My Beautiful Group of Girls

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: [007] The Kiss Of The School Flower

My beauty Qunfang The sweet kiss of the school flower

Time seemed to stand still in Su Ming’s heart. At this moment, he realized how wonderful he was. The delicate and slender body pressed down on his body exuded a seductive fragrance, which filled Su Ming’s whole body. In the middle, refreshed, fragrant and boundless…

“Cool!” Su Ming laughed. ww╲w.㊣(⊙o⊙)…

Qinyuan’s **** are relatively full, clinging tightly to Su Ming’s chest, with a fatal provocation, she is extremely shy, and can’t wait to get up immediately and leave this guy.

Qinyuan is a daughter of a famous family. When will she ever try to put pressure on a man, and this man is the guy she hates.

Qinyuan wanted to cry for a while, oh my god, this is too much for me, and I would fall even after running, but it was so warm that it pressed the bastard’s body in front of me…

“Go away, you stinky bastard. I hate it.” Qin Yuan blushed and said coldly and angrily.

tried to get up, but just stood up, accidentally stepped on a piece of peel, this time the fall was a little hasty, and the whole person fell on Su Ming’s body, foot to foot, hand to body, body to body. Chest to chest, mouth to mouth, the warm atmosphere is staged again.


Subtle lip contact, Qin Yuan kissed Su Ming all of a sudden, the kiss was a little hasty, and it was too late for her to avoid it.

The first kiss is definitely the first kiss. Su Ming is so old, and it is the first time he has kissed a woman. (other than his mother) Su Ming did not expect that he could kiss the school flower. Although this is something that no one can predict, it is not a real kiss. together! Su Ming’s cool, Qin Yuan’s rosy mouth, two soft lips are soft and moist, sweet and wonderful, she breathes a woman’s fragrance in her slight breath, which seems to be able to transfer to Su Ming’s whole body.

Su Ming used to think about how a woman’s kiss looks like, how wonderful it would be if it was kissed?

Now Su Ming can say with certainty that it is very good and refreshing. Kissing a woman is like cherishing a strange thing, which makes people full of love.

This kiss, the kissing Qin Yuan was stunned, her expression was stunned, she couldn’t believe that she pressed him on him in such an intimate way, and accidentally kissed it down, oh my god, my eldest sister’s first kiss has disappeared like this, it’s actually a gave him?

“Su Ming, I hate you, you give me back your first kiss.” Qin Yuan sat up, reaching out and pounding Su Ming’s shoulder constantly.

Su Ming sweetened his mouth and said, “You kissed this yourself, what’s it to me? Besides, I also kissed for the first time, and I don’t owe anyone anything.”

“You, you, go to hell!” Qin Yuan almost exploded with anger, even if the other party didn’t intend to compensate, she even licked her mouth with great taste, **** it, that’s Big Sister Ben’s saliva!

Qinyuan’s face burst into flames with anger, she gave Su Ming a stern look, and was about to get up, but Su Ming suddenly pushed her back down.

“Hey, what are you doing? Don’t mess around!” Seeing Su Ming savagely pressing herself down, Qin Yuan immediately panicked!

Su Ming didn’t let go of her, his body clinging to Qin Yuan’s slender and exquisite figure, his mouth touched Qin Yuan’s lips, and he kissed it shamelessly.

The feeling of warmth that had just disappeared returned to his mouth again.

“Hey, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy kissing me what are you doing?” Qin Yuan was stunned, this time she was really stunned. If it was an accident and everyone kissed together just now, she felt aggrieved but she could only accept it. But now this stinky hooligan kisses himself domineeringly, which is considered indecent!

“You made me suffer so much, not counting any interest, am I losing a lot?” Su Ming thought of the bad smell just now, and kissed Qin Yuan’s gentle lips again.

Qinyuan’s beautiful eyes stared, and she gave Su Ming a cold look. If her eyes could kill, Su Ming would have been killed by her tens of thousands of times.

Qinyuan angrily said, “Go away, don’t kiss anymore, do you have such a thick skin as you? Even if you kiss once, you need to kiss twice?”


“Bastard, this is the third time. Big Sister Ben warned you, if you dare to kiss, I will, I will kick you to death!” Qin Yuan was so furious that she stretched out her left foot to push against his little brother.

The woman gets angry, but she can do anything.

Su Ming quickly let go of her, if it was a second too late, he could not guarantee that he would not become a eunuch.

“Sister Yuan, why haven’t you come out yet?” Li Lili ran back and asked worriedly.

“Come on!” Qin Yuan hurriedly got up and ran towards the corridor outside the music room, her beautiful face covered with layers of red glow.

Leaving the music room, Qinyuan hummed coquettishly as she walked, but she even licked her lips with her tongue, which made her feel extremely ashamed.

“Sister Yuan, what’s wrong with you? Your face is red?” Li Lili asked curiously, holding her hand.

“Ah, no, nothing, am I blushing?” Qin Yuan replied slowly.

“Well, it’s more than blushing, it’s about to bleed, what did that idiot do to you? Otherwise, let’s go back and fix him. I’ve already thought of a new move, it will definitely work.” Li Lili showed a devilish smile. , the thief laughed.

Qinyuan was very complicated now, shook her head and said, “Forget it, let him go today, and settle accounts with him later.”

“Oh, Sister Yuan, why are you blushing again? Come on, what did he do to you? It always feels weird.” Li Lili’s expression was full of doubts.

“It’s really nothing, Lily, don’t think about it, let’s go.” Qin Yuan said that she had just been domineeringly kissed by Su Ming three times.

Su Ming left the music room with a smug expression on his face, Oops, the feeling of kissing the school flower is a breeze.

Su Ming packed up his books, took his schoolbag, walked downstairs of the teaching building, and came to the school gate. He happened to see a Lamborghini driving over, and the car was parked in the middle of the school gate.

Looking along the other side, I saw Qinyuan walking onto the Lamborghini. In the workshop, there was a lady with a mature and charming face.

The lady    laughed and said, “Daughter, look at you moisturizing, are you in love? Is your partner handsome?”

“You don’t have that, Mom, don’t think about it, your daughter is being bullied!” Qin Yuan threw herself into the lady’s arms and said coquettishly.

“Hehe! Someone dares to bully my daughter, who is it? My mother asked someone to kill him and chop him into a few hundred pieces.” The lady touched Qinyuan’s head and laughed.

“Mom, don’t! It’s not that serious, you can’t be violent.” Qin Yuan said in horror, mother likes to act domineering the most.

“Okay, just kidding, how could I treat my daughter’s object like this!” The lady smiled.

“No, you’re saying, I’m going to be angry!” Qin Yuan Buyi hummed.

“Haha.” The car galloped towards the road and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Su Ming watched the car leave, and shook his head, thinking that rich people are luxury, and any car is worth hundreds of millions, and poor people like us can’t afford to hurt!

“No, I can’t be so unconfident, don’t I already have superpowers? Although I can’t get rich overnight, at least I can make money by myself, right?” Su Ming gained confidence and left school.

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