My Beloved Dog is the Strongest in Another World

Chapter 659

Someone was advising the villagers

As for the land where the house would be build for me and Ms. Claire, it would be to the north of the chief’s house, and next to the farmland.

Because it would be more convenient if we lived close to the fields.


“Isn’t that too much land?”

“Really? It seems quite normal to me… If anything, it could be bigger.”

“Indeed. It will be small compared to the mansion.”

“Perhaps we should make some adjustments?”

…It was no use trying to persuade Mr. Ekenhart and Sebastian.

Of course, we were just looking at a map, but the space that we would be using would take up half of Range village.

Surely that was too big.

Even for someone of Leo’s size, it was excessive.

“But the good Leo will be able to run around.”

“Yes, but…it still does not need to be that big. Besides, I think Leo would rather play in the village with the children.”

And so we agreed to discuss the matter later, and I requested that it be smaller.

If they kept it like that, I did not want to think about how expensive the house would be to build and maintain.

“That’s right, chief. There is something I wanted to ask you.”

“What is it?”

Just when we were about to finish, Mr. Ekenhart suddenly wanted to say something to Mr. Harnes.

“About the wolves or dogs. Could you have been receiving advice from someone outside of the village?”

“Oh…why do you ask?”

“Because you were talking about familiars. While it is not rare…I think it was odd for you to speak of that. Most people in your position would only see monsters as threats. Though…some would use orcs as food.”

I had heard about familiars from Ms. Claire, as soon as I came to this world.

While I didn’t really see Leo as a familiar, Ms. Claire and Tilura had monsters that obeyed them, and so I was used to the idea of them.

However, I had never seen any others in Ractos. So they were clearly not common.

If you weren’t trained, then even orcs were dangerous monsters. And so the idea of fighting and making them obey you…was kind of odd.

“You are right. After Mr. Takumi left this village, we all talked about it. And around that time, a traveler stopped by.”


Just as Mr. Ekenhart suspected, there had been someone who gave them that idea.

“This person was quick to see that we were troubled, and agreed to give us some advice. It wasn’t an order or anything. Just that there were ways to acquire familiars. It was merely a possibility. If anything, it was suggested that this was dangerous, and we should not do it.”

“Indeeed. It is a dangerous thing to attempt. Though, it was fine with Claire and Tilura.”

“I think that was due to Leo’s presence.”

“As I said before, that was why we got dogs first… Well, the traveler was the one who brought us the dogs. The first time we talked, it was after I left the duke’s house.”

“That is not much time at all…”

“I was surprised as well. But the traveler supposedly had some special method of transportation…”

“After what happened last time, weren’t you suspicious?”

“At first, I was… However…”

Mr. Harnes suddenly hesitated. And the rest of us looked at him with puzzled expressions.

“I am not sure…if I should say this…”

“We will not repeat it. Go on. As the duke, I can take responsibility for any trouble that might be caused.”

“…I understand.”

It was strange for him to worry this much. Was there some big problem?

Surely he wasn’t being threatened… He would not trust a person like that.

Still, after hearing Mr. Ekenhart’s words, he made up his mind and nodded.

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