My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 396 Recorder of Knowledge and Civilization

Rexall sat in the underground study for a few minutes, broke away from his troubled thoughts, and gave Xia Zuo a small task.

Xia Zuo walked to the sofa and asked the pure-blood mage with tears on his face.

"Letunia, can you still sense Xuli's location? When she was taken away from the underground, did you receive any new blood information?"

Retunia didn't seem to have recovered from her daze. It wasn't until Symphiya next to her pushed her gently a few times that she came back to consciousness as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"I don't know, Xia Zuo." Leitunya frowned slightly and tried to sense Xuli, "I can sense that she is still alive, but I can't determine where she is, what she is doing, and who is around her. .I only saw darkness from her, and someone used magic to blind the blood connection between me and her..."

"When did you discover this situation?" Xia Zuo relayed Rexor's question.

"The moment she stepped into the stone house of the eye potion research team, I informed Rexor of the incident." Retunia looked expressionless, and she seemed to have some resentment towards the witcher.

Xia Zuo was caught between Rexor and Retunia, which was a bit awkward.

On one side is a colleague of his own camp, and on the other side is a bald head who has been through many hardships together. It would be bad if the two had a grudge.

When he thought that the next target of the mysterious group was Reina, Xia Zuo was a little afraid to look into Kristo's eyes, for fear of seeing a pair of eyes with complicated expressions, and even more afraid that this brief eye contact would make Kristo... Restor suddenly requested to terminate the demon hunting school's plan and asked the temple guards to send Reina to her. This was the thing that Xia Zuo felt most powerless about.

Out of a sense of identification with the camp, Xia Zuo would definitely support Kristo if he made such a request, but he knew that doing so would be in vain.

In the eyes of the commander of the temple guards, withdrawing Reina is equivalent to surrendering to the mysterious group. Don't doubt this. In a huge organization that still pays attention to honor rather than efficiency, honor is more important than life and death. , not to mention the honor of the temple.

Xia Zuo controlled his head and did not look at Cristo. After comforting Retunia, he returned to the desk and sat down again.

During this period, Kristo did not speak. She stared at Xia Zuo in silence, without saying a word, not knowing what she was thinking...

Everything will be fine... Xia Zuo cheered himself up in his heart. When today's events are over, he will start to implement the Yosheng Body's spy plan...

Rexor knew that everyone in the pure-blood mage camp must be feeling heavy at this moment, and they were even particularly dissatisfied with the temple guards and the demon-hunting school.

But what needs to be done must be done, and the mission must continue.

He returned the same way and came to meet the temple guards outside the stone house.

The two parties discussed it, and the temple guards took the people from the eye potion research team back for interrogation, while Rexor went underground to join Seretus and other demon hunters to jointly protect Reina Kristo.

The disappearance of Hully Letunia forced the temple guards to make some changes.

Neoxat was the first to be suspected.

The best way is to get him under control now.

However, this doesn't work.

Once the sacrificial ritual developed by the shaman school is started, the meditator will only wake up after the incense in the stone tower has burned out, otherwise serious consequences will occur:

All those who participated in the ceremony will probably not be able to come back. Their spiritual bodies will stay far away from their physical bodies. The spiritual lines may break at any time, resulting in appalling mass deaths.

Awakening Neoxat alone, or removing him from the magic circle of the sacrificial ceremony, will cause the ceremony to be interrupted, and forcing all meditators to be awakened will also lead to serious consequences.

The method the temple guards thought of was:

Send three teams into the altar square, all meditate, and let one of the teams control Neoxat.

The other two teams split up, one to protect Reina, and the other to summon the members of the plane exploration team to return to the physical body.

After Reina and the spirit bodies of the members of the exploration team return to the altar square, the temple guards will immediately cast fire spells to speed up the burning of the spices in the stone tower and shorten the duration of the sacrificial ceremony.

The original sacrificial ceremony will last about 15 days. After the temple guards intervene, the ceremony will end in 1 day at the earliest and 3 days at the latest, depending on how long it takes for the temple team to retrieve all the members.

If the mysterious group wants to take action, it will only take place within these 1 to 3 days.

This approach of the temple guards is good news for Kristo.

Raina will be fully protected, which should make her happy


When Xia Zuo told her the news, Kristo showed abnormal confusion, uneasiness, and anxiety, mixed with expectations, etc. The expression on her face was extremely complicated...

"Kristo, what's wrong with you?" Xia Zuo couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing." Kristo calmed down, lowered his head and shook his head.

Xia Zuo touched his nose and looked at Retunia and Simfiya, who also had their heads buried. Without asking any questions, he turned back to the desk and sat down.

Many people came to the Altar Square.

Temple guards, planar scholars, witchers, and some members of the Holy Pattern and Inquisition guards.

The four temple teams were ready to go. They carefully avoided the meditating detectives of the exploration team and sat down in the open space near the stone tower.

Not all members of the plane exploration team entered a meditative state, and 15 agents stayed at the Altar Square. They act as recorders and rescuers of the ritual. If something happens to the meditating agent, they will go to support him.

The four temple teams were each led by two agents. The agents distributed wooden signs to the temple guards and assigned temporary agent numbers. They then spent about an hour introducing the state of meditation and All you need to know about Altar Square.

When Video Orb broadcasted this part of the content, it eliminated the voices of the agents and temple guards, and at the same time moved the scene to another place, preventing viewers from reading the lips through the agent's mouth movements.

This is done to prevent the core knowledge of the shamanic school from being leaked.

Rexor hid on the pyramid at the edge of the square and did not turn off Xia Zuo's blood connection. In fact, as a master demon hunter, this was his first systematic understanding of the Altar Square. Xia Zuo took advantage of Rexor's eavesdropping and wrote down everything the agent said.

According to the detective, the principle behind the Altar Square taking spirits to distant places is this:

There are many plants on the ring island. These plants can be divided into 12 major categories according to the origin and genetic relationship of the groups, as well as the laws of evolutionary development.

Although the ring-shaped island is far away from the mainland and located deep in the Southern Ocean, the plants and animals on the island will still be in contact with the plants and animals on the mainland, especially plants - basically no land animals can cross the ocean, but the seeds of plants But you can follow the ocean currents or sea breezes to travel anywhere.

According to the statistics of Gaota scholars, 12 types of plants on the ring island are related to at least 80% of the plants on the mainland. It may be that the plant seeds on the ring island have drifted to the mainland, or it may be the other way around, and the plants from the mainland have drifted to the ring. island.

The Altar Square relies on the connection between plants when transmitting spirits.

But instead of using alchemy or magic related to vegetation, it borrowed the spirit of plants.

Shamanism is a school of thought that advocates the three elements of spirit, primitiveness and ancestors.

These three are a trinity, and they can form individuals independently of each other. Moreover, the three can be nested in each other, forming the phenomenon of me in you and you in me.

When the detective was talking about this content, he forcibly stopped the topic and did not expand too much.

In this time-pressed situation, it is obviously inappropriate to introduce the philosophical concepts of the shamanic school.

Back to the topic:

Shamanism believes that all things have spirits.

Those things that don't seem to have spiritual bodies are just that their spiritual bodies are smaller and more transparent, making it difficult to observe, but their spiritual bodies do exist.

As long as you can communicate with their spiritual bodies, you can develop many wonderful uses.

After studying for a long time, the shamanic school found that spices made from plants can help meditators discover the spirits of plants.

The higher the quality of the spices, the more plant spirits can be found, and the stronger the ability to sense the plant spirits.

The shamanic school spent tens of thousands of years becoming friends with plants all over the world, and discovered an exciting fact:

In this world, there are many creatures that live longer and have a longer inheritance than animals, humans, and strange demons, and that is the ubiquitous plants.

If you ask: Who are the real indigenous people of this world?

Shamans would humbly say, "It's a plant."

Plants that seem dull are actually full of wisdom. They are observing the evolution of civilization from all angles all the time, constantly absorbing all kinds of knowledge, and preserving this knowledge in ways that no human, animal, or monster can think of. .

The layout of the altar square, the pattern of the magic circle, the grass and tree totem spells, the spiritual spells, etc., more than half of the knowledge of the shamanic school is taught to the shamanic school by plants.

This path of communicating with plants to acquire knowledge is called the way of nature within the shamanic school. It is a promotion path comparable to the elemental alchemy and elemental magic schools. It is also one of the deepest hidden secrets of the shamanic school. Only extremely A few tower wizards who run the shamanic school know.

When the detective said these words, the audience present were extremely surprised.

The Inquisition guards and Temple guards were very disciplined, and the team barely kept quiet. Everyone only made eye contact, and everyone saw each other's surprise.

The members of the Holy Pattern Department were talking a lot, and the tower scholars were even more enthusiastic. Every sentence in their conversation was filled with plants...

No one thought that shamanism would gain knowledge from weak plants...

Xia Zuo was curious about the knowledge of plant preservation.

He called up the spell template of [Breeding Cysts] and looked at it carefully.

In the [Spell Effect] column, it is clearly written:

[Choose a target and devour its template, regardless of race, gender, age, life or death, not limited to flesh and blood creations, alchemy creations, magic creations, and whether it is an entity or an energy body. 】

When Xia Zuo saw this passage for the first time, he didn't have much thought in his heart except secretly sighing for cowhide. But at this moment, he realized that the [Breeding Cyst] was even more cowhide than he thought...

If you choose a plant to devour, what kind of template will you get? What kind of life will this template give birth to in the reproductive cyst?

When he thought that he could modify the [Name], [Gender], and [Memory] of the template, Xia Zuo suddenly had the illusion that he was the creator. As long as his eight-dimensional attributes were raised high enough, it was entirely possible to use [Breeding Cysts] to create A strange world

Xia Zuo seemed to see a Yangguan Avenue full of infinite possibilities. He could cultivate cysts according to his own will, and he did not have to stick to a single race of humans.

There are suddenly many more ways to deal with Tauwenset.

Breeding Body No. 1 still uses the character template provided by Kallus, as long as it carries out plans such as destruction and interference.

For the No. 2 breeding body, Xia Zuo originally planned to find someone who could get in touch with Tauwenset, but now he has a better choice!

The goal of Breeding Body No. 2 is to obtain first-hand information from the bloodline research team, so just find a dead object or plant in Tauwenset's office and transform it into a cyst breeding body.

Tauwenset's desk, tea cup, kettle, the stool under his butt, the pipe in his hand, even his shirt, underwear, socks, etc., can all be Xia Zuo's eyeliner!

Xia Zuo's body trembled slightly with excitement, as if he was electrified, and the ecstasy of having his mind widened filled his mind.

The No. 2 incubator does not have to be a living person, and the No. 3 incubator does not have to be a living person either.

The role of Breeding Body No. 3 in the plan was to take the blame, divert the attention of the bloodline research team, and cover the retreat of Breeding Body No. 1 afterwards.

The simplest method is to convert the energy system of the bloodline research group into spores.

It may not be possible to turn the entire energy system into a cyst brood, but it should be possible to transform only the key components of the energy system.

Xia Zuo recalled the general design ideas of the Alchemy School when building research facilities such as alchemy rooms.

Adhering to the concepts of efficiency, safety and stability, all research facilities use the same model of energy system, that is, centralized functional type, with the energy center being the key.

In order to facilitate maintenance and repair, the energy center of the research facility is designed as a [parallel energy module].

An energy module can provide 10,000 points of non-attributed energy per hour. After connecting several energy modules in parallel, the energy output by them increases exponentially.

Therefore, Xia Zuo only needs to get the design drawing of the parallel energy module.

But where can I find this thing...

Xia Zuo scratched his head, pondered for a few seconds, and then secretly sighed that he was so stupid. Isn't this what An Ru'er is good at? Just ask her after returning to Starry Night Academy.

The options for the No. 3 breeding body are basically settled, so only the No. 2 breeding body is left to be determined.

What could be brought into an office in Tauwenset, never taken out of the office, and at the same time not be consumed itself, could be stored in the office forever?

Xia Zuo looked at the image and fell into thought.

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