My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 642

I asked Mr. Kalis about Nick

“Ah, Mr. Takumi. Thank you for coming.”

“Hello, Mr. Kalis.”

As I was talking casually with Nick, our arrival was noticed by Mr. Kalis, and he came out to greet us.


“Ah, it’s Liza’s first time. This is Mr. Kalis. He’s the person who sells the herbs that I make.”

“So this must be Liza? I have heard about you from Mr. Sebastian. It’s nice to meet you. I am Kalis. I deliver Mr. Takumi’s herbs to the people of this town.”


“Liza. Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

“Ah! Uh…I’m Liza. Nice to meet you!”

As she had done well, I patted Liza on the head.

“Ah, that’s right. Can I speak to you for a moment, Mr. Kalis?”

“Yes, what is it?”

I gestured to him and then we moved away from Nick.

“It’s about Nick. Is he working hard like he should?”

“Yes. You can hardly believe what kind of person he used to be. That is how well he works now. I suppose having a stable life really affected him… It is all because of you, Mr. Takumi.”

“No…I wasn’t really thinking much when…”

I had been prepared to apologize to Mr. Kalis for Nick’s behavior, so this was a little surprising.

In any case, if he was working seriously, then that was a good thing.

I had talked to him when I arrested Deam, and he had been sorry about his past deeds. He even apologized to everyone he had troubled. You really couldn’t judge someone by their appearance.

“By the way, I heard about it, Mr. Takumi. How you captured that man that everyone thought was untouchable.”

“Ah, yes. It was mostly because of Leo.”

“The guards and people who were there…they have spread the word. And so you and Leo are quite popular now. It has even affected this store.”

“I see…”

“Oh? Is that a bad thing?”

“No, not exactly… But something like this has never happened before. And since I haven’t visited Ractos since, it doesn’t feel real yet.”

“Haha. Then it will be a good idea for you to go around the town. While it won’t be everyone…most should be very welcoming to you two.”

“I hope so…haha…”

I had heard from Ms. Gelda that people were happy about Deam’s arrest.

However, I had not seen any of the reactions in person.

Regardless, we would have to do our best to not disappoint the people.

“Is it good, Leo and Liza?”

“Yes, it’s delicious! Thanks, papa!”


After speaking with Mr. Kalis, we went back into the town. Our next stop was Ms. Isabelle’s store, and so we headed out to the main street. But since Leo would not stop staring at the street stalls, I had no choice but to buy some meat skewers.

I also gave some to Liza.

They both wagged their tails happily, which was nice…but I hoped they would still be hungry later, when we had lunch.

Ms. Helena had gone out of her way to prepare it, so I didn’t want it to go to waste.

We also drew a lot of attention, and the owner of the stall even said that we didn’t have to pay. However, I still insisted on it.

I suppose it showed how grateful they felt towards us.

Fifty coppers…was about five thousand yen. It wasn’t cheap to feed Leo. However, I had plenty of money, so it was fine.

“Are you there, Ms. Isabelle?”

“Oh? If it isn’t Mr. Takumi.”


“Oh, oh. And Liza too. Welcome!”

I left Leo outside with Nicholas, as she could not fit in, and entered the strange building with Liza.

Ms. Isabelle was sitting down and polishing one of her products when she noticed us.

Her reaction was so different between me and Liza. But then again, Liza was very fond of her, and saw her like a grandmother.

…Ms. Isabelle definitely was the age where it wouldn’t be unusual if she had grandchildren…

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