My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: [036] Gravity Space

My Beauty Qunfang Gravity Space

“Boy, you seem to be too complacent! Hehe! I’ll let you wait to know what loss is!” Dong Shao glanced at Su Ming with a faint smile, and suddenly, there was a trace of energy in his body. It radiates out, wraps around the body, and is full of incredible magic. When each ability user uses his ability, he will have the ability light, and the light will cover his whole body, making himself looming! As the level of the ability is higher, it is even possible to do it more exaggeratedly, and it can even be done in the case of invisibility.

Seeing the sudden change in the other party, Su Ming’s eyes blinked a few times. He already knew that the other party was also an ability user, but he just didn’t know what kind of ability he belonged to?

Often in battle, you can understand the enemy’s ability, which will be very helpful to yourself. Because you know the opponent’s ability and you have a way to deal with it, your grasp will become great. Su Ming looked at the enemy a few times, but he couldn’t see the opponent’s ability. He only knew that this person was very confident now. He looked down on himself completely, and it seemed like a trifle to face himself, which made Su Ming feel that he I was displeased by the naked contempt!

“Accelerate!” Su Ming thought to himself, and immediately used the time acceleration superpower. Now the deceleration superpower is in an interval, all he can use is acceleration, but he believes that this superpower, acceleration can break many things, Not general existence can break the acceleration time.

Su Ming immediately burst into a speed that no one dared to imagine, and it was twice as fast at once. Everyone was shocked, especially Liu Shaofeng and Yun Yong. They were both defeated by this superpower. Seeing Su Ming use it, how can they not be angry! He was so angry that his face was completely hideous.

“Be careful Dong Shao! That’s the acceleration ability. His current speed is twice yours, you won’t be able to outrun him.” Liu Shaofeng reminded anxiously.

Dong Shao was a little surprised, but he laughed, he didn’t care about Su Ming’s ability at all, but said disdainfully, “Accelerate? So what? In front of my ability, your ability will be completely restrained by me.”

“Gravity space!” Dong Shao suddenly drank, and his right hand suddenly activated his super power. Just when Su Ming was about to swipe at him, he smiled grimly and released his self-confidence. Gravity space, this is a The door can restrain Su Ming’s ability, Dong Shao’s right hand is shaped like a knife, and he casually slaps a mosquito on Su Ming, “Three times the gravity!”


Just like the heavy oppression of a boulder, Su Ming was suddenly suppressed to the ground by Dong Shao’s triple gravity space, and a mouthful of blood immediately seeped out from his mouth, dyeing the collar of his school uniform red. I didn’t expect that the opponent’s superpowers could crush his own superpowers. It was too late when he found out. He was already beaten by Dong Shao. After being suppressed on the ground, steel and concrete began to appear under three times the gravity space. Breaking, you can imagine how much pressure there is in the gravitational space!

With just one move, Su Ming suffered serious injuries. A few mouthfuls of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. He felt very uncomfortable and was about to collapse!

“Grass! This guy’s ability is my nemesis! Mine has double acceleration, but his has triple gravity. Isn’t it obvious that there is no chance of winning?” Su Ming said angrily, since he has super powers , He hasn’t tried to fail recently, and now he is suddenly knocked down, how can he accept it!

Su Ming looked pale, but stood up with difficulty and said, “I didn’t expect you to have the ability to restrain me, but I won’t give up. No matter how restrained I am, I will also take Qinyuan away!”

After he finished speaking, he moved to another position and used his speed, which had been doubled at the moment, to the fastest speed. Afterimages appeared in the space, Su Ming knew that he could not defeat the enemy on the bright side, so he had to use it like this. The way to disturb the other party’s emotions, so as to take him down.

“Whoosh!” When the opportunity came, Su Ming immediately started punching and punched Dong Shao fiercely behind him.

“Cut! Only fools can be fooled by this kind of dark arithmetic, and! Don’t forget, I am the power user of gravity space, within my five hundred range will be my space domain, I can control any position to increase at will. Gravity, do you still need someone to tell you about such a simple thing?” Dong Shao was not afraid of Su Ming who would attack him, but smiled, and then he controlled the gravity behind his back, and suddenly three times the gravity shocked Su Ming, Su Ming Ming was directly knocked down by gravity, and fell heavily to the ground. The pain in his body made him scream, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood!

Gravity space, as the name implies, creates a certain pressure on the surroundings, and the controller can control the pressure of the space at will. Within this space, he can perceive everything, no matter how fast you are, or any other means, It is impossible to avoid his telepathy, which is the power of the gravity space power user.

It can be said that within the designated space, he can be called a god-like existence!

Bullets? Not at all. Cut with a knife? Even more ridiculous! Anyway, Dong Shao’s ability is tricky, which is why he completely disdain Su Ming just now.

With this ability, would he be afraid of a Su Ming?

Su Ming, who was knocked down, hurriedly got up, and regardless of his serious injury, he quickly left a certain distance. After suffering two losses, he already understood this point. The closer he got to Dong Shao, the more he would lose. Quick, at the same time, the power user, his level is the second level, while others are already the third level, and the ability just restrains himself, it is impossible to kill the enemy by leapfrog!

Su Ming could only think of other ways, wondering if there is any way to keep from getting close to the enemy, but also to attack the enemy?

“Su Ming, you can’t lose. If you lose, we’ll all be doomed. They won’t let us go. Maybe they’ll kill us all!” Lu Chen felt bad and could not escape. , it’s even harder if you don’t escape, it’s not safe, you’ll be killed here.

“Haha! Do you still expect him to beat me? It’s ridiculous, I really don’t understand the situation, Lao Tzu’s gravity space is his nemesis, how could he have won me?” Dong Shao said with a sneer, looking at Su Ming again When he started to move around, he hummed impatiently, and controlled the gravity to suppress Su Ming at once. Su Ming felt that his body suddenly fell heavily. This time, Dong Shao did not disperse the influence of gravity, but kept suppressing Su Ming. Don’t give Su Ming a chance to get up, Su Ming wanted to get rid of the enemy’s gravity, but he couldn’t do it. His face was pale and pale, and he was suppressed and could not get up!

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