My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: 【004】Stunning Teacher

My beauty Qunfang stunning teacher

“Quiet! Quiet! Our beautiful lady is here, I’ll kill anyone who speaks out!” A student named Lu Chen said to the people around him, obviously he was more loyal to Xia Lina.

It’s just that no one knows what he says. At first glance, you know that he is a complete hypocrite, thinking that others don’t know that he tried to spy on girls a few days ago? I’m sorry, I was beaten by the girls when the **** failed. I heard that the second brother was almost in tears and was ko.

“Su Ming, guess what kind of clothes the beautiful woman is wearing today? Sexy teacher uniform, wild leggings? Show-chested suspenders? Hey, can you guess it?” Li Gao saw the door laughed there.

Teacher Sharina hasn’t come to the classroom yet, and the sound of walking with high heels is still rattling.

“Beautiful woman! She must be wearing a skirt because the weather is hot!” Su Ming took out the language book from his schoolbag and laughed.

“Giggle! I don’t think so! The teacher should wear casual clothes, she has a physical exercise today.” The hot girl with bright makeup at the same table said with certainty, with a beautiful face with a melon seed, a small cherry mouth, and a fragrant hair, The figure is well-proportioned, the bumps are exquisite, and when the face smiles, it gives people a flamboyant taste.

“Are you sure? Otherwise, how about we make a bet?” Su Ming glanced at her chest and said.

“Lust-ghost, where are the paralyzed eyes looking?” Tian Keke covered Jiaofeng with both hands and gave him a stern look. This same tablemate has seen him here more than a hundred times, it’s really hateful. After grinding his teeth, Tian Keke laughed disdainfully and said, “Just bet, I’m afraid of you! I said the teacher wears leisure clothes.”

“Then I said that the teacher wears a skirt. If I win, you will touch my fart. gu.” Su Ming looked at her very upturned buttocks slyly. Su Ming has always been very shameless.

“Paralyzed, go to hell! A ghost will touch you.” Tian Keke gave Su Ming a cold look, this person is really nasty.

“Don’t dare!” Su Ming shrugged provocatively.

“Whoever said that, gamble, gamble, if I lose, I will, I will give it to you, if you lose, give me five hundred yuan, I will spend all your money and absorb your luck.” Tian Keke is also striving for strength. Competitive girls, especially seeing Su Ming’s smile looking at the villain, aroused her competitive spirit even more.

“Don’t go back.” Su Ming has been thinking about how long he has been waiting for. Su Ming knew that Xia Lina had an appointment today, and the person who asked her was the same female teacher from Class 36, as if she was going to buy something.

“Huh! Whoever regrets it will be raped.” Tian Keke is obviously very confident, and there are other boys who know more about Teacher Xia Lina’s clothes than he does?

Su Ming was taken aback by her words, the hot girl’s mouth is so hot and gorgeous, I really want to kiss it.

“Quiet!” came in with a serious voice. Teacher Xia Lina had entered the classroom of Class 29. Su Ming and Tian Keke looked at her fiercely. To be precise, it was the first time to see her outfit today. After realizing it clearly, the two of them were lost at the same time, and at the same time they were a little relieved, because… they didn’t win or lose.

Xia Lina is beautiful and dignified, with an elegant temperament, slender eyebrows, clear eyes, straight nose bridge, delicate cherry lips and smooth cheeks, so just right to gather on the same gorgeous and refined beauty, and also cooperate with a charming The irresistible charming temperament; the black and supple shawl and long hair set off the graceful charm of a woman; the waist is slender and beautifully curved; the jade-like smooth skin has such a strong temptation, she can be called the first beauty of the teachers of Ishida Middle School. Many female teachers have become ashamed of themselves and cannot be compared with…

?The plump figure is wearing a gorgeous pure blue t-shirt, which perfectly complements her towering and full **** and soft waist. The national color is fragrant, and the whole class of male students has gone crazy and gulped. , Su Ming swallowed the most, and he was conquered by the teacher’s extraordinary dress today. He stared straight at Xia Lina. Xia Lina’s round legs wore black silk leggings, which made her look like she was already slender. The legs have become infinitely more sexy-sexy, wild and seductive, and the bewildered boys in the class want to spit nosebleeds, and a certain man’s shameless younger brother directly climbed up.

Fire down, fire down, I can’t be so unpromising, Su Ming forbears the commotion in his body and calms himself down.

“I didn’t lose, hee hee!” Tian Keke smiled happily.

“Hey…you beast, you’re actually straight?” At first glance, Tian Keke gave him a contempt when he saw that Su Ming’s younger brother was climbing so high.

Su Ming blushed a little unconsciously. Damn, this girl just looks here when she doesn’t look at it. Does brother have any grudge against you?

“Cough, it changes naturally.” Fortunately, Su Ming has always been very good at disguising his own image, so he directly normalized the awkward atmosphere.

Tian Keke rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Xia Lina put down the textbook and found that the two were discussing below. She looked a little serious and asked, “Su Ming. Tian Keke, what are you two doing?”

“No ah…”

The two answered at the same time, Xia Lina just asked a question, and didn’t care too much, she opened the textbook and began to teach seriously.

Su Ming felt a little regretful that he did not succeed in touching Tian Keke, but he believed that he would be able to do it next time. This girl loves to gamble. As for gambling, there is no such thing as her refusal.

It has been 30 minutes since the time acceleration has passed. I don’t know if I use the acceleration superpower, can I really speed up my academic performance?

“Well, can you always try it!” Su Ming opened today’s language learning page and added a time acceleration to himself.

Time Acceleration can effectively accelerate three aspects: individuals, objects, and events. Su Ming now uses superpowers to accelerate learning, which belongs to personal time acceleration.

Su Ming’s speed is now twice as fast. When about ten minutes have passed, he has doubled his academic performance compared to the whole class. Originally, it took one class to finish today’s language knowledge, but He only used it for less than half a class and then absorbed it all. If someone knew about such an ability, he would definitely envy him to death.

“Student Qin Yuan, come up and answer this question.” Xia Lina smiled.

“Yes, teacher.” Qin Yuan nodded, walked slowly to the blackboard, and started writing her answer with chalk.

Qinyuan is one of the four school beauties of Ishida Middle School. She is seventeen years old and has a youthful and beautiful beauty. Her silky black hair is flowing like a waterfall, her eyebrows are beautiful like a crescent moon, and she has a pair of slender and bright star eyes. Exquisite Yao nose, pink cheeks with affection, red lips like crimson, white and tender face like snow, delicate and charming, delicate snow skin without any flaws like crispy jade, light body, endlessly delicate and charming.

In Class 29, Qinyuan is not only beautiful, but also has the best academic performance. She is also a rich family daughter. She has a very arrogant personality, and every time she answers a question, she has a high self-confidence in her heart.

However, the question given by Xia Lina today was difficult. Qin Yuan was sluggish for three minutes and could not answer it. Her delicate white jade hand held the chalk, her pretty face was wrinkled, and finally she had to answer it according to her own opinion.

“Student Qinyuan, your answer is wrong.” Xia Lina glanced at her handwriting and smiled.

“Ah, wrong, wrong! Teacher, your question is a bit esoteric.” Qin Yuan hurriedly made an excuse and said, feeling depressed, did the teacher deliberately ask questions that she couldn’t answer today?

“Haha! It’s a bit esoteric, and it’s reasonable that you can’t answer it. Go ahead and review today’s study course carefully. I believe that with your learning ability, you will quickly understand.” Xia Lina said.

“Got it, teacher!” Qin Yuan nodded and ran back to her seat in a hurry. Although she answered incorrectly, her face was still a little arrogant. She was not convinced, she opened the book and immediately looked for the answer.

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