My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 363 No, no, no, no

Rexall and Mr. Xia discussed for nearly three hours and finally finalized the general framework of the cooperation plan.

The bald man took out a blank parchment and controlled three silver sand palms to draft a contract.

"Here, let's take a look. If there's no problem, sign it." Rexor pushed the parchment in front of Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo scratched his head, "Why don't you wait until the results of the big review come out in three days before signing the contract? What if I fail the review? Maybe I'm a black flag?"

Rexall glanced at him strangely, "Are you Black Flag? If you are Black Flag, then you are the stupidest of all the strange monsters I have ever seen."

"Uh why?" Xia Zuo scratched his head again.

"Did you leave any hemogen servants in the Forbidden Magic Field that we don't know about?" Rexor asked.

"No." Xia Zuo shook his head.

"Did you take the initiative to leave your contact information for the alien demon?" Rexor asked again.


Rexor continued to ask, "You have mastered the blood magic of [Hemogen Servant], which is what the Strange Demon Church urgently needs. Think about it, if you teach this blood magic to the strange devil, what do you think Does the Temple still have a chance to win?

"This," Xia Zuo thought for a moment, "has no chance of winning."

"That's right." Rexor hammered his palm:

"If you are Black Flag, then the previous infiltration mission is your best opportunity to subvert the temple. It is a unique opportunity that you must not miss.

"As long as you reveal Kallus's magic clone to Nuk'alofa, you can eliminate the possibility of the temple obtaining the energy center structure diagram.

"If Seritus and I are wiped out by shadow energy like others, no one will be able to know what you have done.

"But you didn't do that, so you're not a black flag."

"It seems...that's what happened." Xia Zuo muttered to himself.

It must be said that the bald head's reasoning is well-founded and has the effect of waking up the dreamer.

Xia Zuo had previously speculated that Goldfinger's camp had a negative stance and that there might be hidden dangers. It was very likely that it would launch an attack at a critical moment, seize control of the host, turn against the guest, and destroy the foundation of the temple in one fell swoop.

Looking back now, wasn't it the best time for Goldfinger to usurp power and seize the throne when he sneaked into the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church?

But it didn't do that...

Could it be said that there is no thinking, memory or consciousness related to Black Flag inside Goldfinger? Is it just a simple, emotional plug-in?

Rexor looked at the stunned Xia Zuo, stretched out his right hand and patted him on the shoulder and said:

"The big review has made people in the temple panic, and the people on the review list are even more stressed. You have to relax, Xia Zuo. Anyone on the list may be a black flag, but from the perspective of our demon hunting school, Only you and a few people can be eliminated as suspects."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo came back to his senses and looked at the contract.

He read it from beginning to end twice and signed his name after confirming that it was correct.

Since then, this military cooperation project of great significance to both parties has been initially concluded.

The following is a series of assembly line work such as trial production, testing, review, and modification. In the context of an all-out war, this process is expected to be significantly shortened.

"In three days, after you have been examined by the Tribunal, come to the temple. I will take you to the stronghold of the temple army."

Rexor said while packing the parchment:

"When the time comes, you have to cooperate with me and follow my instructions. I may need you to demonstrate the process of making a hematin guard, and then cooperate with the mystic mage to do some tests."

Rexor stuffed the parchment into his alchemy pocket, "If the Demon Hunting School is sure to learn blood magic [Hemonic Servant] from me, then you can just be there to guide me in making the Hematin Guard, and I will work with the secret Mages do tests.”

"Okay, Master."

The two left Kristo's office one after another and went to the transmission room in the teaching area together to wait for transmission.

Xia Zuo took the first step, walked into the transfer room to the Western Continent, and returned to Starry Night Academy.

He briefly described what happened today to Anruer, without going into too much detail. He only mentioned that he would be examined by the Tribunal in three days under the arrangement of the meeting between the two temples. Rexall had already It was absolutely confirmed that he would definitely pass the review, so Anruer didn't need to worry too much.

Anru'er has always believed in Xia Zuo. Since he said there was no problem, then there must be no problem. She had lunch with Xia Zuo and then devoted herself to preparing lessons. Xia Zuo was constructing spells in the study in preparation for testing the hematin servants in four days.

Three days flew by while weaving spells.

At night in the Western Continent, Xia Zuo bid farewell to An Ruer's warm embrace, passed through the teleportation room alone, and arrived at the Eastern Continent where it had just entered the early morning.

The Tribunal is its own system in the temple, with an independent area that is not bordered by other temple departments - Mount Andana. Normally, people who want to visit have no chance to come, and those who don't want to come here will be forcefully escorted away. come over.

Xia Zuo was fortunate enough to be invited by the Tribunal today to visit the famous scenic spots in the temple...

As soon as he walked out of the teleportation room at the foot of the mountain, he was immediately attracted by the light gray mountain not far away.

According to legend, Mount Andana is not a natural landscape. It is an artificial mountain. When the Tribunal was first founded, the presiding judge at the time commissioned the Tower Scholars and the Alchemy School to build it using a large amount of enchantment and alchemy materials. .

Andana Mountain is about 130 meters high and has a flat cone shape like an ordinary natural mountain.

Its mountain surface is devoid of woods and soil, replaced by smooth, gray energy-absorbing metal panels that can absorb the rays of the sun and moon and various energies.

There are no windows on the Andana Mountain, and the entire mountain is neatly trimmed with clear lines, so when Xia Zuo looked at it from the foot of the mountain, it felt like a pyramid with a gray shell...

Inside the mountain of Andana Mountain is the Tribunal.

The only way to enter is to be led in by Inquisition guards.

The guards were wearing silver-white armor and helmets with metal masks attached. They stood on a high platform about twenty or thirty meters above the ground, with their right hands on the magic swords at their waists. Through a horizontal stripe on their masks, they He stared at the temple mages gathered at the foot of Mount Andana.

This high platform is built on the Andana Mountain and is a platform protruding from the mountain.

The first batch of people to be reviewed today will be reviewed, and the second and third batches will be reviewed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow respectively. The basis for dividing the batches is age, with younger people at the front and older people at the back.

Xia Zuo is among the first batch of people to be tried. Kulov, who is nearly 60 years old, is in the third batch.

In the past three days, Xia Zuo went to Kulov and asked him what he thought of this major review.

At that time, Kulov was about to take a lunch break. He lay on the soft sofa, glanced at Xia Zuo, and said that he was not worried about the big review at all. From the time he entered the school to the present, the only thing he could be punished for was only one thing, and it was related to Xia Zuo was concerned, and then Kulov went into deep meditation on his own...

At noon that day, when Xia Zuo walked out of the poison alchemy area, he felt a little embarrassed. As expected, what Kulov said should be that a few years ago, he disclosed the exam question set for the general education course of the school to the exam. The matter of students...

Thinking that he had secretly told An Ru'er the test questions to help her get through the difficult general education exam, Xia Zuo couldn't help but sigh that time flies so fast...

Xia Zuo calmed down, found an empty seat under the high platform, looked around, released his detection technique, and recorded the more than 30 temple mages in the same batch.

Five or six minutes later, the first batch of people awaiting trial arrived.

The Tribunal guards on the high platform raised their magic swords and pointed them at the sky, with dozens of energy trickles spraying from the tip of the swords. The trickle of energy accurately fell on the persons awaiting trial, wrapping them up.

The next second, the Tribunal guard turned the magic sword and pointed it at the doorway behind him. The person awaiting trial was dragged into the doorway by the trickle of energy.

Xia Zuo felt his eyes blur, and in the blink of an eye, he came from the flat land outside Andana Mountain to a gray and foggy room.

Just when he was about to figure out where he was, a majestic female voice sounded in the room:

"I am the executor of this trial, Calliodoro. All persons awaiting trial are on standby. The trial court is watching you. Any unauthorized actions will be punished."

Okay, Xia Zuo takes back his left foot that he just moved a little bit...

This group of people awaiting trial should have been separated into separate rooms filled with gray fog.

Calyodore's voice sounded again:

"According to the instructions of the two halls meeting, the trial court will use the thorns of condemnation to examine you. With the special approval of the acting chief judge, non-major crimes can be tried and punished on a delayed basis, while major crimes must be tried and punished on the spot.

“The following will be reviewed in order according to the number of the persons to be reviewed.

"After one minute, the trial court will release the thorns of condemnation to the person awaiting trial No. 1. The person awaiting trial must come into contact with the thorns of condemnation within 3 minutes, otherwise it will be regarded as committing a major crime."

Xia Zuo's number for the person awaiting trial is No. 11. It is estimated that it will be his turn in about half an hour.

He waited patiently and listened to what was going on around him.

It's a pity that this foggy room has excellent soundproofing. After the voice of the trial executor disappeared, the room fell into silence, and not even a sound could be heard.

It is estimated that it was specially arranged by the trial court to protect the privacy of each person awaiting trial.

After all, before being convicted of a major crime, every person under trial is a person with some reputation and status in the temple, and should enjoy a little preferential treatment that will not affect the outcome of the trial.

No. 1, No. 2, No. 3... Every two or three minutes, the trial executor called the number, and soon it was Xia Zuo's turn.

"Person awaiting trial No. 11 is ready to release the thorns of condemnation in one minute."

Xia Zuo calmed down and stayed calm.

After counting silently for 60 seconds, the gray fog in the room quickly dissipated, revealing the bare stone floor and walls. The luminous relief on the ceiling was the only source of light here.

A simple room of about 10 square meters is in front of me. There is a circular flower bed more than one meter wide in the center of the room. The soil in the flower bed was black and shiny, as if it were soaked in oil.

A dark green thorn emerged from the soil, followed by the second and third countless spiked thorns. After emerging from the soil, they lazily fell to the ground, forming a dark green carpet of thorns. .

It should be enough to just touch the wattle branches casually, right? ...Xia Zuo lowered his head and looked at the thorns at his feet.

He knelt down, glanced back and forth, found a thorn with relatively few spikes, and then stretched out his hand to hold it.

The feeling in the palm of the hand is similar to holding an ordinary wattle tree, it seems nothing special.

At this moment, Goldfinger sent a message:

"It is detected that the host is in contact with the [Thorn of Sin], the intelligent shielding function takes effect, and the host's character template and [Knowledge Reserve] begin to be optimized.

"Self-check [identity] entry... is nothing more than the identity of the temple camp, self-check passed.

"Self-examination [Status Data]: The [Mental Power] entry is normal, and the [Health Volume] entry is significantly higher than that of a pure-blood mage of the same level. The self-examination failed and is included in the list of entries to be optimized.

"Self-test [Eight-Dimensional Attributes]: [Vitality] and [Blood Pattern] are significantly higher than those of pure-blood mages at the same level. The self-test failed and was included in the list of items to be optimized.

"Self-examination of [Character Talent]: [Elemental Spell] entries are normal, and the quality of [Blood Magic] entries is significantly higher than that of a pure-blood mage of the same level.

"Self-examination [Knowledge Reserve]:

"We found alchemical knowledge that does not belong to the Temple camp and the language of the Strange Demon Church camp. The total text volume is 130,000 words and has been included in the list of items to be optimized.

“15 items suspected of violating the temple’s laws were found. After self-examination, it was confirmed that these 15 items cannot be tracked by the temple and have been included in the list of items to be optimized.

"The items to be optimized are being summarized and an optimization plan is being drawn up..

“The plan has been drawn up, the details are as follows:

"1. In the [Knowledge Reserve], all knowledge and memories that will be judged as sins by the Thorns of Sin will be temporarily blocked and will be inaccessible until the review is completed.

"2. In [Character Template], items that are significantly higher than those of pure-blood mages of the same level will be temporarily adjusted to the upper limit of pure-blood mages of the same level, and will be restored after the review is completed.

"Start executing the optimization plan...Optimization successful."

The refresh speed of this large piece of information was too fast... Before Xia Zuo could finish reading, the sin-condemning thorns on the ground changed.

All the thorns twitched at the same time and moved closer to the thorns in Xia Zuo's hand, intertwined together like a braid. The ends of the thorns were tightly tied to Xia Zuo's hand, preventing him from letting go at all. hand.

What's going on? ...Xia Zuo's mind fell into a brief blank.

Before he could figure out the situation, the thorns entangled in his right hand faded away like a tide. In just two or three seconds, the sinful thorns turned back into a dark green carpet.

The whole process was shockingly short. It wasn't until the trial executor reminded Xia Zuo that the review was over that he remembered to let go of the thorn in his hand.

"Person No. 11 awaiting trial. After being examined by Judgment Thorns, you have not committed any crime." The trial executor paused and his tone became softer. "This is rare. Keep it up. Now stand still and don't move. I will Send you out."

Xia Zuo stood up straight.

The Thorn of Sin quickly retracted its thorns and retracted into the flower bed in the center of the room. Gray mist emerged out of thin air and filled every corner of the room.

A few seconds later, Xia Zuo disappeared in the light of teleportation.

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