My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 175

Chapter 173: Challenge

My Beauty Qunfang 173 Challenge

“Bastard, you’re really amazing! I’m about to die!” Zhao Yan slapped Su Ming on the chest with a smile!

“Hee hee, right? Does Sister Yan like it?” Su Ming asked. ┗#_net┛

“Cai, I don’t like it, it’s so scary, it made me work hard!” Zhao Yan said pretending to be angry.

“Khan, you’re obviously comfortable, but you still say you don’t like it, so cunning, I won’t give it to you next time, so you don’t want it!” Su Ming said with a bad smile!

“You dare, believe it or not, I’ll kill that fellow!” Zhao Yan said angrily with a sullen face, she was extremely nervous when she heard Su Ming’s words! Although it is terrible, that thing can make her happy. Just now, her whole body fell apart, and she achieved unprecedented happiness. She doesn’t know how much she likes it!

“Are you willing?” Su Mingwei smiled.

“Humph!” Zhao Yan really got up and tried to rectify it.

Su Ming was frightened and sweated. This girl has a great temper. If she is unhappy, she will really spoil herself. Who will she cry with?

Before Zhao Yan tried to complete the whole paragraph, Su Ming quickly hugged Zhao Yan tightly with his hands, not letting her get up without saying anything.

“Are you afraid? Humph!” Zhao Yan said with a smile.

“I’m scared, I’m scared, don’t be serious, you scared me to death!” Su Ming said with a wry smile.

“Then will you give it to me in the future? What I want, without it, I…”

“What am I?”

“I’m not happy!” Zhao Yan’s face flushed, she snuggled into Su Ming’s arms again, and asked curiously, “Rogue, can you satisfy and satisfy other women?”

Zhao Yan knew that she was not Su Ming’s first woman, but she didn’t really care, because the raw rice had already been cooked by Qiang. Once a woman’s first time was given to a man, she would follow that man willingly, unless the man chose not to her. !

“Hey, guess what!” Su Ming laughed instead of answering!

“How can I guess it? Tell me now!” Zhao Yan grinned unhappily!

“Oh, yes, I’ll take my girlfriend’s mother…” Su Ming boasted, in fact, he found that his current ability could not make Tian Mengni surrender.

“Hey…” Zhao Yan covered her mouth and smiled, and said, “You are too bad. My mother doesn’t let me off. I really doubt that you are here.”

“Hey! I’m not human.” Su Zhaoyan said with a smile.

“Okay, it’s almost zero now, ready to go racing with others!” Zhao Yan said coquettishly, checking the time, it’s time to go out!

“Oh, I almost forgot, but fortunately you reminded me in time.” Only then did Su Ming think.

Just as the two were about to get up, two policewomen suddenly appeared at the door. They were Zhao Yan’s workmates. When they saw the scene of the two, they were all stunned and looked stunned. It was hard to imagine what the scene was like. !

Zhao Yan was even more embarrassed. She was ashamed. Omg, it was so embarrassing to be seen by her colleagues. She quickly got up and put on her clothes!

“Look at us, it’s time for supper, what are you doing here!” A female colleague scolded herself.

“Well, we didn’t see anything, we didn’t see it, let’s go out for a late-night snack!” Another female colleague also said it, and they quickly left here and headed out the door!

Su Ming saw that they left very wisely, and thought that they could also feel the atmosphere. Su Ming stood up and looked at the messy pictures on the desktop, all of which were Zhao Yan’s… He smiled wryly, women, each one is fiercer than the other.

“What are you looking at? Are you trying to laugh at Big Sister Ben?” Zhao Yan couldn’t help but say angrily when she saw Su Ming’s smirk!

“It’s nothing, I’m not smiling!” Su Ming put on his clothes and said.

“Ghost letter, you laughed openly and secretly!” Zhao Yan shouted in dissatisfaction, and swung a stick at Su Ming.

“Don’t fight, it hurts your feelings!” Su Ming said speechlessly, the beauty’s temper came back.

Zhao Yan didn’t make a fuss either. With a blushing look, she took a stack of tissues and wiped the table top. After she was done, she said, “Let’s go out.”

“Good.” Su Ming followed behind her, but Zhao Yan suddenly grabbed his hand, and the two walked out of the police station hand in hand.

Outside Tian Keke and the others were tired of waiting. They all went in for more than an hour before they came out. When they saw the two, Tian Keke asked, “Why so long? Waiting for someone is a very unbearable thing, don’t you know? ”

“Yo, little sister, what are you yelling about, can’t you go home when you’re impatient?” Zhao Yan smiled brightly.

“Qian, I’ll wait for my boyfriend to take care of you? Do you need to talk more? Your sister, you are a proud policewoman. Believe it or not, I’ll let you go all over the world with one finger!” Tian Keke flew away He rolled his eyes and said to Zhao Yan.

“Hehe, I’m so afraid, are your fingers that powerful?” Zhao Yan raised her eyebrows, disdainful!

“About…you mean you want to try it, come on, I’ll give it to you!” Tian Keke really pointed to Zhao Yan with a hand.

“Hmph, looking for Bian.” Zhao Yan’s temper was much fiercer than Tian Keke’s. Seeing Tian Keke provoking her repeatedly, she brows furiously and goes over to teach Tian Keke a lesson!

Seeing that the two women were about to fight, Su Ming hurried to stop it and said, “Okay, don’t fight, there are important things to do, Sister Yan, you go back and change into a suit. Wearing a police uniform in the past will startle the snakes.”

Zhao Yan glanced at Tian Keke and walked back! Lan Wanxi looked at the two of them with schadenfreude, clapping their hands from time to time, and sighed in disappointment when they saw that they didn’t make it!

Soon, Zhao Yan changed her clothes and came out wearing a set of casual clothes, her whole person was even more heroic, swaying the spring breeze.

Su Ming got into the car with them. Su Ming drove to the foot of the Black Wind Mountain. There is a big racing venue. Every night, there will be a lot of gangsters and others racing there. The scene is absolutely lively.

Racing is a very exciting and exciting thing. Su Ming’s driving skills are ordinary, but he has confidence because his ability can help him win his opponent!

Soon, Su Ming and the three daughters came to the foot of Heifeng Mountain, and a wide place appeared in front of them.

Su Ming has seen the rich people’s nights. There are many and colorful lives. Which man is not accompanied by three or five horses, and all the women are extremely beautiful.

Looking at the scene, there are about two hundred people. The cars are all famous brands, sports cars, Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Mercedes-Benz, BMWs, all luxury cars, you are dazzled, these are rich people In this place, the poor are not qualified to come here at all!

In his eyes, Lu Shaofeng was standing with a group of young men and women. The location was at the foot of the mountain far away from the place. Seeing Su Ming’s appearance, Lu Shaofeng immediately showed a gloomy and gloomy face, and sneered at Su Ming. a sound. “Hmph, if you have the kind, dare to come and race with me.”

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