My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 617

We would make meals

“Very well, I shall think of dishes that will use the sooy.”

“And I will try to make Tampopos.”

As I was not a cook, I could not give her much advice on how to cook them, so the rest was up to her.

“Ah, there is also one other thing…”

I decided to tell her about konjac as well.

Here, it was just called jac. As I knew they had potatoes, it was not surprising that they had it here. But I was still not sure how or why the names were both similar and different in this world.

“Mr. Takumi, what did Helena want to see you about?”

“Oh, it was about cooking.”

When I returned to the back garden, Leo and the others were still playing, while Mr. Ekenhart and Ms. Claire drank their tea leisurely.

Tilura had also joined in with Liza and Leo.

She had been playing with Rahle before, but currently, Fen and Riruru were standing on their hind legs while placing their paws on Rahle. Perhaps Liza had taught them a new pose. She was clapping her hands with delight.

“Now that I think about it, I don’t believe I asked you. Do you cook, Mr. Takumi?”

“Well, it’s not…like I can’t at all. Though, I would be very bad compared to Ms. Helena. However, I do have some knowledge, and so she wanted to confide in me.”

“Hmm, I see. …Claire is not like that.”

“Father, there is no need to say such things. Still…Mr. Takumi’s cooking. I think I would like to eat that.”

As I had lived alone for a long time, I was able to cook.

Though, most of it was simple, like just frying stuff in a pan.

I did not have Ms. Helena’s experience or sensitivity when it came to flavor.

“Then perhaps I can make something? Though…there is no guarantee that it will taste good…”

“Oh, you heard me… Well, if it is not too much trouble…”

“Haha, trouble. If anything, I feel that you have to eat it.”

“Oh, Mr. TakumI? That should be amusing. Since I am leaving tomorrow, it would be nice to be able to eat it today…”

“Today? Well…I guess.”


I had suggested it half jokingly.

My cooking was no match for Ms. Helena’s, let alone Ms. Lyra’s. But if they wanted to eat it, I suppose that I could try.

After all, I wanted to repay them for feeding me all of this time. Though, whether my cooking would suffice was a different matter.

But Mr. Ekenhart was interested as well, and so I agreed to it.

I had no other plans for the day… Aside from making the Tampopos.

Milina was handling the medicine now, and I had made herbs for Ractos yesterday.

I wanted to make a little more, but I could do that when making the Tampopos before midday.

“Mr. Takumi’s cooking… I wonder what it will be? It could be something that we don’t have here. I am looking forward to it.”

“Uh, I wouldn’t expect too much… I’m not very good. You might be disappointed? Besides, the ingredients might not exist here.”

However, I was going to make something simple, and not anything that required rare ingredients. So it would probably be fine.



“Oh, what is it, Leo?””


“I see… Yes, you liked it, didn’t you, Leo?”

“Leo likes it? Something other than sausages?”

“Well, probably not that much… But there was one thing I used to make that she really liked.”

But as I was so busy, I could not make it often.

Aside from sausages, for some reason, Leo liked to eat what I cooked over dog food.

Even if it was rather expensive dog food.

That being said, we could not communicate then like we could now. But whenever I started to cook, Leo would wag her tail and bring her bowl.

At first I didn’t give her any, as it contained things that dogs couldn’t eat. Though, I eventually only used seasoning and ingredients that dogs could eat.

Yes…it had been a long time. And so I suppose I would make that.

I’m sure that Ms. Claire and the others would like it too, and it was easy.

As long as I didn’t overcook it. But it should be fine if it I made it with Ms. Helenda. Besides, I knew that the ingredients definitely existed in this world…

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