My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 388 Name is just a symbol, but there is no limit on the number of words

Kallus' character template is different from the character templates obtained by using scrying in the past.

The eight-dimensional attribute values, energy values, blood volume data, etc. on his character template are all "0".

This is because all his abilities have been transplanted to Xia Zuo.

After "0", there is a value enclosed in brackets, which is Kallus' original ability value.

like this:

[Character name] Kallus



(The rest omitted)

Kallus' blood magic list is still there, but the blood magic level has become level 0.

In addition, Kallus has an additional [Personality] entry below his spell list.


[Personality name] Lone Wolf

[Personality Type] Alienated Personality of the Lonely Walker

【Personality characteristics】

1. Independence: This character has a high degree of independence, tends to act and think alone, and never relies on others.

2. Pragmatism: When this character thinks about problems, he takes practical utility as the starting point and achieves the task as the goal, and basically does not incorporate emotional factors.

3. Tolerance: When faced with pressure, this character will choose to endure it alone instead of complaining or asking for help from others.

4. Two personality traits of a lonely walker: contemplation and sincerity.

Kallus's personality is more like a tool man, which is very suitable for carrying out some relatively confidential intelligence tasks. No wonder Rexall would give him the task of exploring the energy center...

When Retunia asked Kallus about the reason for the change in blood power, Kallus chose to remain silent. It was probably because the [Independence] and [Tolerance] in the [Personality Traits] were at play.

Now, there is a question before Xia Zuo.

What to do with Kallus' character template?

Xia Zuo can now create 3 breeding cysts, which means he can save 3 character templates.

To be precise, he can hold 4 templates at the same time.

3 were cultured in brood cysts, and 1 was a template waiting to be processed like Kallus's character template. The latter may be refreshed when Xia Zuo obtains a new template. It is only held temporarily and cannot be retained permanently.

After Rexall witnessed the disappearance of Kallus, he would definitely seal the other experimental subjects completely. At the same time, he would also list the strange magic spell as a top secret among top secrets, and even ask all those who knew about it to accept memory blockade.

In this case... Xia Zuo probably won't receive any more requests for feedback. It might be a good choice to keep Kallus's template and study the function of [Breeding Cyst].

Xia Zuo used his mind to click on his spell list and activate [Breeding Cysts].

Goldfinger sent an inquiry message:

"It has been detected that the host is trying to create a reproductive cyst. It is expected to consume 1000 points of vitality attribute. Do you want to confirm the creation?"

1,000 points of vitality was nothing for Xia Zuo. He silently muttered without thinking, "Confirm creation."

A stream of heat appeared in Xia Zuo's body...

The heat flowed out from Xia Zuo's heart and flowed directly to Xia Zuo's stomach, ignoring blood vessels and bones. It stayed on the outer flesh wall of the stomach and condensed into a tiny bulge.

"Breeding cyst No. 1 has been created. Affected by this cyst, the host's blood return speed is reduced by 0.1% to maintain the vitality of Breeding sac No. 1. When the host gains experience, 1% of the experience (adjustable) will be This reproductive cyst absorbs and is used to enhance the template within the cyst."

Xia Zuo clicked the plus button on the [Breeding Cysts] spell template, and selected Kallus' character template in the pop-up option box.

"It has been detected that the host is depositing Kallus' character template to Breeding Cyst 1. The following changes are expected:

"1. Kallus's character template will undergo an in-depth digital transformation, and new entries for [Level] and [Free Attribute Points] will be added. These two items are only visible to the host and cannot be noticed by Kallus himself.

“2. Added the [Free Attribute Point Allocation Plan] entry. You can pre-set Kallus’ point-adding plan and automatically add points every time he upgrades.

"3. Kallus' [Level] and [Free Attribute Points] will be initialized, and the level and free attribute points will be reset to zero.

"4. The mechanism for obtaining free attribute points of Kallus is the same as that of the host. The number of free attribute points obtained when upgrading = blood pattern characteristics/3. It is detected that Kallus' eight-dimensional attribute values ​​are all 0, and the blood pattern characteristics are 0 , you will not get any free attribute points for the next upgrade. The host can improve the efficiency of Kallus' free attribute points acquisition by investing in eight-dimensional attribute values.

"4. Some items of the Kallus character template have entered an editable state, and the host can edit non-core items such as [Character Name], [Gender], and [Memory]. Before the cyst brood is officially released, the host can edit Feel free to edit their name and gender.

"Note that the character editing function cannot change the [Identity], [Spell List] and [Personality] of this template."

Xia Zuo scratched his head. He didn't expect that [Breeding Cysts] could also change Kallus' name and gender.

From this point of view, the focus of the blood magic of [Breeding Cysts] is not the person's name, gender and memory, but [Identity], [Spell List] and [Personality].

A person's name and gender are more like some kind of personality symbols, just tools to help Xia Zuo identify character templates.

If it's too troublesome, you can use numbers to name them, such as Android No. 1, Android No. 2...

As for gender hehe.


As a married man, Xia Zuo has always had strict requirements on himself, and of course he will not change Kallus' gender.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and decided to give the unlucky Kallus a good operation.

Especially the name.

Kallus, if you get stuck, you will die if you get stuck. This name sounds unlucky...

What's that called?

Xia Zuo grabbed his hair and fell into thought.

Coming up with a name is the most frustrating thing...

The underground alchemy room in the teaching area of ​​the outer temple.

Just as Xia Zuo expected, Rexor immediately sealed the exit of the alchemy room after witnessing Kallus' disappearance.

He personally blocked this memory for everyone, and then allowed Kadum and others to leave here.

Due to his special status, the mystic mage Yaxut was not on the list of blocked memories, and became the only person who could discuss this matter with Rexor.

There is another person who also has to block the memory.

As we all know, the higher-ranking members of the blood family can see the scenes around the lower-ranking members.

Rexor's superior is Xia Zuo, and Yaksut's superior is Rexor. Yaksut is the subordinate of Xia Zuo.

It stands to reason that Xia Zuo can also see the scene of Yaxut, but based on Xia Zuo's contract with the temple army, he will not actively activate the blood connection with Yaxut and other mystics...

As the most powerful person in the blood relationship, Xia Zuo can forcibly activate the blood induction and spy on Yaxut's secrets. Therefore, making a contract may still reveal military secrets. The temple army can only trust that Xia Zuo will act in accordance with the contract.

After Yaksut waited for everyone else to leave, he confirmed that his blood connection with Xia Zuo had been turned off, and then said to Rexor, who was standing beside the soft sofa in deep thought:

"Has Xia Zuo seen the scene here through blood induction?"

"I saw it." Rexor nodded, "I have informed him to come to the temple and I will seal his memory."

"Well, where do you think Kallus went?" Yaxut asked.

Rexor touched his bald head in distress, took out the Image Orb and looked carefully at the scene when Kallus disappeared.

A second before Kallus was "erased", the strange magic words condensed with vitality changed.

After slowing down the playback speed of the image ten times, I could barely see the new content of the strange demon text.

Kadum's translation is as follows:

"The 2387th attempt to repay the target...

"Attention! Thordick Black Flag has been detected dead!

"The feedback request has been approved by the unknown target, start feedback!"

Rexor pointed to the words "Unknown Target" on the screen.

"This line reminds me of one thing: Who killed Sodik Black Flag? We don't know how he did it for the time being, but I guess that the 'unknown target' here is most likely to be targeted. The person who killed Sodik Black Flag was the one who accepted Kallus’ feedback.”

Rexor crossed his arms and paced while rubbing his chin:

"Finding the whereabouts of Kallus is, to a certain extent, equivalent to finding the guy who killed Sodik Black Flag. They are the same individual, or they may be two closely related individuals."

Rexor stretched out his hands and gestured a few times:

"Assuming that these two individuals are independent of each other and act alone, then the only connection between them is Sodik Black Flag. I think it is difficult to track the whereabouts of Kallus. Lemon has already given a negative answer, then Other masters probably have the same monitoring results. Therefore, we need to find the killer of Sodik Black Flag."

Yaxut asked, "Do you think it is easier to find the killer than to track Kallus?"

"Yes." Rexor looked directly at the two eyes in Yaxut's mask. "Obviously the Church of Strange Demons will not take action against Sodik Black Flag. That means our people took action to kill Sodik Black Flag. Black Flag. You and I know very well who have this strength in the temple. As far as I know, there are such people in the temple army."

Yaksut was silent.

Rexall suddenly said something seemingly unrelated to the current topic, "Do you think it was just a coincidence that Kallus was activated by the spell and fed back, and that the bloodline research team wanted to obtain the power of his bloodline?"

Rexor walked with his arms crossed:

"The day before yesterday, we just finished the experiment in the afternoon, and less than 20 minutes after everyone left this underground alchemy room, Kallus' blood power was stolen.

"Just now, Tauwenset and I were at a stalemate. Seeing that things were about to enter a long period of wrangling, Kallus would probably not be able to leave the temple cell for a year or two. Kallus returned the favor."

Rexor stood in front of Yaksut:

"Can I think this: Tauwenset is actually a spear that can be commanded by others, and there is someone else behind him.

"The person behind the scenes, under the guise of studying bloodline, wants to kidnap Kallus through public channels, and then hand it over to the person behind the scenes to feed him back.

"The quarrel between Tauwenset and I made the person behind the scenes realize that he might not be able to get Kallus in a short period of time, so he simply took the risk and accepted Kallus' feedback. What he was betting on was that we couldn't find him. .”

Yaxut remained silent.

"I didn't doubt you, Yaksut." Rexor spread his hands and said sincerely:

"Two days ago, as soon as we left this alchemy room, someone extracted the power of Kallus' bloodline. Apparently someone told others what happened here, and he was a powerful and powerful person.

“But I never doubted you, Yaksut.

"It's precisely because I don't doubt you that I'm telling you this."

"I understand what you mean." Yaksut paused, "Have you turned off the blood connection with Xia Zuo?"

Rexor nodded, "I informed him that it was closed after coming to the temple."

Yaksut gave a rare sigh, "Okay, let's discuss a dangerous plan and eliminate the hidden dangers in one fell swoop..."

Western Continent, in the dormitory of Starry Night Academy.

Xia Zuo scratched his head in confusion.

Just now, Rexor used his blood connection to say "Come to the teaching area of ​​the outer temple as soon as possible" and then disconnected his blood connection, as if he wanted to discuss some secret with Yaxut.

Xia Zuo tidied up the desk, swept away the shiny powder in the room, greeted An Ru'er with blood induction, then pushed open the door of the dormitory and flew to the transfer room.

Halfway through, he stopped in a forest in the Storm Mountains.

Combined with Rexor's operation of sealing the experimenter's memory, Xia Zuo felt that his memory should also be sealed this time when he went to the temple teaching area.

Xia Zuo had learned how uncomfortable it was to seal memories - after the temple discovered that the shrine was a key prop to the secondary plane [resting place], it sealed all totems and spiritual spells.

After sealing, even if you see objects related to the sealed memory, you will not be able to recall the details of the memory, and it will also cause headaches.

What makes Xia Zuo most uncomfortable is that Golden Finger seems to be powerless against the sealed memory, and cannot help the host avoid the negative effects of the sealed memory. Even [Knowledge Reserve] and [Spell List] are not immune - the sealed totem and spiritual body knowledge Finally, the related spells in the spell list also became invalid.

Xia Zuo walked in the woods and thought, a smirk appeared on his face.

Since the spell of sealing memory can seal the records in [Knowledge Reserve], then change the place to write down this memory.

If it is recorded on a parchment roll or other physical carrier, there is always the possibility of being discovered by others, so you have to find a place to record the memory where others will never be able to find it...

Logically speaking, the [Knowledge Reserve] provided by Golden Finger is the most appropriate, but it will be affected by the sealed memory.


Xia Zuo brought up the spell interface of [Breeding Cysts], selected cyst No. 1, and started editing the template of the cyst breeding body.

He used his mind to write dozens of words into the [Name] column of the template:

"In 1921, such an incident occurred in Room B307, the underground alchemy room of the tower of the Alchemy School in the teaching area of ​​the outer temple of the temple."

Good guy!

There is no word limit in this [name] column!

Xia Zuo's eyes suddenly brightened.

Hum, the sealing spell can change the records in [Knowledge Reserve], I admit it. I accept that it can seal the related spells in the [Spell List], but surely the sealing spell cannot change the name of the cyst brood, right? What you want to seal is memory, what does it have to do with the name of the cyst reproductive body...

Xia Zuo quickly mobilized his thoughts and typed more than 3,000 words into the [Name] column, recording the memories that were about to be sealed. From the three perspectives of characters, plot, and environment, I wrote out the entire incident, just like writing a super short story...

After doing all this, he flew to the teleportation room again with peace of mind, and arrived at the teaching area of ​​the outer hall in the light of teleportation.

Walk all the way through the fountain sculpture, enter the hall of the tower, and go down the stairs to the underground alchemy room.

Xia Zuo knocked on the door.

After waiting for two seconds, Rexor opened the door.

There was only one bald person left in the house, and Yaxut was nowhere to be seen.

Rexor waved to Xia Zuo, "Come in and sit on the soft sofa."

As Xia Zuo walked towards the soft sofa, he reminded himself repeatedly in his mind that he must check the name of Cyst Breeder No. 1 when he walked out of this room.

Rexor took out the secret medicine and asked Xia Zuo to take it. After the other party woke up from the drowsiness caused by the secret medicine, he opened the door, hung an image orb on his belt, and took Xia Zuo out of the underground. Alchemy room.

Xia Zuo, who was walking behind the bald head, had not yet recovered from the confusion of his sealed memory at first, but when he remembered that he had to check the name of Cyst Breeder No. 1, a faint look of joy suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes. now.

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