My beast Emperor System

Chapter 87: The Creed

"None may look at God directly? What does that mean?" Lucien muttered in his mind as he was stunned by the sentence.

[It means if you see me directly, you will die] Rakuzen answered dryly.

'But you are already dead… You have lost most of your power…' Lucien argued.

[Do not forget I was once a celestial being capable of sustaining his consciousness even a decade after his death… I possess enough strength to repel the powers of a true god which crippled your cultivation and you still doubt my strength…]

As usual, Rakuzen's voice lacked any form of emotion so Lucien didn't know what to make of it. He ignored the voice in his head and invited Aponi back into the castle, where he asked for information on those who attacked this place.

"They are called the Creed, comprising of physical cultivators like you and spirituality cultivators like me… Each member is at least in the spirit realm… They all possess at least a grade 3 sealed artifact and could be considered extremely powerful warriors anywhere in this continent…" Aponi explained calmly as he recalled the clash between him, the village, and their members.

There were only two of them but they managed to defeat every capable spirituality cultivator in the village without even using their sealed artifacts. Lucien let his body sink into the comfy cushion while pondering on the story he just heard. From what he understood, these people move in two's and their total number is still unknown. Their teams are made up of spirituality cultivators and a physical cultivators with each covering the other person's weaknesses.

According to Lucien, they are looking for Rakuzen's successor and when they realized he wasn't here, they left. They should be making their way towards the Talis village where the grade 2 sealed artifact appeared.

Lucien took into account that the enemy is aware of the experts from three empires and other places are arriving yet they boldly go there, it meant that these people are confident in their abilities. Too confident or maybe Lucien is just overestimating them.

[Its better to overestimate an enemy than underrate them] Rakuzen said calmly and Lucien nodded in agreement.

"What do you plan to do?" Aponi asked as he saw the dangerous light flash in Lucien's eyes.

"No one attacks my people and leaves in one piece… I will show them that Rakuzen is not to be messed with!" Lucien's voice changed as his eyes let out a bright blue light while he spoke.

Listening to him Aponi was confused, Unknown to him, it wasn't Lucien speaking but the man they served as a god. Rakuzen! As for Lucien dealing with the invaders, he didn't know how to feel about it. Judging purely based on Lucien's cultivation, he's too weak to be considered a match for those two but no one at his level should be able to use the creation authority of a god to make things come into existence with just a thought.

In his opinion, Lucien may still have many secrets given to him by their Lord Rakuzen. So since Lucien has the confidence to make such a bold declaration, he couldn't only agree and silently pray for his victory.

By the time everything was over, it was almost dark so Lucien retired to the king-sized room presented to him by the Aponi. He couldn't forget what happened earlier today! Rakuzen had just snatched control from him and replied to Aponi's question. Even if it was for a short moment Lucien couldn't help but feel restless because he couldn't even struggle against it. It was like he was ejected from the driver's seat without giving him a chance to protest. He could only lay low in the darkness of his mind and watch everything happen through the Rakuzen's eyes.

It felt, lonely and dark…

"Is that how you feel? Do you feel lonely back there?" Lucien asked white staring at the ceiling.

[Yes… it's been centuries now but this silence and solitude is not something anyone used to] Rakuzen answered honestly.

[I apologize for taking your body earlier today... I was consumed by my anger… I had to be there one who answered the question] Rakuzen said calmly

"It's okay… if I didn't experience what it feels like to just sit idly in the darkness I would have been mad and cautious of you but now I think I completely understand you… you were only able to regain consciousness because of the power of faith drawn from the people the moment they realized you have a successor… with that I don't see you going back to sleep anytime soon…" Lucien said and Rakuzen listened silently.

"As long as you are awake, we shouldn't have to stay in the darkness all the time... I think it's best we share the body… As long as you inform me before taking over I have no issues with it… I believe you should feel the world too… since we are partners I am more than happy to share this body with you" Lucien added.

He was expecting a quick response from Rakuzen but surprisingly, the silence stretched for close to ten minutes before the Rakuzen spoke.

[Thank you…]

That was all it said but that was more than enough to make a smile bloom on Lucien's face. He covered himself with the white blanket and was about to go to sleep but then the door yanked open and the lady who brought him to this settlement walked in.

"Chenoa.." Lucien muttered in his mind as he watched the girl shut the door and lock it.

Right before his eyes, she took off every piece of clothing on her and walked forward with a reddened face and an innocent look.

"What.." Lucien could feel something warm rising within his pants and getting hard. He tried to suppress it while thinking of Instructor Emma but then he heard a voice.

[Let me handle this] Rakuzen said.

At first, Lucien was hesitant but then he considered it reasonable. As long as he isn't the one that did it, it wouldn't be cheating.


Suddenly, Lucien's silver eyes turned sky blue as the aura around him changed. The once timid and confused kid turned calm and collected as he took off his white sleeping gown and walked towards the lady stake naked.

Chenoa felt the sudden change in Lucien and retreated by a step but Rakuzen was already standing right in front of her, holding her waist firmly.

"You don't have to be afraid little one… it is I, Rakuzen" He muttered softly into her ears before planting a deep kiss which made her head spin.

Soon her stiff body which desperately tried to resist, softened, allowing Rakuzen to pick her off her feet and gently place her on the bed before going down on her.

Moans of pleasure echoed all through the castle, it was so loud that even a deaf man would hear it!


The next morning, Lucien prepared to leave the village and to his greatest surprise, Aponi had his granddaughter Chenoa follow him. He claimed that Lucien needed someone to protect him and guide him in the ways of spirit cultivation... While his granddaughter's strength was not that grand, no one could call her weak either. At first, Lucien wanted to refuse but since Rakuzen asked him to bring her along, he couldn't help but agree.

'Just so that you know, You completely destroyed my innocence last night' Lucien hissed those words in his mind and for the first time since ever, he heard Rakuzen laugh out loud.

[Consider this a bonus lesson… The greatest part of a man's body is his tongue… if you can use it well, the ladies will keep coming back for more… If you rely solely on your manhood, she would eventually meet someone with something bigger… technique is necessary to assure success… while I was still alive as an emperor, I dominated at least fifty women during my time!] Rakuzen said

Hearing this Lucien almost spat out a mouthful of blood due to anger. How can the mighty god of gods who everyone once feared and adored be so shameless and dirty? He began to wonder if this is the real Rakuzen or just a perverted evil spirit.

"Was that really Our lord Rakuzen?"

Lucien suddenly heard a voice that snapped him out of his daze. They have been traveling for close to an hour now on Chenoa's spirit wolves and this is the first time that she has spoken to him. No, she had always avoided eye contact after what happened the previous night.

"Yes… the consciousness of Lord Rakuzen lives in me…. It guides me and once in a while it takes control of my body to resolve serious matters" Lucien said calmly while remembering the commando mode that activated while he fought the black devil magic beast. He was weak back then but now he's far stronger.

Hearing Lucien's reply a sweet smile appeared on her face as she promptly looked away while daydreaming of the amazing things Rakuzen did to her the previous night. To her, it's an honor to sleep with her god even if it's through the body of his successor.

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