My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: [045] The Peak Of The Outbreak

My beauty Qunfang burst into peak

Was it really killed? Are you really going to die? Qin Yuan’s mind was very frightened at this moment, full of despair, she didn’t want to die, her body trembled.

Despair, utter despair!

Qinyuan closed her eyes and let out a sad laughter. It’s okay to die, this is something that can’t be changed, but before dying, at least give yourself one last look at mother!

Qin Ying had already cried out in pain, her whole body was haggard to the extreme, and she had fallen to the ground weakly, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“It’s useless, no one can save you! Haha! Die!” The sharp knife in Dong Shao’s hand was not slow, and it had already slid down!

At this moment, a feeling of powerlessness, despair, and unchangeable things made the mother and daughter heart-wrenching…


Dong Shao’s knife slashed down with one slash, and the space filled with blood was gloomy, and the blood was red on the ground. Then, a scream came out!

“Haha! Refreshing, you will definitely die with this knife!” Dong Shao laughed.

Just glanced at him and found that he was not cutting Qin Yuan, but Su Ming’s left back. The blood had dyed Su Ming’s clothes red. Su Ming felt the pain of being swallowed up by the devil. He just used him With all his strength, he took advantage of Dong Shao’s attack on Qin Yuan and relieved the pressure on himself, so he went up in time to block Qin Yuan.

“Damn! You **** actually came to stop me!” Dong Shao said with a displeased expression, Su Ming immediately stabbed him in the abdomen, even if he was injured in such a short distance, he could still deliver a knife in time .

Dong Shao had already reacted. Seeing that the situation was not good, he had already started to dodge and retreat to the back five or six meters. He was not stabbed by Su Ming’s knife.

“Liu… hooligan! Are you alright! Don’t scare me!” Qin Yuan watched this scene, she was stunned, Su Ming’s body was bleeding horribly, she looked pale, this person actually blocked her for herself A knife? Regardless of all dangers, not even life, in order to save your own life!

Qin Yuan cried, and more tears flowed down her clean cheeks. She looked at Su Ming covered in blood. For a while, she was so flustered that she didn’t know what to do. With all the strength she could use, she climbed to Su Ming’s side and cried bitterly. He said, “Are you an idiot, why, don’t you die! Am I worth it! You have too much blood, run away quickly, or he will kill you.”

Facing Qin Yuan’s cry, Su Ming couldn’t help but laugh miserably. Sure enough, a woman’s cry was the most unpleasant, because the cry was really sour. He tore a piece of cloth and wrapped the wound from his back to his chest. , The wound was very painful, but he found that the woman’s cry was even more uncomfortable, wiped away the tears from Qin Yuan’s cheeks, Su Ming said, “It’s worth it, as long as you’re fine, it doesn’t matter how many times you block.”

This sound was worth it. In an instant, Yinluo deeply entered Qinyuan’s heart. Qinyuan’s world was forced to accept Su Ming. Su Ming helped her block the knife, not for money, not for anything else, just to protect Even if I were any woman, I would be moved by myself…

“Idiot!” Qin Yuan said, this time, she didn’t know why, she seemed like a coquette who was being guarded.

Su Ming stood up, with a bit of a miserable smile, glanced at Dong Shao, and said coldly, “Now you don’t want to hurt her unless you step on Lao Tzu’s body, but you can’t do it.”

“Humph! It’s not a small tone, what are you using to protect her? Don’t forget, you are not my opponent at all.” Dong Shao smiled disdainfully, and suddenly used the gravity space to suppress Su Ming, Su Ming was shaken to the ground again, and his injuries serious again.

Dong Shao took a step forward, kicked Su Ming away, and said with a sneer, “Boy, is this your arrogance? This is your beauty? Haha, don’t look at your current misery, I can kill you at any time. , but I prefer to torture you and kill you.”

Dong Shao stomped on Su Ming fiercely, Su Ming vomited blood in his mouth, but Su Ming’s eyes did not yield at all, but had a monstrous anger, Su Ming was angry, completely angry, his eyes were blood red When he got up, he endured all the pain and started to stand up straight. This move made Dong Shao feel very unhappy. The knife in his hand stabbed Su Ming’s chest.


Su Ming grabbed it ahead of time with one hand, so he grabbed the blade with one hand, making Dong Shao unable to use his strength, he looked gloomy, and grinned, “It’s useless, in my eyes you’re just a piece of trash, you’re doomed. You can’t fight against me, now, let me die, boy, I have no patience to play with you anymore!”

“I’m gone too!” Su Ming grabbed his blade, stood up forcibly, and sneered at Dong Shao.

“Three times the gravity!” Dong Shao suddenly drank, and the super power of gravity was used again. He couldn’t wait for the next moment to kill Su Ming.

At the same time, Su Ming immediately used the quadruple acceleration super power, and a huge rage appeared in his body. He felt that he had undergone an earth-shaking change. The whole person seemed to be relaxed without any heavy objects. The state of his life made him feel extremely refreshed. Originally, Dong Shao’s gravity space would shock him down instantly, but this time it has changed, completely changed. The gravity space can no longer suppress Su Ming. Moreover, the change It had no effect on Su Ming.

“How is that possible! Why didn’t you get knocked down by my gravity?” Dong Shao said loudly with disbelief. .

“Grass! I really thought that your gravity space was invincible. Four times the acceleration, this is Lao Tzu’s strongest strength.” Su Ming roared and kicked Dong Shao flying, and Dong Shao’s body was swept to that piece. The glass table, the table shattered suddenly, Dong Shao was bruised by the broken glass, dripping blood everywhere, he really couldn’t believe it was true! His own gravity space was forcibly broken through, how could this be possible, his own ability restrained him!

The    quadruple acceleration super power is one level higher than Dong Shao’s level, but at this level, he can forcibly break through his gravitational field, because at the quadruple super power, there has been a huge change…

Su Ming said angrily, “Bastard, you have completely angered Lao Tzu, and now I want you to die.”

“Whoosh!” Liu Shaoyu suddenly came and attacked, trying to make a sinister move from Su Ming’s back.

Su Ming didn’t look back, and swept his knife to the back, Liu Shaoyu screamed “Ah”, the sharp knife tip was slashed in his throat, blood spurted, and he was killed in seconds.

“It’s too much.” Su Ming said disdainfully, and rushed over. In an instant, his speed and explosiveness were incredible. Dong Shao only felt a flower in front of him, and he had been hit by a knife on the left shoulder, “Pfft. Ah, click! Fold!” With this knife, Dong Shao cried out in pain, his shoulder was slashed by the knife, blood erupted like a spring, and his shoulder bones were completely broken on both sides, and there was a terrifying sound of breaking. .

Dong Shao was scared, really scared. Looking at Su Ming at the moment, he was scared like never before, this moment really appeared, he was scared while backing away, using super gravity at the same time, “Boy, you can’t win. My, I can definitely shock you.”

“Hmph, your ability is useless to Lao Tzu!” Su Ming felt an invisible pressure of gravity, his body slightly heavier, but he shook his body at will, the pressure disappeared instantly, and his body had traces of The halo of energy is lingering, and it looks very strange to people. With four times the super power, his strength has directly stepped into another level, and it is not something that Dong Shao can deal with!

Su Ming dashed forward and crossed a dreamlike shadow. The next moment, he slashed Young Master Dong with a knife. Young Young Master Dong screamed, and the whole person who was chopped flew upside down, with a round of blood. His right hand was already useless, and he was beheaded. shaky.

“Quick, catch that woman, catch her, this guy can’t be arrogant!” Dong Shao ordered.

Now, those people rushed over to Qinyuan, trying to capture Qinyuan, Qinyuan is the best hostage, as long as he is captured, Su Ming can’t help them!

Su Ming smiled strangely, his body flashed past like a phantom, and he chopped out more than a dozen knives in a row. All those people fell to the ground, and no one survived!

“All dead, all dead! Damn, I’m not reconciled! Why did I lose to him?” Dong Shao couldn’t accept the situation in front of him and let out a roar.

“Don’t kill me, I’ll give you everything you want, and I’ll promise you everything.” Dong Shao looked at Su Ming who was approaching him and pleaded bitterly, his mood was chaotic now.

Su Ming stepped on his face, “Aren’t you very embarrassed just now? Where is your arrogance now? It’s time to settle accounts with you, don’t think about dying so fast, I haven’t let out my anger yet.”

Su Ming vented fiercely. He didn’t know how much he stepped on Dong Shao’s heavy feet, but this was not enough to let him vent his anger. He clenched his fists and continued to beat him violently. Almost made into a meat sauce.

“Don’t, don’t kill me, I’m from the Red Sea Gang…”

“You don’t want your mother to do this, I don’t care at all…” Su Ming stabbed him down, stabbed him through Dong Shao’s chest, and nailed him to the ground.

Dong Shao’s eyes were wide and ferocious, and before he died, he had endless unwillingness and a terrible death. Su Ming didn’t look at him again, went to Qin Yuan’s side, untied Qin Yuan’s body, and Qin Yuan rushed into his arms. …

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