My beast Emperor System

Chapter 205: A new empire!

After the long day, Lucien retired to his chambers and focused on the messages sent to him by the system. Apart from various blueprints regarding the empire defenses, Lucien soon realized that most of the unrealistic of the system was slowly fading. He could no longer use the empire points to make constructs appear magically, he could not teleport cities or towns anymore. He only got blueprints detailing how it can be done. Going through these things, Lucien soon realized that the system was evolving and slowly becoming a part of him and as such a lot of magic features are disappearing with it. It seems that the system has deemed that the level of assistance he needed is lower so it is trying to make sure Lucien is not completely reliant on it. He hated the fact that he didn't make good use of the system when he still had the chance.

Back then when the shop option was available, Lucien could have used his exp points to learn all the pathways to a profound level but he never did that. He kept stacking points for a day that may never come and here they are, completely wasted. After going through the blueprints, Lucien handed it all over the Wuxing clan head, to present it to the other nobles and have them begin construction immediately. After that Lucien drowned himself in the Empire's policies, going through them and making amendments.

In just a week, major changes had already taken place in the empire. Lucien granted more freedoms to the clans and families in the empire and allowed them to own personal forces. The academy concept was completely abolished, but the academy remained. Attending the academy was made optional and unlike before each clan can have their secret cultivators but this time legally. Before the emperor made sure every cultivator was recorded, that way he can monitor their progress, and even though this was for security reasons, it lead to disagreements and in the end, These clans still found a way to hide their secret cultivators.

Lucien planned to give everyone more autonomy and also get everyone involved in the running of the empire. If these old men believe that they are valued by their emperor, why would they rebel? During this time, Lucien placed every clan head in what he called the council. Every major issue regarding the empire must go through them and afterward, these elders come up with their recommended solutions and present them to Lucien who is to make the final decision.

In just a week the first defense magic tower was finished, leaving those who worked on it astonished. Who would have thought that something this amazing could exist, making them wonder how Lucien got the blueprints of towers that can detect negative intentions of people and wipe them out without hesitation. What these people did not know is that all of this is controlled by the system and Lucien didn't have to do anything about them. In the blink of an eye, a month passed by and the creed was yet to make a move but information of one of their possible hideouts were leaked and the two other empires were preparing their forces to raid the place, leaving Lucien in a dilemma.

All through his life, he has been used to doing things himself so sending out a team to deal with this was something he found disturbing. After the construction of the first tower, the other towers were finished quickly. A massive wall was built around the empire and with the help of the magic towers, a massive magic barrier surrounded the empire! With the empire were over twenty Rakuzen sculptures placed at various points and various spots within the empire and everyone knew these statues are not as simple as they look, making Lucien believe that the empire is safe enough for him to leave and head into battle.

He didn't fancy the idea of letting people die for him in battle and what if a pillar of the creed organization appears there, how do they plan to deal with it?

"If I may ask again... Why are you all stopping me from leaving?" Lucien was in his silver royal robes and a silver crown on his face but none of that made him happy.

"You are our symbol... What If you die off? You barely won against the last pillar you fought, what if you die this time?" Klaus of the light-born clan growled and many nodded in agreement making Lucien frown.

These people had already made up their minds to stop him from leaving in the first place.

"Answer me then... Apart from Old man Wu, Which one of you can battle a champion realm master and win?" Lucien asked coldly as he played with a strand of his hair with his eyes blazing brightly.

Hearing the question, the entire room turned silent, making Lucien chuckle before continuing.

"It's not about my safety... This is all about taking advantage of this opportunity... I am confident in the empire's new defenses, even a champion realm expert will find it difficult to break in, not to talk of leaving, and even if they do, they have old man Wu to deal with... As for my safety... I have my methods, I have my ways... That's how I have been surviving all this while... I don't plan on sending people to their death, so I believe I need to be there" Lucien said with a serious look on his face while he kept playing with his hair.

(Authors note: Ever since Lucien ascended the throne he calls the clan patriarch of the Wuxing clan, old man Wu...)

Hearing this people were stunned and as much as they wanted to refuse, they knew Lucien was making a point. He is the only one that can fight against a pillar and honestly they knew the two other empires would send their old monsters forward too but they just felt like sending out the emperor is too demeaning for their empire

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