My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 384 Elements

Just as Xia Zuo and Rexor were moving separately, something was happening in a corner of this continent.

The underground caves in the Kingdom of Wildhammer are numerous and complex.

Thousands of years of changes in river courses have given rise to a vigorous network of underground rivers. Countless underground rivers spread like spider webs in places invisible to people, and there are countless caves caused by water erosion and crustal movement.

Somewhere underground in the Kingdom of Wildhammer, several large underground caves that have been manually dug, expanded, and reinforced are extremely busy and crowded.

The figure in a white cloak passed through the crowd of hurried alchemists and passed through the pneumatic gates without hindrance.

His white figure was reflected on the white tiles on the corridor wall. The two were of the same color, like a white shadow floating in the air. In just ten seconds, he reached the depths of the cave from the entrance to the cave.

The man in white cloak walked into a heavy metal door.

This room looks like a comprehensive alchemy room, with common high-end alchemy tables, desks, chairs, shelves, and a potted plant with lush foliage in the corner.

A man with a crew cut in a short robe was fiddling with glass bottles on the alchemy table, turning a deaf ear to the man in a white cloak behind him.

The man in white cloak stood silently at the door. After the metal door closed, he opened his arms in a hug.

Two silver sand palms appeared on the side of the cloaked man, one palm unbuttoned and zipped the cloak, the other palm pulled the hood, pulled off the cloak, and threw it into the furnace of the alchemy platform.

A faceless human with white skin appeared in front of him.

Next, the two silver sand palms picked up the scissors and scalpel respectively, slashed the faceless human's face, cut his skin, and peeled off his skin.

This layer of skin is not human skin.

It has artificial skin on the outside and a thin enchanted metal film on the inside.

Silver Sand's palm split the skin into two and threw the artificial skin into the furnace. The enchanted metal film was rolled up and placed on the shelf.

The faceless human who lost his artificial skin did not expose his internal organs. Instead, he was replaced by a humanoid creature composed of high-level elemental servants:

Its head, arms, abdomen and legs are each controlled by a high-level elemental servant. The heart and lungs are an airtight metal box, protected by a magic shield condensed by high-level elemental servants.

Yinsha Palm took off the metal box and placed it on the alchemy table, and then Yinsha Palm disappeared. Also disappearing at the same time were the high-level elemental servants that made up the humanoid creatures.

The man with a flat head wore gloves, opened the metal box, took out the cap tube from the box, and poured the scarlet liquid in the tube into a glass vessel.

The empty skull tube and metal box were thrown into the stove by the crew-cut man.

"Boom." The flat-headed man pulled the rope ring to increase the intensity of the fire. He watched expressionlessly as the cap tube and metal box melted and disappeared in the flames.

The potted plant in the corner of the alchemy room shook a little, and the upright branches stirred up leaves and branches and rubbed against the wall, making a swishing sound.

The flat-headed man heard the sound and looked over.

The plants in the pots trembled and stood up, pulling out roots, thighs and soles from the soil. The branches on the trunks were spread out like human arms, making it look like they were stretching.

The potted plant left the pot and walked towards the flat-headed man with light steps.

A female voice sounded in the alchemy room.

"Rexor intervened, and the Holy Pattern Department and the Inquisition are also investigating this matter. You shouldn't be so impulsive."

"You should know very well that all we have left is the blood power of a pure-blood mage." The flat-headed man's voice had no fluctuations and sounded like it was synthesized using an alchemy device.

The female voice continued, "You have succeeded now. Don't test the bottom line of the Demon Hunting School again."

"No." The crew-cut man said in an indifferent tone, "It's not enough."

He picked up the glassware and gently shook the scarlet liquid inside. "This amount is only enough for me to test whether Kallus's bloodline power meets the conditions. It is far from the minimum amount required to actually implement the plan."

"Hey" the female voice sighed, the potted plant swayed slightly, and she turned towards the flower pot. Dozens of slender roots stretched out from the soles of her root feet, rolling up the soil along the way and following her footsteps back to the flowerpot.

The flat-headed man looked away from the potted plant and used Silver Sand Palm to help him control the alchemy instrument.

He poured the scarlet liquid into the slender test tube.

After a series of alchemical operations, many tiny blood-red crystals appeared in the scarlet liquid.

The crew-cut man put on himself to enlarge his eyes and carefully counted the number of blood-red crystals.

He nodded with satisfaction, sealed the test tube, and placed it in the freezer next to the wall for storage.

Then, he returned to the alchemy table and pulled the rope ring again to activate the flames in the furnace.

"Kales's bloodline power is qualified." The flat-headed man said while facing the flames.

The flames jumped a few times, condensed into a human face, nodded towards the flat-headed man, and then disappeared in the light of the fire.

The flat-haired man turned off the stove, took off his alchemy robe, peeled off his shirt and underwear with his silver sand palm, and then cut his skin with a sharp knife.

This is another humanoid built with high-level elemental servants.

Yinsha Palm decomposed the humanoid creature bit by bit, removed the alchemy devices from different parts, and hid them in the lockers beside the wall.

After a while, the high-level elemental servants and Silver Sand Palm were dismissed and disappeared.

After a brief period of excitement, the alchemy room was empty and fell into silence.

On the other side, in the teaching area of ​​the outer hall.

Xia Zuo is sitting in Kristo's office.

Two female pure-blood mages with their heads buried in their chests were sitting on the chairs opposite him.

These two female pure-blood mages are relatively young, probably only eleven or twelve years old. Whether they are among ordinary people or among pure-blood mages, they are all little girls.

"Okay, I already know your situation."

Xia Zuo rubbed his brow.

"I will discuss it with your mother and let her tell you the punishment results. Considering that you have not graduated from school and have not contained the light element, your crimes will be reduced as appropriate. But some minor punishments cannot be avoided. Now Get out of here."

The two little girls stood up, bowed to Xia Zuo, and then quietly left the room.

Kristo's figure appeared in a flash of red light.

She came to Xia Zuo, looked at the confession on the table, shook her head, and said with a slightly solemn face:

"This is another scapegoat, isn't it? Just like the guy who was implicated in the Gabbyson headband."

"Yes, Kristo." Xia Zuo nodded and glanced at the confessions of the two little girls.

According to the two of them, about seven days ago, a handsome and tall man stopped them near the school and confused them with alchemical perfume, illusions, and psychic spells.

The man's purpose was to find out from them what blood magic they had and how far they had awakened to the power of blood.

After confirming that their blood magic attainments and bloodline power were comparable, the man left.

With such a clumsy way of committing the crime, leaving so many clues to follow, everyone knows that this is another scapegoat pushed out by the mastermind behind the scenes to bear the blame. He would be well-received by the Inquisition, along with the scapegoats associated with Gabbyson's headband.

"Is there any news from the Holy Pattern Department and the Tribunal?" Xia Zuo raised his head and looked at Kristo and asked.

"Yes, yes." Kristo pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Ten minutes ago, the Sacred Marks Department sent an official letter to the executive director group of the two temples meeting. The main message was that they had conducted a self-inspection and found that all aspects of the identity coat of arms were fine. The top-secret parameters of the coat of arms were not leaked. But they couldn't explain why the forged identity crest could activate the teleportation crystal."

Xia Zuo nodded, "As expected. Where is the Tribunal?"

"The Inquisition is interrogating Kallus."

Cristo's slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

“Before Kallus obtained the status of a member of the Temple, the only one who could deal with him was the Demon Hunting School.

"After he became a member of the temple, the authority of the Tribunal was higher than that of the Demon Hunting School. You also know the moral character of those people. If there is no problem, they will dig out some problems.

"I estimate that the Inquisition will eventually find a crime to imprison Kallus for a period of time. This is not a bad thing, at least it will protect him to a certain extent."

Crystal asked, "Is there any progress on Rexor?"

"He hasn't replied yet." Xia Zuo shook his head.

"Kacha kacha..."

"Kacha kacha..."

The two secret message rings sounded at the same time.

"What a coincidence. Could it be that the news about Rexor has arrived?" Xia Zuo took out the secret message ring, looked at the message on the ring, and his expression froze.

Kristo also had the same expression, with disbelief and a hint of anger.

"The bloodline research team actually proposed to hold an emergency meeting to deprive Kallus of his membership in the temple?!" Xia Zuo clenched his fists.

His heart was instantly filled with anger.

This was not because he cherished Kallus, the pure-blood mage who had just joined, but because he thought of something that Retunia had mentioned!

When they first attended the meeting between the two temples two years ago, the Sand Warlock and Pyromancer camps proposed restarting the bloodline replacement plan, using artificial synthesis of bloodlines to further strengthen existing bloodlines and develop new bloodlines.

At that time, Leitunia had told Xia Zuo that they should be careful about anything extraordinary done by these two camps in order to develop the power of blood. They might very well conduct cruel living experiments on the bloodline awakeners.

Xia Zuo asked, wouldn't doing this violate the laws of the temple?

Letunia's answer was:

As long as the subject of the experiment is not a member of the Temple, it will not violate the law. If the ideal experimental subject is a member of the Temple, just think of a way to deprive him of his status as a Temple member to bypass the restrictions of the law.

Now, the terrible situation Retunia described happened.

If the meeting of the two temples is allowed to deprive Kallus of his temple membership, then his fate can be imagined. He will be kidnapped in a dark corner and become a tragic experiment.

Who can stop this from happening?

Is it possible to use the pure-blood mage camp? Obviously not. Even if everyone votes against it, it will not help.

What about the Inquisition? No, they only deal with the trial and do not participate in the voting. Even if the voting is unjust and unjust, they will not interfere in the affairs of the two palace meetings.

Can the school of demon hunting intervene?

Xia Zuo frowned and suddenly realized that this was a very forward-looking and terrifying conspiracy.

After Kallus was separated by Black Flag, only the Demon Hunting School could control him.

But when he became a member of the temple and was stripped of his status as a member of the temple, the demon hunting school could not control him.

Because at this time, after going through a set of procedures to clear his name, Kallus had changed from a potential threat separated by strange demons to an ordinary civilian who had lost his identity and status.

Unless Kallus used strange magic methods the second after he was deprived of his membership in the temple, proving that he was related to the strange devil, the school of demon hunting had no right to intervene.

But doing so would undoubtedly put him on the guillotine and directly ruin his life and future. Kallus would not do that.

Xia Zuo didn't want him to do this either.

Because this approach is a slap in the face of the pure-blood mage camp, and a slap in the face of Xia Zuo himself. The previous proposal to grant Kallus the status of a member of the Temple was proposed by Xia Zuo himself.

The interlocking conspiracies and calculations, the insight into people's hearts, the person or organization who planned everything behind the scenes, has a clear grasp of every psychological trend of everyone involved in every link.

With his foresight and deep understanding of the operation of the temple, TA has Kallus completely in the palm of his hand.

Even with the unexpected intervention of Xia Zuo, it could not break his plan.

Kristo said in a cold tone, "Damn bloodline research team..."

"No, Kristo." Xia Zuo said firmly:

"Our enemies are not necessarily the bloodline research team, nor are they necessarily anyone from the Sand Warlock and Pyromancer camps. They may also be unlucky ones, scapegoats pushed to the stage to bear our wrath by the masterminds behind the scenes using camp prejudice. We are here If there is a conflict with the bloodline research group at the meeting, you will fall into a trap. The mastermind behind the scenes will add fuel to the flames, expand camp prejudice into hatred, and then use other factors to hunt us pure-blood mages."

"The bloodline research team is also a scapegoat?" Kristo muttered to herself in a daze.

Xia Zuo's words reminded her.

Once the vote is passed, the bloodline research group, which is obviously most eager for the power of pure-blood mage blood, will become the biggest theoretical beneficiary and will bear all the attention and criticism of the pure-blood mage camp.

Isn't this what the mastermind behind the scenes wants to get the power of the bloodline he wants without having to be held accountable by the pure-blood mage camp? Otherwise, why would he be hiding behind the scenes?


Xia Zuo felt helpless.

“We know there’s no point in using the Bloodline Research Group as a scapegoat, it won’t change the outcome of the vote.

"A Kallus who has lost his membership in the Temple is obviously more useful than a Kallus who has one.

"I have an uneasy feeling that the result of this vote will be one-sided. The Temple Army will not help us anymore. The reward I gave is only enough to ask them to take action once."

When the goals and interests of all parties are aligned, the combined force of voting becomes a trend and trend.

Going against the trend is a dead end, you can only go with the trend, protect yourself, and find the traces of the mastermind from the clues.

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