My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 351: Divide the vitality

The ceremony scene at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

After the cliff passage was destroyed, Nuk'alofa's voice broke the silence:

"I have temporarily closed the road to the Land of Sin. Now, except for a few hyenas on the ground, no one will come to disturb our sacred and glorious cause."

Nuk'alofa turned around and faced the shriveled blood vessels suspended in mid-air.

He raised his arms and chanted some kind of magic incantation in a weird tone.

This mantra was not translated into the common language of the temple by the [Soul Seal]. Despite this, Xia Zuo tried his best to use his brain and forcibly memorized the mantra of unknown meaning.

At the same time, Xia Zuo controlled the hematin servant to quietly lean out from behind the wall of the energy pipeline to observe Nuk'alofa's spellcasting process.

The shriveled blood vessels wriggled slowly, like a gastrointestinal tissue digesting food. There were several small bumps slightly raised on the surface of the blood vessels, which quickly grew from small to large and turned into large sarcomas. With waves of squirming, the sarcoma quickly approached the mouth of the blood vessel.

"Puff~~Puff~~Puff~~" In the sound of air flow like farting, a large green light ball spurted out from the blood vessel opening.

Nuk'alofa took a sharp breath and tore off a small half of the light ball.

The bright green light group spread out in all directions and slowly flowed to every corner of the square. The demons below inhaled obsessively, scrambling to inhale the bright green light group into their bodies. Those strange demons that were haggard due to continuous worship suddenly regained their vitality.

What spurts out from the shriveled blood vessels is pure life force energy. Looking at the expressions and movements of these strange demons, they should all be able to see the life force light group.

Xia Zuo aimed at the light group and released the detection technique. Such a large light group has a full 330,000 points of vitality attribute value. All the strange demons present were allocated about seventy or eighty points per person.

Seeing the green light floating closer and closer, Xia Zuo turned off the [Vitality Recycling] of the hematin servant out of caution.

It would be embarrassing...

While the alien demons were sucking the life force light group, Nuk'alofa waved his hand to summon the shadow energy, condensing an arc-shaped dark crack around him.

Whispers drifted from the crack.

This is the second time Xia Zuo heard this voice.

He looked carefully at the dark crack and saw a deep purple light coming from it.

Dark purple... Hmm... Xia Zuo recalled that he had seen this color of light in the darkroom sub-plane, and it should be unique to this plane.

So Nuk'alofa is talking to someone in the darkroom plane.

If Xia Zuo and Selina's speculations are correct, in addition to the shadow demon master, there should be a large number of newly built incubators and a huge energy system in the dark room. The latter two things also need to be managed by strange demons.

At the ceremony site at the church headquarters, only Nuk'alofa was presiding over the ceremony, so the other high-level alien demons should be in the darkroom.

Who are these senior executives?

Xia Zuo scratched his head and rummaged through the notepad on the table.

The three high-level codebreakers in the temple are not considered to hold high positions in the Strange Demon Church. The three of them rarely have the opportunity to meet big figures in the real church, but there is a high-ranking alien demon who often appears in their sights.

That is Grand Sabage, the great steward of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church. He is responsible for coordinating and supervising various departments of the church. He is only responsible to the Blood Secret Bishop and has a higher status than Nuk'alofa.

According to the description of the high-level codebreakers, Gran Sabage is also a human being, not a strange demon. He is a flesh and blood alchemist like Nuk'alofa.

It is estimated that the person Nuk'alofa was talking to at this time was GLS Beqi.

Xia Zuo's guess was quickly verified.

Just after the last ray of green light was eaten clean by the strange demons at the edge of the ritual square, Nuk'alofa ended the conversation.

He dispersed the dark crack in front of him, turned around and announced loudly:

"Your Majesty Grand Sabage said that the Shadow Demon Lord is ready. In five hours, the plane fusion will be started."

This time, Xia Zuo did not let the hematin servant hide behind the wall of the energy pipe, but maintained a sneak peek.

He finally saw what Nuk'alofa looked like.

An ordinary old man with thinning hair looks just like the old man who sits by the square every day and watches his wife dance in the square...

Nuk'alofa didn't notice the uninvited guest in the energy pipeline.

Under the watchful eyes of the hematin servants, he pointed to several strange demons under the high platform, and issued an order in an unquestionable tone, "Adjust the energy center. Plane fusion will cause drastic changes in the environment. Don't let irrelevant energy destroy our plans." , I don’t want to see elemental energy appear in the spark of plane fusion.”

The few strange demons who received the order bowed to Nuk'alofa, and then turned into a few black smoke and flew into the stairwell that lit the edge of the bed.

Nuk'alofa turned around again, facing the shriveled blood vessels and took a long breath.

The aura of forced piety emanated from the withered blood vessels, and the strange demons quickly enveloped it, and the strange demons entered into pious singing to praise Vasaksat.

The charging speed is slower this time.

The feedback information of the detection technique shows that it is expected to be fully charged in 5 hours, which coincides with the time of plane fusion. It seems that Nuk'alofa deliberately slowed down the charging speed in order to perfectly match the shadow demon master.

There is good news and bad news in front of Xia Zuo

The bad news is that when the bomb is installed next, his hemogen servants may no longer be able to roam around unscrupulously, and they will have to pay attention to avoid the few strange demons who come to check the energy center.

The good news is, he may have discovered the Forbidden Magic Field Generator!

It is not difficult to infer from what Nuk'alofa just said: elemental energy may appear during the fusion of planes, which will interfere with the fusion of planes, and the energy center of the church headquarters seems to be able to solve this problem. The way to solve this problem is probably to prohibit the appearance of elemental energy.

Isn't this the forbidden magic field? !

It turns out that the big round ball covered with energy transmission pipes that I saw before is the forbidden magic field generator. It's just that in the eyes of the strange demon, the big round ball is the energy center for energy production, and the forbidden magic field is just its incidental function.

Exploding the energy center is equivalent to destroying the forbidden magic field!

Kill two birds with one stone.

Xia Zuo brought out Rexor's perspective and told him what was going on in the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

After listening to Xia Zuo's speculations about the energy center and the forbidden magic field generator, Rexor thought deeply and said:

"In that case, the results of a study conducted by the Tower Master for many years are correct. The forbidden magic field does not exist alone, it must be attached to some kind of energy device. The best way is to combine it with the energy device. Get up and address the energy supply issue head on."

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