My Best Wife

Chapter 113: Miss (8)

Chapter 113 Missy (8)

"Fang Zhiqiang, who told you to smoke in my office, you get out of it..." Wang Xia suddenly saw Fang Zhiqiang sitting opposite her, swallowing the clouds, and then she felt that she could not bear it. Smoke smell. She almost snarled at Fang Zhiqiang.

"I have been smoking for a long time, and there are still two mouthfuls, and I will finish smoking immediately. Anyway, there is already a smell of smoke in it, and I don't care about this two mouthfuls, right? Let me finish smoking first." Fang Zhiqiang calmly persuaded.

"Get out." Wang Xia unbearably held the pen in her hand and threw it towards Fang Zhiqiang, frightened Fang Zhiqiang and fled.

Fang Zhiqiang finished smoking outside before looking at Wang Xia tentatively at the door.

"What are you looking at? Are you not coming in?" Wang Xia glared.

"I...I don't want to come in after you are angry, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Fang Zhiqiang, tell me, do you think these methods you think are feasible?" Wang Xia asked.

"I don't know if it can be done, but I think it must be helpful, I think..." Fang Zhiqiang was interrupted again by Wang Xia before he finished speaking.

"Do you think it's OK? That's OK. The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in one week. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, our entire mall will hold large-scale events, and the flow of people will definitely be much larger than usual. At this big event Next, you are responsible for the promotion activities of this underwear shop. You are alone in charge. You need to find other departments for what you need, and how much money you need. Write your promotion plan, make a budget and ask me to sign, and I will give you I will give you what you want, but the premise is that you must ensure that during the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival, the daily sales of this store will reach more than five times the current daily sales. Can it be done?" Wang Xia asked Fang Zhiqiang directly.

"Five times?" Fang Zhiqiang's eyes widened.

"Yes, five times, is it too small?" Wang Xia asked.

"No...No, Mr. Wang, you know, I have never done it before, I don't know anything, I don't know how to do it, I..."

"I don’t know it’s not an excuse. You should know what our company does. If you come to our company and don’t even know these things, what does the company want you to do? You don’t really think I’m going to spend more than 10,000 yuan a month for one I'm the mess, right? Asking you to help me is just to familiarize you with the company's situation first, because by my side you can have a more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of our company's situation. Anyway, you want you to do it. Give you a bonus of 20,000 yuan. If you can't do it, you can pack your things and go home. The company will not raise an idler." Wang Xia said solemnly.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned. He didn't expect Wang Xia to give this thing to herself suddenly.

"Then... Then how should this event be promoted? Including the solutions I mentioned earlier?" Fang Zhiqiang asked.

"What to do is your business, I said, this case is for you, then you are up to you to make changes to this store, even if I say it, it doesn’t count, how do you want to do it? No matter what, I don't care about the process. All I want is the result. If the result I want is not achieved, please report your resignation and go home." Wang Xia said coldly.

Fang Zhiqiang was not surprised at Wang Xia’s attitude, nor was he unfamiliar. He often sat at the door and stopped Wang Xia to train people. He knew that Wang Xia’s way of working was like this. If one thing is left to you, then she will take care of it. Give it all to you, give you all the power, and never interfere. She only sets a goal for you. You must achieve this goal. If you reach it, you will get a good reward. If you fail to reach it, the punishment is often severe. As for how She doesn't care about it. Fang Zhiqiang does not know whether this management method is scientific, but in this company, the efficiency and enthusiasm are indeed very good. In other words, Wang Xia's management method may not be scientific or humane, but it is very effective.

"I..." Fang Zhiqiang was a little speechless, his head was dumbfounded, he had never done it before, and he didn't even understand where he started.

Looking at Fang Zhiqiang’s embarrassment, Wang Xia’s resolute expression eased a little, and her tone slowed down a bit and said: “I don’t know if you know a term, that is planning. Now what I let you do is planning work. I will let you From the initial market research to market analysis and the plans that you are now allowed to do, this is a set of our company’s work flow. Now that you have joined the company, you certainly don’t want you to sit here forever and serve me tea every day. Pour the water? If you want to develop, then you have to use your own abilities to let the company show me the value you can create for the company. There are some things that only you can help yourself, others are can not help you."

Fang Zhiqiang nodded and said, "I understand these things, and I don't mean to resist, I just don't quite understand how to do these things."

"There is nothing that must be done. Just like the questionnaire you made, it is completely different from what others did. However, you did it the same way, and the conclusions you reached are more profound than they are. What does it mean? There is no fixed pattern for doing things. What I don’t like most is having a set of fixed patterns that imprison my employees. If they are all such employees, then the company raises a group of robots without any creativity. , A company without any creativity can never go far. Therefore, I never teach my employees how to do this thing, how to do it. I only set a goal, how to do it so that you can use your imagination and Ability to accomplish, no matter what method, as long as it can achieve the goal is a good way." Wang Xia said again.

Then he looked at Fang Zhiqiang, and then said: "Of course, you don't understand at all, and you don't even understand the operation mode. This is a bit difficult for you, but whether a person has the ability or not depends on these difficulties. Fang Zhiqiang, I’m actually very optimistic about you. You are serious about your work, and you have the strength to refuse to admit defeat. In addition, you are also a person who doesn’t like to go the ordinary way. Like it, that’s why I wanted to train you, and hope you don’t let me down."

"It is impossible for you to explore and do it all by yourself. I can tell you a little bit. I told you before. Before doing this, you must first understand what your purpose is for doing this. , And then you think of a way according to the purpose you want to achieve. If you do it according to this idea, any complicated things will become much easier. The so-called planning is to plan an event plan to achieve the goal you want to achieve, such as This matter, that is, you draw up an activity plan yourself to achieve the purpose of increasing the sales performance of this store. Doesn’t it feel simple to say this? Didn’t you tell me so much about your opinion? Those methods have been put into practice. This is a planning plan. Do you understand? If you still don't understand, go to the planning department and ask people, and they will tell you how to operate." Wang Xia finally said to Fang Zhiqiang.

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