled as a pair of reptilian blue eyes yanked open behind him and the creed leader turned pale in fear and the dark world crumbled violently.



Lucien yanked his eyes open to see a crumbling anomaly and numerous deceased spirit beasts lying on the floor lifeless. Gazing at what should have been his final moment Lucien was stunned and when he got on his feet he noticed the only standing figure staggering weakly!

It was the bald head champion realm master covered in blood. His mana circuits have been damaged badly and his robes were covered in blood. He was bleeding from all openings on his face and looked more haggard than usual.

Lucien knew his final attack is not enough to deal this much damage, making him wonder what happened.

"I went out of line and the lord punished me! Hahahahaha! He is so just and righteous!" The bald man laughed hysterically and only then did Lucien realize what happened.

This man was sent to capture him and not kill him! Before he could deal the last blow, the creed leader must have stopped him by using the same technique gods use on mortals who have a strong link with them

God's descent!

Since the creed leader is only a demigod and this technique is yet to be perfected he left this pillar in a very bad condition. The creed leader must have been banking on his conversation skills. He may have expected to be able to pull Lucien over to his side so he wasn't prepared for what will happen if he fails.

"The death of a pillar at my hands will make me even more famous but the truth remains that I lost... I don't even feel like doing this now" Lucien muttered.

He finally had the chance to put an end to this man and claim victory for himself but all that meant nothing. He felt like he lost and should be dead. This victory is more like a stain on his pride than an achievement. Who would have thought a day would come when he would need to use underhanded methods to win!

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