My beast Emperor System

Chapter 262: Helping Derik comes first




Barrages of claw attacks rained down on Kaido but he knocked all of them back without much effort. He wore an indifferent look on his face as he parried the attacks without much effort. He even began suspecting that these elder dragons were holding back on him.

Thinking back to his old life where he was forced to take on very powerful ancient dragons, Kaido could remember almost dying to one of them. If he hadn't been saved by Cyrus back then he wouldn't be here! Those dragons were only three yet they were extremely powerful to the point that it took Derik and Cyrus to join hands to fight one of them, and even then the match ended in a draw after a week-long battle! Derik returned with serious injuries for the first time in a long time, making all those who dares to believe in him shiver in fear.

Thinking back on it, Kaido realized they have been living a different life back then. This world may be more advanced with magic and cultivation but they lack what it takes to be strong! From the day of their birth till date, he, Derek, and the others have been jumping from one battle to another. They fought countless opponents of various levels and won!

Back then cities were surrounded by magic walls to prevent magic beasts from invading but at a point in their lives, they brought down the walls and faced the beasts! Yes! They wiped out all magic beasts in their world, making sure no one ever had to live in fear again!

From the beginning, they were up against gods trying to invade their world! Cosmic beings trying to steal their powers!


Yet! In this world what these people are fighting for is land...

They just want their land back.

Kaido couldn't help but slap his face in disappointment! He was here doubting himself when the people here are the problem. It wasn't that they are not strong, it's just that they don't know how to be strong!

Their power from the very beginning has been used for meaningless struggles, minor issues not even noteworthy! How do they dream to surpass older beings like him if they have not gone through hardship?

"Children!" Kaido's gaze turned murderous as he said those words!

He stomped his feet on the air and shot forward, reaching the two elder dragons in an instant!


"DON'T GET COCKY!!!" The elder dragons cried out as they saw Kaido throw his fists at them!



The two elder dragons threw their claws at Kaido but the moment it made contact with Kaido's fists it was blown away violently, forcing them to stagger back!


They bought screamed in their minds as they felt their hands go numb. They both retreated by one step but Kaido was already in front of them.


Delivering a simple uppercut he sent one of the elder dragons flying high, while his body levitated backward. His eyes revealed killing lights as he charged towards the second wall, smashing him into the staircase and shattering the entire structure!


The one sent flying was already descending at that point and Derik wasted no time in delivering a powerful kick to the belly, sending it crashing into another wall. Fighting someone like Kaido using the one inheritance was like fighting an invulnerable man with super strength! He was just too domineering!

Watching him toss massive dragons around as if they are nothing was just too terrifying! He was about to make another move but the injured elder dragons were attacked by numerous undead dragons! Kaido watched the feed on the two dragons, biting deep into their skin without restraint!

"Why?" Kaido said with knitted eyebrows as he gazed at Demos standing above him.

"Derik needs our help, you have played with them for too long... It's time to move!" Demos said calmly and slowly flew towards the hole on the ceiling created by Derik.

Kaido gazed at Demos back with a hint of reluctance in his eyes. It was only for a brief second.





No matter how much the enemy struggled they couldn't kill the beast assimilation summoned by Lucien. They launched countless attacks but this undying army charged forward without fear!




In a single second Lucien had delivered hundreds of attacks but the enemy blocked all of them perfectly! No matter which side he attacked, the flaming azure blue spear could not make it past the wind barrier protecting the youth in gray robe!

"The strength you used to defeat so many lesser dragons a moment ago... Was it a fluke?" The gray-robed man asked and Lucien frowned.

He was surrounded by elders from the various dragon clans with each possessing strength almost comparable to a champion realm expert. The fact that they are dragons gives them a massive boost in terms of power and defense putting a normal person in a disadvantaged position when going against them!

The others watched from the sidelines as Lucien battled it out with the gray-robed man. They seemed to be more interested in seeing Lucien's abilities than in killing him.

"You must be crazy if you think this is all I can do..." Lucien said with a sinister smile on his face

The others were taken aback by this and felt a bit disturbed but they did not retreat or attack.

"What are you trying to say little one? You were holding back even when you killed all the lesser dragons?" The elder in yellow robes asked with knitted eyebrows.

That attack alone carried the strength of a peak spirit realm master! For someone like Lucien who is just at the early phase of the spirit realm, they felt it was already amazing that he can pull out that much power.

"You know, the original plan was to stall till nightfall but after crossing blade with you all I realized you are not the main dragon army... You are just cannon folders sent to support... I can't be caught wasting time with trash like you all, so this time, I will be going for the kill!"

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