My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 378

It's still the sunny open-air alchemy room.

There have been some changes to the layout of the room.

Several one-way glass walls surrounded the prisoners on death row, forming a relatively closed area. People on the inside of the glass wall cannot see the outside scene through the glass, but people outside can see inside.

At this time, the death row prisoner was still tied to the chair with enchanted chains.

But his hood and blindfold had been taken away. When Nuk'alofa confirmed that Rexor was among the interrogators, there was no need for these things that obscured the view.

The death row prisoner raised his head and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds above his head. He looked a little obsessed and nostalgic, and did not look away for a long time.

Opposite him sat Rexor, while Xia Zuo and others were arranged to listen outside the glass wall. Selina was responsible for monitoring the alchemy equipment, Kadum translated the strange demon language in real time for Rexor, and Xia Zuo played his true role. Salted fish.

"Nuk'alofa." Rexall called the name of the consciousness inside the death row prisoner.

"I haven't seen a sky like this for a long time, right? In that damn place of the Forbidden Magic Field, ordinary people can only see gray clouds. You are not much better than them. Apart from the dirty flesh and blood barrier, there is only darkness. The smoke of creation. If you like it here, I wouldn’t mind finding you a prison where you can see the sky after you surrender.”

"Save your energy, Leisuo." Nuk'alofa kept looking up, "Do you think I like the sky? Haha."

Faced with the other party's contempt, Rexor remained unmoved.

"The answer is obvious, Nuk'alofa. You are a human being, not a monster. You already have the common hobbies of humans. You like the sky, you like to go outing when the sky is clear, and you also like to be quiet in the study when it is rainy. Read a book. The Demonic Church has changed your cognition, thinking and habits, but you are now in the temple, a place from which you can never escape. Why not give yourself a chance to be a new person? "

Nuk'alofa was silent. After a few seconds, he lowered his head slightly and glanced at his head, muttering "pathetic mortal", then raised his head again and continued to look at the sky.

"Let us all be quiet for a while, Leisuo. Until now, you have not given me the secret spiritual medium medicine, and you still use such a simple body to carry my consciousness. I think there is no need for me to say anything more, right? You can't read my memory at all. The Shadow Demon Lord must have taken action when you escaped from the forbidden magic field. Haha, with his character and methods, at most I still have half of my head left."

Nuk'alofa's tone was tight.

To be able to keep secrets in such a desperate situation, it is estimated that only something called faith can support him in doing so.

This is troublesome.

Unless their faith collapses, fanatical church leaders like Nuk'alofa will never reveal any information.

Why is he so determined that what he believes in is worth relying on?

Rexor crossed his arms expressionlessly, and a lot of information about Varaxat came to his mind.

When Xia Zuo controlled the hematin servants to sneak into the church headquarters, he heard a hymn.

“Who can tell where the road to [eternal life] leads,

“Where do [the years] go as they pass by?

“Only you, Vasaksat.

"Who can tell the [growth] of all things?

"Only you, Vasaksat."

Tower scholars conducted an in-depth analysis of the hymn, and they concluded:

Varaxat should be a powerful strange demon specializing in the three fields of [immortality], [time] and [growth].

Its core area should be [time].

Because when time goes by, all things grow; when time stops, all things live forever; when time goes backwards, it can make up for the shortcomings of the past.

The hymn in praise of Valaxat is essentially a big pie for all members of the Strange Demon Church - as long as they contribute to the cause of the Strange Demon, any member can get a reward, even if someone sacrifices, Vasa Kesat can also use the ability related to [time] to resurrect him and give him corresponding glory.

The reason behind this is the same as XJ brainwashing.

The difference is that in previous XJ incidents, the temple's power could be used to arrest XJ leaders and crush the believers' cornerstones of faith. However, this time, the temple was unable to persuade anyone to surrender without defeating Vasaksat. A senior member of the Strange Demon Church.

Rexall knew that his attempts to persuade him to surrender were basically ineffective, but he did not intend to give up.

He communicated with Selina using [Sound Transmission] and confirmed to the other party that Nuk'alofa's psychic energy was still below the alert threshold.

Then, he chatted with Kadum for a few more words, and the other party assured that no member of the Strange Demon Church could contact other strange demons with only half a brain.

All external factors in the entire capitulation effort were eliminated.

There is only one thing that Rexor needs to pay attention to, and that is that the survival time of brain tissue is less than 3 hours.

"You know what, Nuk'alofa?"

Rexor relaxed his posture, put his feet up on the table, lay lazily in the chair, and said in a relaxed tone as if chatting with a friend:

"The temple's recent research on your church's energy center has made good progress. The tower scholars are about to create a replica. Well, I estimate it will be within two or three months."

Rexall shook his head proudly, "Thanks to the generous Sodik Black Flag. If it weren't for this full-form aberration that caused so much chaos in the temple territory, the temple would Such a large number of talents will not emerge in the territory.”

Hearing the name "Sodik Black Flag", the condemned prisoner's facial muscles twitched. Although the twitching was very small, Rexor still saw it.

Selina used telephony to say to the bald head, 'Removing the false personality is not all bad, Leisuo. Without the false personality as a disguise, Nuk'alofa's thinking is obviously much more active. Just now, his psychic energy power increased to 16 points. Continue talking to him about Sodik Black Flag, this guy is not as calm as he appears. ’

Rexor looked at Selina's position and nodded.

"Tuk-tuk." Rexor knocked on the table.

"Let me count with you what contributions Thordick Black Flag has made to the temple."

Rexall stood up and paced around the table with his hands behind his back.

"The school of alchemy has produced many wonderful inventions in recent years."

With a slightly showy smile, Rexor kept whispering in the ears of the death row prisoner.

Xia Zuo turned his head and looked at the alchemy instrument in Selena's hand.

The pointer on the dial is moving, 13, 14, 15, 16, and the reading will soon reach 17 o'clock.

Looking at the appearance of the death row prisoner, it was obvious that he was pretending to be calm.

The higher the reading of spiritual energy, the more intense the mental activity of Nuk'alofa, but it is uncertain at what point he reaches before he can speak. Everyone's psychological threshold is different.

If you are more tolerant, it is entirely possible to still not speak when the reading reaches 30 points or more.

Rexall kept talking for more than two hours.

Nuk'alofa's spiritual energy reading reached 28 points, and his high head lowered, staring at the table in front of him in a daze.

Seeing that there were less than 50 minutes left and Nuk'alofa remained silent, Rexall came up with the trump card he had planned.

"Aha, I forgot to tell you."

Rexall clapped his hands in Nuk'alofa's ear.

"Sodic Black Flag's greatest contribution is to provide the temple with a pure-blood mage."

Rexall reached out and put his hand on the death row prisoner's shoulder, and patted him hard twice.

At this second, the psychological energy reading actually rose to 37 points!

"I think you also know who this pure-blood mage is, Nuk'alofa. Haha, you should be familiar with him. He was once captured by you to the church headquarters for research. But all the church leaders, including you, I didn’t even expect that Ufaris who captured him would be one of ours, right?”

Rexor made a fist with his right hand and hit his left chest.

"Pay tribute to the heroic sacrifice of the 'Lone Peak of Tambus'. He successfully completed the task assigned to him by the temple. After the pure-blood mage was captured into the church, the 'Lone Peak' successfully protected him from dissection and Research. This led to the fact that the pure-blood mage successfully stole the internal structure of the energy center.

"When you presided over the ceremony and forced the strange demons to worship the blood vessels, it was he who brought his blood magic puppet to obtain vital information for the temple."

Nuk'alofa's psychic energy reading reached 45 points, and his inner emotions were in a state of violent fluctuation.

He finally spoke.

The death row prisoner gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn Xia Zuo, I should have crushed him and extracted his blood."


Xia Zuo stood outside the glass wall and touched the bridge of his nose awkwardly.

This is really a huge misunderstanding...

The Temple decrypted the top-secret mission of the pure-blood mage Kallus a month ago, and all Temple members with a top-secret level or above knew the entire mission process.

Many years ago, after Kallus was captured by Rexor, he was imprisoned and never had contact with outsiders. Only Rexor knew that he was a pure-blood mage.

It was not until Xia Zuo himself arrived in the Eastern Continent that Kallus was allowed to carry out top-secret missions.

At Rexor's request, Kallus made three blood magic clones that looked similar to Xia Zuo and controlled them to live around the city of Poseidon where Xia Zuo was located.

What Ufaris kidnapped was one of the blood magic clones, the one Xia Zuo met at the church headquarters.

When this blood magic clone met Xia Zuo, he had already removed his disguise and restored Kallus's appearance, but before that, he had been wearing Xia Zuo's appearance and identity.

So there is the current misunderstanding...Nuk'alofa thought it was a pure-blood mage named Xia Zuo who had infiltrated the church headquarters, but it was actually not Xia Zuo, but Kallus...

Rexall was well aware of the convoluted course of events.

He secretly reminded himself not to let anything slip, and after thinking about his words, he laughed and said:

"Look, Nuk'alofa, that pure-blood mage joined the temple with a new identity. With the support of the pure-blood mage camp, he kept his body intact without losing even a trace of blood or physiology. organize."

Rexor gently patted the death row prisoner on the shoulder, "You can also enjoy this treatment, provided you cooperate."

"Hmph." Nuk'alofa snorted angrily, "Do you think I will surrender? Just dream, Leisuo."

'There are 30 minutes left. ’ Selina reminded the bald head using the sound transmission technique.

"Hey, okay." Rexor sighed, "Stubborn old guy."

The bald man sat back on the chair and took out an hourglass with a 30-minute countdown and placed it on the table.

He pointed at the slowly sliding sand and said:

"Your life is about to disappear, Nuk'alofa, there is only so much left. After the sand runs away, you will die of brain death. Due to your lack of cooperation, we will not provide any help to extend your life."

The death row prisoner looked gloomy.

‘The reading of psychic energy has exceeded 50 points. ’ Selena reminded again, ‘Try harder. ’

"We have been fighting each other for thousands of years." Rexor changed the topic and slowed down his tone, "Apart from your status as a member of the Strange Demon Church, among all the people I know, I recognize your alchemy skills the most. If you hadn't been bewitched by strange demons, you wouldn't have slipped into the abyss of corruption. If you hadn't fallen, that would be great. Maybe there will be a place for you in the alchemy school of the temple."

"Tell me, what is your last wish?" Rexor spread his hands, "If you still respect your life, you'd better say something. After all, you only die once."

"Bring Xia Zuo to see me!"

Nuk'alofa roared angrily and struggled violently!

“This damn bastard actually mastered the weird [Blood Curse]!

"Son of a bitch! Beast!

"He caused me to be deprived of my status as a deacon, and all my subordinates were sent to the darkroom as nourishment!

“I want him to face my wrath!

"I should have dissected him!"

Damn... Xia Zuo couldn't complain and shook his head speechlessly.

Rexall knocked on the table, "Quiet, Nuk'alofa. I can see you hate him."

Rexor leaned forward and stared into the eyes of the death row prisoner. "You have to come up with some information before I can find Xia Zuo. Otherwise, I won't be able to convince an innocent temple member to accept your insults." ,Is it right?"

"Okay." Nuk'alofa took a deep breath, "Fetch Xia Zuo and let me scold him for being angry, and I will tell you the clues about Sodik Black Flag. As for whether you can find him, I can’t control it.”

"Wait here, I'll be back soon." Rexor walked out of the glass wall.

Separated by a wall, there are two worlds. The inside and outside do not interfere with each other. The enchanted glass wall allows people on the inside to be completely unaware of what is happening outside.

After Rexall left, the death row prisoner still looked angry. The alchemy instrument also showed that Nuk'alofa's spiritual energy had not decreased, and his heart was violently active.

But Rexor's intuition told him that there was a fraud.

"Why does Nuk'alofa have to see 'Xia Zuo'?" Rexor Mosuo's bald head asked his companions.

Several people looked at each other.

Xia Zuo himself responded with an embarrassed smile, "I don't know either."

"No, no, no." Rexor shook his hand towards Xia Zuo, "You were not captured, it was Kallus' blood magic clone that was captured. So what Nuk'alofa said about 'Xia Zuo' It’s not you, but the blood magic clone pretending to be you, Kallus to be precise.”

"Yes..." Xia Zuo scratched his head.

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