My beast Emperor System

Chapter 253: War preparations

"It was never my power, to begin with... I always had the intention to bring you back and have you by my side again" Derik said casually with a smile.

Only then did Kaido smile and his massive dragon body began shrinking. It kept shrinking until he was just about Derik's height, only then did the youthful Igneel appear again but this time his hair color had changed from red to orange. Kaido grabbed the red crystal embedded in his forehead and smashed it. He was aware that people were monitoring his actions through that crystal, making him feel uncomfortable.

"I believe this is yours" Derik said as his shadow expanded and the bright red spear shot out and into Kaido's hands.

"I would have preferred a sword but I guess this will have to do for now" Kaido seemed slightly disappointed.

"Ungrateful piece of shit!" Derik cursed but then they were interrupted by Belize.


The man appeared in between Derik and Kaido with the same indifferent look in his eyes when he gazed at Kaido but when he turned to Derik, his gaze softened.

"You just declared war on the other dragon clans... I must say, even though I have recovered, if the injured ancestors of those clans join hands, I will be defeated swiftly... So we are still at a disadvantage here" Belize said respectfully but Derik only chuckled.

"In case you haven't noticed... I just revived the true god of the sun... A cosmic being... I declared the war but I have no confidence of winning?" Derik asked with a raised eyebrow and Belize shook his head and took a step back.

He once again gazed at the new being residing in Igneels body and couldn't help to wonder how strong this cosmic being is. With the sun symbol on his forehead and his eyes as bright as two suns, Kaido had an intimidating aura, which made even Lucien cautious of him.

He had seen Derik use the sun magic but even without seeing Kaido use it, he had this feeling that Kaido will be far stronger than Derik in this aspect!

"How strong are you?" Lucien couldn't help but ask.

Hearing Lucien's voice, Kaido instantly knew that under all that power and intense aura, Lucien was still a kid. But for the fact that Derik brought him along, he decided not to question him.

"How strong am I? Let's see... When Derik decided to wipe out all the present gods of our world I was the first he came for... When the battle was over, I left him with severe injuries that needed a long time to heal... Let's just say he is stronger but the gap is not that much" Kaido said casually but everyone here was stunned.

Not by his strength but the story!

Derik decided to wipe out all the gods of his world?

He decided to take out the main threat first and that was Kaido?

These two are insane.

"Amongst the cosmic beings I always considered your the strongest and that's why I came for you first... If I gave you the chance to prepare, killing you would have been a lot more difficult" Derik said while rubbing his forehead.

"So what are you?" Kaido asked Lucien that question because he could pick up so many scents from Lucien.

It was like numerous magic beasts mixed with one human body, creating what he calls an abomination, an anomaly! It seriously reminded him of Blake and if Derik wasn't here with this kid, his instincts will push him to kill Lucien without a second thought!

"For the war... We need to start making preparations... If you need help in any way, do ask now" Belize said calmly and Derik nodded in understanding.

He remained silent for a while and finally looked up at Belize's face and smiled.

"There is one more being I must revive... My Guardian and master when I was still a mortal... I need a willing host at Igneel's level as well" Derik said and Belize remained silent for a while.

He pondered for a long time and after a while, he gave Derik a reluctant look and then the elders. They all nodded their head in agreement and only then did Belize speak.

"We once had a promising youth like Igneel... We will believe he would bring the shadow clan back to glory as he was outstanding for someone his age, even more, outstanding than Igneel since he had no cultivation resources to back him up... The other clans saw this and harmed him using soul attacks... He has been in a state of sleep for a very long time and the remnants of his soul are about to fade... He should be the perfect candidate" Belize said, stunning even Kaido.

How bad have things been for these people?

Kaido originally wanted to fight for the shadow dragons simply because he was bored and Derik asked but now he had a reason to fight! Scumbags like this should not be allowed to live!

Even Lucien was enraged! This was beyond his tolerance limit! How could people be so evil?

But Derik showed no emotions. He just gazed at Belize as the man spoke and he frowned. He could tell this man was in pain thanks to his ability to see negative emotions! The negative emotions around Belize were too strong, Derik concluded the dragon was not sad, he was grieving

"The dragon was your grandson," Derik said calmly, stunning everyone in the room.

How did Derik reach this complicated answer with so little information?

He didn't mind people's opinions, all he knew was that something is wrong. He sincerely did not want to use the dragon prodigy but he had to use it. If what Belize said is true, it is too late. The dragon's soul has been damaged badly, slowly fading away as time passes.

It was already too late for him to revive someone in that condition so he had no other choice but to use the body to awaken Demos.

"After so long we will be reunited again, master!"

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