My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 393 Mass spam messages

"Leso, I'm in position."

The figure of Seretes appears in the corner of the image, hiding on the pyramid on the edge of the altar square.

On the pyramid opposite him, hiding another witcher.

The two men guarded the two entrances and exits of the Altar Square, and Neoxat was firmly trapped in the square.

"I see you."

Rexor glanced at the video screen and found his companion from the overhead screen, "Neoksat is in the first row below the stone tower, on the cushion at six o'clock. The second person on his right is Reina. "

"Okay, I've locked onto him." Seritus's pupils narrowed and he stared closely at Neoxat's figure, "How is the situation in other places?"

"There's still no change...wait a minute." Rexor paused, his eyebrows knitted tightly together, and his tone became very ominous, "There's something going on in Hully Letunia, let me take a look. …”

The witcher who was monitoring Huli shared his footage with Rexor.

Hughley was also on the roundabout at this time.

She has an experimental area here to study the island's flora and fauna.

As a pure-blood mage who is also an alchemist, Huli has made a detailed schedule for herself.

Rexor learned from Retunia that for the past five days, Xuli would be doing research alone in the experimental area of ​​the ring island and would not have contact with outsiders.

But now, a group of people are approaching Huli's experimental area. They rang the doorbell, chatted with Huli for a few words, and then took Huli away to another experimental area on the ring island.

The witcher who was monitoring Huli overheard their conversation and reported it to Rexor.

Judging from the chat content, this group of people came from a certain alchemy family and were researching and developing eye drops. They encountered some trouble during the experiment and needed an alchemist who was proficient in herbal alchemy to help check it out, so they found the nearest Huli.

Huli followed the group to the opponent's experimental area and walked into an airtight three-story stone house.

The witcher could not sneak in without authorization and could only wait outside.

This was an unexpected situation that Rexor had not expected.

Especially that damn stone house, why doesn't it even have a window? Moreover, the wall is so thick that even the slightest movement cannot be heard.

The witcher who was monitoring Huli applied for spellcasting permission from Rexall. After receiving the spellcasting permission, he cast invisibility and transformation spells, turning into transparent water and entering the stone house.

At this moment, Xuli's mistress Retunia suddenly realized that she could not contact Xuli, and she immediately sent a warning to Rexor.

Rexall's witcher companions wandered around the stone house filled with alchemical instruments and experimental fields for several times, but could not find any trace of Huli, which confirmed that the situation had changed.

Rexor Mosuo nodded a few times and decided to go and take a look in person.

Since then, the protection work against Xuli and Reina has involved all the current mobile personnel of the Demon Hunting School. Which pure-blood mage is the real target of the cloaked man?

Western Continent, Starry Night Academy.

Anruer went to teach the students, while Xia Zuo stayed alone in the dormitory reading.

There is a heavy classic on the desk in front of him, which is as thick as an adult's head. Each 30x50 cm page has a large number of texts and dynamic patterns, vividly describing the temple. Past history.

This classic book is called "Temple Events" and is priced at up to 1.7 million federal citizen points. The entire set uses illusion images as illustrations. The content of the illustrations comes from the historical scenes restored by the time and space container, which not only ensures authenticity, but also accurately captures Live keyframes of each historical event. Although the price is expensive, it is definitely worth the money.

Xia Zuo read the content on each page with relish, immersed in the vast historical knowledge.

He would occasionally break away from reading, drink water and take a rest while adjusting the perspectives of his blood relatives to ensure the safety of each of them.

Rexor's kinship sense is temporarily unavailable.

Xia Zuo could forcefully activate the blood connection to see what the bald head was doing, but out of respect for the other party and recognition of the demon hunting school, Xia Zuo did not do so.

"Ang~" Xia Zuo sat on the chair and stretched out comfortably.



"Kacha kacha kacha..."

The sound of picks came from the drawer.

"What happened? How could you receive so many secret messages in one instant?" Xia Zuo scratched his head and opened the drawer.

There are two alchemy bags in the drawer. The left one was given by Rexor and contains the new secret message ring, while the right one contains the old secret message rings, some of which Xia Zuo had no use for and kept with him as a spare. Some of them were just recovered by Xia Zuo from friends in the past two days and have not had time to be scrapped.

Xia Zuo first touched the left pocket. The secret message rings inside were all in their initial state, and all the picks stayed in their original positions.

He touched his right pocket again, and his expression immediately became strange.

"Crash~" Xia Zuo poured the old secret message ring in his alchemy pocket onto the table and checked the secret messages on the ring one by one.

【Do you long for freedom? 】

【Do you long for freedom? 】

【Do you long for freedom? 】

All secret message rings whose communication channels have been cracked display the same content:

【Do you long for freedom? 】

"What the hell? Am I being bombarded by advertisements?" Xia Zuo was a little confused...

Compared with the information civilization of mobile phones, telephones, computers and the Internet, secret message rings are relatively backward and primitive - there are shortcomings such as slow sending and receiving speed, delay in receiving messages, and the inconvenience of carrying too many secret message rings.

But the advantages of the Secret Message Ring are also obvious!

Each secret message ring is hand-delivered to a certain person by its owner, and there is no chance of receiving spam messages.

But now...

All cracked secret message rings are receiving the same secret message...

"Click, click, click, click..." The dense vibration of the pick came out again, and the information on the ring changed:

[Do you desire to break away from the shackles of the temple's laws and become the true master of the body, will and spiritual ocean? 】

Xia Zuo crossed his arms and looked at the secret message ring on the table, and a question flashed in his mind:

Are the guys who send these secret messages not afraid of the Inquisition at all?

What is freedom from the shackles of the temple's laws, what is true freedom, no matter how you analyze it, it can make people think of betrayal of the temple...

Also, can only Xia Zuo receive this mass spam message, or can all secret message rings whose communication channels have been cracked receive it?

Before Xia Zuo could contact others, the secret message ring changed again.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

[Please do not rush to notify the Holy Pattern Department, the Demon Hunting School, the Temple Guards, the Tribunal, and the law enforcement agencies in various places you know. Please cherish this rare opportunity and give yourself more time to think. 】

"Oh, it seems that everyone who has cracked the secret message ring has received spam messages." Xia Zuo suddenly became interested.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame everyone.

If a person receives spam and does not report it, that is his/her responsibility.

But if many people did not report it and chose to watch this rare scene with relish, then no one would be held accountable. Instead, the Holy Pattern Department that manages the Secret Message Ring would be put on the fire by public opinion.

"Kacha kacha..."

After a few seconds, new secret messages were sent continuously.

[Have you ever had the experience of being oppressed by the temple, have you felt the malice from your colleagues, have you experienced the insidious motives hidden behind false etiquette?

[Nature has given us vitality, face, body and will. He teaches us to use the body, mind, blood and elements in the most gentle way.

[We are equal and free in front of nature. All injustices and constraints come from rules and systems, and the temple laws are the biggest shackles on us.

【Do you want to break free from it and regain your freedom? 】

Xia Zuo admitted that, to some extent, the Temple Law troubled him.

For example, both he and Rexall knew that there was something wrong with Tauwenset, the leader of the bloodline research team, but they were unable to put him in a cell for interrogation using mind spells before obtaining evidence.

Anyone knew that as long as he searched his memory and used a space-time container to carefully examine Tauwenset's past actions, he would be able to discover what bad things he had done in private, but no one could do this.

Evidence is the key to subsequent review.

Evidence is the key to restricting Xia Zuo and the Demon Hunting School.

On the other hand, it is precisely because the temple law requires evidence that it protects many people from unfounded disasters.

In this regard, the Temple Law has more advantages than disadvantages, and Xia Zuo doesn't feel like breaking free from its shackles to avoid being hurt.


Xia Zuo misunderstood the meaning of spam!

The mysterious group that sends spam seems to know what the readers of spam are thinking.

He leaves readers with some time to think.

After the Secret Message Ring briefly stopped for half a minute, it began to receive new spam messages:

[Breaking free from the shackles of the temple law does not mean losing the protection of the law.

[Others can only act within the boundaries set by the laws, but you can violate the laws without hindrance and follow your inner desires to express yourself freely. You don’t have to worry about attracting scrutiny and attention, and you can enjoy the protection of the laws. is the freedom we describe.

[Our freedom is above that of others. Those who have not joined us will be reduced to poultry in captivity by laws, but we are the real people.

【Do you want this kind of freedom? 】

"Does this mean that as long as you join this mysterious group that sends spam messages, you can become an invisible privileged class?" Xia Zuo was slightly stunned.

He had to admit that the person who cracked the secret message ring had something. He said such things, and the temple still did not broadcast an emergency notice to its members...

I really don’t know if any of the people who received spam messages have not reported it to the temple, or if the law enforcement department of the temple is too lax and has not noticed the existence of spam messages until now...

As for joining a mysterious group that sends spam messages, Xia Zuo rejected it without much thought.

Although cracking the secret message ring is a very cool thing, it is not enough to prove how powerful this mysterious group is.


Unless this mysterious group can still avoid being caught after the intervention of powerful law enforcement agencies such as the Temple Tribunal and the Demon Hunting School, then it will really be qualified to use spam information to recruit members.

The mysterious group once again guessed what readers were thinking, and they sent several spam messages:

[If you are still reading our information now, it means that you are curious about us and want to see what we are capable of before deciding whether to join us.

[In the next two days, a shocking event will happen in the temple. The event will be located on the ring island and will involve the pure-blood mage camp, the demon hunting school, the plane exploration team, the shaman school and several alchemy school groups. will also be implicated.

[As a result of the incident, several demon hunters including Rexor of the Demon Hunting School will be killed or seriously injured, and Reyna Crestor and Hully Letunia of the pure-blood mage camp will disappear. , all members of the plane exploration team responsible for finding the [Land of Rest] were seriously injured or lost contact. 】

Xia Zuo suddenly stood up, his face extremely solemn.

Is this mysterious group that sends spam the same group as the mastermind behind the plot to pursue the bloodline of a pure-blood mage?

It could also be a collaboration between two organizations, or an organization and a person.

"Kacha kacha..."

Spam is here again:

[This roundabout incident is our masterpiece. Please stay tuned for the final result. We will prove our capabilities and the incompetence of the temple.

【If you want to join us, just...】


Cracks appeared on the secret message ring, and it shattered and disintegrated in an instant, turning into powder and piling up on the desk.

The Holy Pattern Ministry finally intervened.

The best way to intercept illegal communications is to activate the magic circle inside the secret message ring, destroy the internal structure of the ring from the inside out, and turn them into fly ash.

Only the Holy Pattern Department has the authority to do this.

The last text that the mysterious group wants to send should be a contact information, which is the core content of the spam message.

The Ministry of Holy Marks blocked these texts in time, which is undoubtedly a "regret" for those who were moved by the spam messages.

Xia Zuo did not think about who was sending spam messages for the time being. This matter was under the control of the Holy Pattern Department. He only had one idea in his mind now, which was to help Rexor and others to avoid their death.

In the study, Xia Zuo walked around the desk several times before finally making up his mind and forcibly activating the blood connection with Rexall.

Then a picture appeared in Xia Zuo's mind:

A silent stone corridor with no doors, windows or candlesticks. Rexor cast [Light Spell], illuminated the road with the light from his fingertips, and explored this gloomy corridor bit by bit.

"Master, something happened here."

When Rexor heard Xia Zuo's voice, he immediately raised his sword and leaned against the stone wall, looking around.

"Xia Zuo?" Rexor didn't see the other party's figure, and then he realized that the blood relationship induction had been activated.

"Master, I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but there is something very urgent that I must tell you now." Xia Zuo didn't wait for the other party to speak, and directly repeated the junk message just now.

Rexor's brows jumped when he heard this, his expression became more alert, and the lines on his face became straight.

"You mean, this mysterious group that sends spam messages to the cracked secret message ring wants to hinder the actions of our demon hunting school? And you also said that my companions and I will die or be seriously injured?"

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo paused and continued to ask, "Have you received any news from the Holy Pattern Department? Or a warning from other law enforcement agencies?"

Rexor fumbled in his alchemy pocket and took out a small wooden box that was sealed and soundproof.

After he opened the wooden box, a long series of secret message picking sounds came from the box. Many people asked about his whereabouts at the same time, or reminded him to be careful.

The spam message only mentioned Rexall's name. It is estimated that only his secret message ring box would be so lively...

What neither Xia Zuo nor Rexor expected was that so many people's secret message rings would be cracked...

The actions of the Demon Hunting School on the round island have undoubtedly become the focus of attention of the temple members.

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