My beast Emperor System

Chapter 264: The strongest


The blue beam smashed into the white beam, cutting through it almost effortlessly, until it shot into the gray dragon's mouth, causing its massive head to explode!

The other elders who were easygoing were alarmed by the sudden development, especially since they didn't expect Lucien to win against an elder so easily!




[Wind elder dragon defeated]

[Beast Assimilation successful!]

[New abilities acquired...]

Several notifications appeared making a smile bloom on Lucien's face but he still didn't let his guard down. No matter how happy he is, he still considered the fact that he is surrounded by enemies!

"Rise!" Lucien said calmly

[Beast assimilation summon successful]

Suddenly a gray mist surged out of Lucien's body and quickly took the form of the gray dragon. Seeing the massive gray dragon, levitating behind the kid that killed it like a bodyguard made the other elders fearful. The power Lucien just showed right now meant that with each death, Lucien's power gets stronger!

No one knew how such an ability exists since it has nothing to do with dark magic, all they know right now is that they need to join hands if they wish to fight against Lucien and win!

"All of you at once? Come at me then... Let's see how strong you are" Lucien said with blazing blue eyes


Derik stood atop the head of the undead dragon and smiled. He could feel the aura of his allies surging violently, especially that of Lucien. He could tell Lucien was engaged in a fierce battle against very powerful foes and he was even more stunned by the fact that the kid is yet to retreat.

"This kid is more capable than I thought... I have been underestimating him for a while now" Derik commented with a satisfied smile on his face.

In the past, it was just him doing all the work and trying to save humanity and then Lucien came along. The kid may have been young and impulsive but he was also promising and hardworking. If he had killed him during their first encounter he would have lost a very powerful ally. Right now he also had Demos and Kaido by his side, fighting for him. All that is left now is his best friend Cyrus but even Derik knew that those were only wishful thoughts.

Cyrus has a duty to protect the people in their original world and he is there to make sure they don't go astray. He cannot accompany Derik on this journey and maybe that is a good thing. They are the first and last line of defense of this god vein and honestly, while he may be confident in his abilities, Derik knew there was a possibility they will fail. What they are up against are celestial beings far stronger than anything they have ever faced. If he thinks it will be a walk in the park is just plain stupidity.


The undead dragon reached the top floor of the castle and smashed open the two massive red doors, lunging into the massive hall with three elderly men seated.

"It's strange I didn't meet anyone trying to stop me along the way... Are the red dragons that small in number or is it that you guys are just confident in your strength?" Derik said as he jumped off the head of the undead dragon and conjured a bone throne, sitting down calmly.

The trio did not respond, they just shot a glance to the elder dragon now serving Derik under the power of his death magic and sighed. It is a shame to see an elder dragon reduced to this state but they did not speak out their mind, they just remained silent.

Meanwhile, Derik was skeptical about the whole operation. This place seemed rather empty but he simply assumed that it was because the main forces of each clan were sent to the central continent, so most likely they sent their best men for the job.

His eyes narrowed as he assessed the strength of the trio. Each one of them was no different from a champion realm master and when compared to the elders of the shadow dragon clan, it became obvious why they are the ruling clan here.


The massive undead elder dragon begin Derik took in a deep breath before spitting out a beam of scorching red flames at the elder seated in the middle. Derik watched closely as the raging beam of fire smashed into the elder who didn't even attempt to protect himself!


A loud explosion occurred and the room shook violently but the three remained seated with frowns on their faces as if a fly just disturbed them recently.

"I expected this much from dragons that are at the champion realm, but that doesn't give you the rights to act disrespectfully in front of a god" Derik said calmly as he waved his hand and the massive undead elder dragon behind him slowly sank into his shadow, vanishing almost instantly.

While it left, its glare pinned at the elders carried hints of hate and resentment, even Derik couldn't help but notice. All undead in this world possess consciousness, they think and act according to their will. Even though they cannot go against their master that doesn't mean they can't show emotions.

It was clear that this elder dragon blamed the three elders for his death. They knew that strength of the enemy and still sent him, just to confirm. He was reluctant to leave but since Derik willed it, he had no choice but to obey.

"Dont worry, none of them will survive this encounter" Derik said to the undead elder dragon, and only then did its facial expression relax and it nodded at Derik respectfully.

"A very bold claim..." The elder at the center said calmly but he deliberately failed to hide the hint of disgust in his voice.

"I am the strongest... I believe I have the right to make such claims" Derik yawned as he replied.

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