My beast Emperor System

Chapter 80: Strength of an instructor!

"How does he know that much?" Lucy asked with a hint of surprise in her eyes while she gazed at the back of the man standing above a cluster of clouds.

Just like her, no one knew how Lucien could tell that the person who summoned the spirit wolves is close by or how he could tell that the enemy didn't just transform into the wolves.

"Instincts…" Lucien said as he gazed at the three spirit wolves approaching.

"Let us try this again… Habakiri" Lucien growled as he shot towards the three spirit beasts.

With blazing orange eyes, Lucien who into the midst of the three spirit beasts even before they could react.

"Burn away!" Lucien growled as he turned to see a massive purple claw descending from above.

A fire whip appeared from the cylindrical black hilt and he quickly flung the whip at it forcing it to retreat after both attacks collided.


Lucien heard a loud growl and he felt the threat of death looming over his head!

"Get back!" Lucien growled as he turned while flinging his fire whip charging at him.


What looked like a messily fire whip had enough strength to force the second spirit wolf to back retreat by a few steps.



[Host: Lucien]

[Race: Beast-man]

[Realm: 3RD sky of the human realm]

[Charisma: 50]

[HP: 40/75]

[MP: 65/95]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Exp: 4000]

Before Lucien could react he was knocked off the wind cloud, sending him crashing on the ground.


"Hehehe!" Lucien muttered as he spat out a mouthful of blood while watching the two-spirit wolves charging forward.

"Explode" Lucien flicked his fingers strangely as he said those words.



While the first spirit wolf lost its hand, the second lost a reasonable portion of its head where the flame whip struck earlier.


The third spirit wolf jumped over the others, leaping towards Lucien, with its purple sharp claws sticking out dangerously!

"Vanish!" Lucien growled as his eyes let out an orange light while the figure of the general level hell hound appeared behind him.

[Fiery death skill activated!]


From the habakiri, a blazing whip laced with darkness aura surged forward reaching two meters long! Lucien with a sinister smile brandished his whip at the spirit wolf, splitting it in two.

"Well, I guess I won't get the chance to catch my breath until they succeed!" Lucien muttered as he noticed that the two-spirit wolves that were injured earlier are done regenerating!

Seeing the third one that just recently split in two had already gone halfway in regenerating its injuries, a bitter smile crept on Lucien's face.

"I guess I can only hope they take down the summoner soon" Lucien muttered with a bitter smile on his face.



Instructor Emma moved at an astonishing speed as she and the other students slid on her icy trails while they searched for the summoner.

"Left!" Lucy said with glowing white eyes.

This was one of the main abilities of a scout called seeker! Through an active spell, the scout can trace the source through the mama link binding the spell and the caster. While spirituality cultivators do not use mana, they still make use of soul power which is only slightly different in color.

The team kept moving forward under Lucy's direction, following the three soul links but suddenly one vanished, and then something unexpected happened.

"My god…" Lucy muttered as she saw one of the purple soul links vanish and then from afar, she could see a massive swelling force of soul energy!

"What?" Alucard asked with a hint of impatience in his voice!

"She knows we are coming!" Lucy screamed but it was already too late.

The trees beside them were flung away effortlessly as a slender woman, dressed in primitive pieces of animal fur which covered only her private part, leaving her massive bosom dangling dangerously as he rushed towards the person she considered the main threat here! Titan!

Maybe it was due to his massive stature or his overbearing physique and domineering face, the spirituality cultivators chose to take him out first.


Stomping the ground hard she lunged into the air and there she kicked the air, shooting down like a meteorite!

"Come!" Titan roared.

As the heir of the Hammond noble family, known for their impenetrable defense, he refused to run from a challenge like this.


A strong gust of wind gathered around his right, taking the shape of a massive rectangular-shaped shield made of wind that appeared in front of him.


Surprisingly, the moment that spirituality cultivators fist reached the windshield, her attack was diverted to a random direction and she was sent flying close to a hundred meters away!



The lady hit the ground hand and muttered some words in a strange language that sounded like she was cursing! Picking herself up, we were soon bombarded by numerous ice blades, but none of those attacks could penetrate her skin but at least it forced her to retreat occasionally.

"Dark magic: Death scythe" Alucard said coldly as a cluster of darkness gathered in front of him.

Putting his hand into the darkness and pulling back, Alucard revealed a black scythe completely made of darkness aura!

"This should weaken her!" He growled as he brandished his weapons at her, releasing numerous arcs of black aura to assault the lady.


The lady let out a roar as the second soul link vanished and the image of a two-headed spirit wolf appeared with her within it! The attacks struck the two-headed spirit wolf but none could reach her.


Muttering those words calmly, they watched as the two-headed spirit wolf reduced in size while the lady's body kept expanding and strengthening. Her eyes turned ferocious as her white set of teeth were replaced with vicious fangs and finally her nails grew into claws.



Her figure vanished and the next moment that ground where she stood shattered and exploded! Her body who forward, reaching Titan in mere seconds, and even before he could react, her hands curled into a fist and smashed through the wind shield in front of her, shattering the shield and sending Titan flying hundreds of meters back!

"Titan!" Lucy screamed in fear and wanted to take a step back but the next moment, the beast woman was already standing in front of her.

"Help!" Lucy screamed in fear as she tried saw the fist heading towards her face.

Knowing she is not as physically strong as titan, she knew a punch from this lady would leave her dead!


The fist met a sturdy pillar of ice separating the lady and Lucy! The punch could only leave a deep web-like crack that soon closed up.

"$%&$&-$$" The spirit cultivator muttered in shock as she noticed that the entire field was covered in eyes and countless ice pillars kept circling the entire battlefield.

"And who said you can lay a hand on my students!" Instructor Emma said as her body levitated off the ground slowly.

Her brown hair had turned snow white and her eyes were as white as snow. The entire area was experiencing a powerful Blizzard which left everyone apart from the spirituality cultivator shivering.

"Do you think you can just come here and do as you please? I am an instructor of the Fotia empire! I will not be looked down on by a savage!" Instructor Emma growled as a massive ice spear twice the size of a 6ft tall human appeared over her head.

"Mortal realm, 5th sky! She's not too far from the spirit realm!" Alucard said with a hint of shock in his voice.

All the instructors in the academy belonging to the fresher classes are usually at the beginning or mid-phase of the mortal realm but Instructor Emma was already at the peak of the mortal realm, a step away from the spirit realm! Then she will be able to challenge noble family heads!

Who would have thought a peasant human with no background would be able to reach this cultivation realm without any backing and in such a short time!

Tier 3 ice magic: scattering ice spear!


Releasing her technique, the ice spear shot down, carrying behind it a powerful chilly wind.

"#%%##" The lady growled as her body let out a bright purple light shooting towards the purple spell.


Smashing into the ice spear, the spear was reduced to thousands of ice shards but even those ice shards began circling the spirit cultivator for a while before converging on her.


The spirituality cultivator kicked the air, escaping the encirclement right before it could get too close. In a second she had reduced the distance between her and Instructor Emma, throwing a powerful blow but the attack was blocked by an ice pillar.

"In the end… the physical far surpasses the spiritual!" Instructor Emma growled as the ice shards gathered together to form the ice spear again!

"there is a reason it's called a scattering ice spear…"


The ice spear smashed into the spirituality cultivator sending her flying even higher!

"Fall!" Instructor Emma growled as the ice spear shattered and gathered above and returned to its original form before shooting into the spirituality cultivator, and pushing her all the way down!

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