My beast Emperor System

Chapter 250: Igneel

"Combining time magic with your healing spell... The healing spell still draws power from your necromancy magic, subtly combining life and death magic... You are really a genius" Lucien muttered in a light tone but his eyes were filled with admiration when gazing at Derik.

Derik noticed this but never bothered to reply. He felt good when Lucien praised him, not because it boosted his ego but because Lucien broke down all the steps he took... Acknowledged his ingenuity before delivering the praise. He wasn't a blind follower like the others in his past life. This kid praises him only when he does something noteworthy and condemns him when he feels he is going astray! This was not a journey of a fan and a powerful mage, it was more like a journey of competitive siblings with different ideas but the same goals.

Derik and Lucien followed Belize and the other shadow dragon elders down the stairs and back to the massive hall. When walking in they noticed a man dressed in bright red robes. He was quite young and even then he possessed an outrageous aura, comparable to that of a peak spirit realm master.

With just a sniff, Derik could smell the raging fire burning inside him but said nothing. The shadow dragon clan elders who saw this were enraged! Their grand hall has become a place where just anyone can walk into. They were afraid of infuriating Belize so they ran forward to confront the man!

"How dare you show up without any prior information? Do you think the shadow dragon territory is somewhere someone can just walk into?" The hot-headed elder growled while the rest nodded their heads in approval.

They were still dazed by the sudden recovery of their ancestor Belize and since Belize appeared he has not said a word to them, He just walked down the long stairs leading to this hall and they followed quietly from behind. Seeing this many people were unsure if they could depend on Belize so they could only try and resolve the matter themselves.

"An old monkey dares speak to Igneel, young prodigy of the fire dragon clan! In such a manner? I feel insulted" The youth said with blazing red eyes.

He came alone not because he was confident that he could beat the shadow dragon elders alone, no! He only came here because his identity amongst the dragon race was not simple and he can be considered a prominent figure in the ruling fire dragon clan! With that in mind, he believed that no matter how disrespectful he is these old elders will not dare attack him.

Hearing his words, the shadow dragon clan elders turned red in fury but they dared not make a rash move. They instinctively shot a glance at Belize who just stood there in silence and watched as if none of this concerns him. Without Belize making a move they too couldn't make a move! But would they let a youngster come and disrespect the shadow dragon clan in front of an ancestor?

So shameful!

"Fire dragon clan? You know when I was younger, maybe a few thousand years ago... I once fought powerful ancient dragons... Amongst all of them, the fire dragon was the weakest" Derik said calmly while taking bold steps forward.

Hearing this Igneel frowned and gazed at Derik. At this point, Derik's aura was suppressed and since he didn't have the air of a dragon lingering around him, Igneel quickly assumed he is human!

"Why do you have a human amongst your ranks?" Igneel ignored Derik and turned his attention to the elders and asked the question.

Derik on the other hand didn't feel annoyed or insulted. He slowly kept approaching the dragon kid while the shadow dragon elders kept quiet. They sincerely had no idea how to address this situation. They felt like their hands are tied since Belize is here and he is yet to make a move! Was he entrusting this situation to the hands of the invaders?

"Since none of you have anything to say, I guess it's alright if I kill the cocky brat!" Igneel said as one of the rings in his hands lit up and from it, a flaming spear appeared.


Stomping the ground his body launched into the air as he charged at Derik.


In a single breathe he was already in front of Derik, stabbing forward viciously.


Everyone, including the elders, was shocked when they saw the flaming spear sticking out of Derik's back! Belize frowned since he and the others expected Derik to block or dodge the attack! They found it shocking that he took a hit!

"Chill..." Lucien said indifferently!

Seeing the indifferent look on Lucien's face they finally calmed down and observed. Only then did they realize that Derik wasn't bleeding, neither was he showing any signs of pain even though he has been stabbed. His eyes were filled with indifference and a hint of disappointment as well. They finally understood why Derik didn't dodge or block and why Lucien wasn't bothered! Something like this is not enough to harm this legendary death God!

"After all that smart talk, this is the best you can do? Pitiful" Derik said in a slightly annoyed tone before making his move!

His fist shot forward like a rocket, so fast that even Igneel could barely react!

'I dont know how you survived a stab to the heart or how you are able to attack so fast but let's see you break through my dragon scale armor!' Igneel said in his mind as red dragon scale armor began appearing all over his body!

A wide grin appeared on his face, as he was expecting Derik to break his hands on his scale armor but the moment the fist connected, the look on his face changed!

"How?" He barely muttered as his body was flung back like a rag by the punch!

People watched in shock as the boastful Igneel smashed into the throne ahead, shattering it and rolling in the ground a couple of times before stopping! In just one move he was badly hurt!

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