My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 400 Selena’s Entrustment

After an unpleasant conversation, Melindora's face disappeared from the branches of the potted plant.

The faceless man walked to the desk and sat down, his arms bent on the armrests of the chair, and his fingers rubbed between his eyebrows, looking a little helpless.

He has been recruiting subordinates under the banner of freedom, teaching them how to condense the chaos container and completely control the elements.

Now he tastes the bitter consequences of freedom.

So far, each of his subordinates is an independent and free mage. There is no strong binding force similar to the Temple's law between the two parties. The subordinates only obey him based on their reverence and commitment to the Faceless Man. command.

This surrender to the Faceless Man did not extend from his subordinates to his subordinates’ subordinates.

Because the Faceless Man only taught his direct followers how to condense the Chaos Container, and did not teach it to his subordinates.

If a subordinate intends to hide something from him, then the Faceless Man really doesn’t have any good options at the moment...

The faceless man sat on the chair for a while, then came to the open space in the center of the room again and wrapped himself in a space-time container.

He wanted to get to know Melindora's informants in the many timelines.

Go back two or three hours ago.

In the teaching area of ​​the outer hall, in Kristo's office.

Xia Zuo had been keeping his eyes closed and meditating for twenty minutes.

The three Kristos sitting on the sofa behind him kept quiet and did not disturb him.

Another five minutes passed, Xia Zuo breathed a long sigh of relief, ended his first meeting with the faceless man, and successfully used the blood magic clone to escort Janice back to the school dormitory.

He stood up from the chair, turned to the three pure-blood mages who were looking at him eagerly and asked with a smile:

"You probably didn't accept that guy's invitation, right?"

The three of them, Kristo, shook their heads up and down together.

"No." Letunia said, "We are waiting for you to make a decision. Only if you accept his invitation can we become his followers."

Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment, "Why should I make the decision first?"

"Because..." Retunia opened her mouth.

"Dong dong dong."

A knock on the door interrupted Retunia's words.

Kristo looked at the door, "Selena is here, and there are a few temple guards."

Cristo walked towards the door and turned the handle with her silver sand palm.

"Good day, Selina, what's wrong?" Crystal asked.

Selina stood at the door. She nodded and greeted everyone in the room, and then turned her attention to Xia Zuo. "The temple guards asked me to help deal with the anomalies in the altar square of the ring island. I need Xia Zuo to use his blood." The magic puppet helps me."

The crisis faced by the pure-blood mage camp still has a buffer period of one month, but the danger in the Altar Square is imminent. The latter is much more urgent than the former.

Xia Zuo briefly communicated with his fellow pure-blood mages with his eyes, picked up the image treasure box on the desk and put it in his pocket, then walked towards the door, "No problem, I will do my best, just lead the way."

He and Selina walked side by side in front, followed by the temple guards who protected them.

The group of people walked into the secret room of the tower - the same secret room where Xia Zuo stayed for three or four months when he was on a previous mission to infiltrate the territory of the Strange Demon Church.

In addition to Xia Zuo and Selena, there are others in the secret room, and they have different identities. Judging from the embroidery patterns on the robes, these people wearing various robes come from several different temple departments.

After careful identification, Xia Zuo found that these people had one thing in common. They all had extensive research in spells and alchemy that can create clones.

"So, does the temple plan to use the clone to search for the thick smoke in the Altar Square?" Xia Zuo asked softly as he walked beside Selena.

"Yes." Selina nodded, "Didn't a three-person temple guard team enter the thick smoke before? They have disappeared. Out of caution, the Holy Pattern Department plans to use a clone to try it first. Try, if it doesn’t work, then forcefully disperse the smoke.”

"A temple team disappeared?" Xia Zuo was slightly stunned, "When did it happen?"

"About 20 minutes ago. Didn't you see it from the image orb?" Selina opened the door of an alchemy room and asked.

"No." Xia Zuo scratched his head. It is estimated that this happened during his meeting with the faceless man:

"I was probably chatting with Kristo and the others at that time, so I didn't pay attention to the image of the Image Orb."

"So that's it." Selina walked into the alchemy room and adjusted the furniture layout with her silver sand palm. "Let's ignore the temple team for now. Let's get down to business. I have conceived a plan that requires our cooperation to complete. How about you listen?"

Selina made a large space in the room, pushed the desk and the alchemy table to the center of the room, and placed two chairs facing each other on the left and right next to the desk.

She took out a small golden vitex flower from her alchemy pocket and placed it on the table:

"The last time we worked together, you and this little Golden Wattle shared the sight of the hemogen servant, and it saw the movement of life force through the hemogen servant's eyes.

"This time, I want to do the same. You will still connect with the Little Golden Wattle and let it guide your hematin servants to explore the thick smoke area. The light of life force in the thick smoke will become the best beacon."

Xia Zuo nodded slowly while thinking, "It's a good idea, Selina. Let's try it."

He pointed to the door, "I have to get some alchemy materials and arm the hemogen servants. It will take about two hours to prepare. Do the temple guards have any requirements on the preparation time?"

"No, just go ahead and do it. I will wait for you. If you need help, feel free to contact me." Selina sat down at the desk and took out the secret message ring box to deal with her official duties to kill time.

Xia Zuo didn't know anything about the alchemical properties of thick smoke, what negative effects it would have on spell clones and alchemical clones, whether the hematin servant would be forced to interrupt the connection with its master after entering the thick smoke, and he planned to strengthen it. When he was a hemogen servant, everything was done according to the highest standards.

This secret room is divided into more than a dozen alchemy rooms. In the center of the secret room is the material area for storing alchemy materials. There are many precious mutation materials on it.

Xia Zuo unceremoniously took a large plate of expensive materials and piled them on the shelves that came with the alchemy table, vowing to make the hemogen servant he made this time the one with the strongest defense so far.

Two hours later, a black, spherical hematin servant appeared on the alchemy table.

Xia Zuo picked it up with satisfaction and tossed it in his hand a few times.

Turning to look at Selena at the desk, Xia Zuo was just about to tell her that she was ready, but the next second he was attracted by the little golden vitex dancing on the table...

The flower bones of the small golden vitex flower circle vertically upward, and the delicate "waist" twists left and right, and the leaves on both sides of the flower stalk twist back and forth. This dance is somewhat funny...

"This is the first time I know that golden thorn flowers can dance..." Xia Zuo walked over and sat down opposite Selena, staring curiously at the little thing in the glass cover.

His sudden appearance seemed to frighten the little Golden Wattle Flower, and her funny dance immediately stopped. The Little Golden Wattle Flower froze in place and stopped twisting.

For some reason, Selina's face looked a little bad.

She lowered her head to cover her face with her long hair, reached out and touched her forehead a few times, raised her head and forced a smile and asked, "How are you getting ready?"

"I've got it all done." Xia Zuo put the round hemogen servant on the table, "You seem to be in trouble."

Is the little golden vitex dancing cutely to appease Selena?

"No, it's nothing, it's not a problem." Selina shook her head, "Let's quickly search the smoke area with the hematin servants."

She took out a secret message ring and dialed a secret message.

Half a minute later, two temple guards came in and took away the Xia Zuo hematin servant.

While waiting for the temple guards to take the hemogen servants to the Altar Square, Selina asked:

"Xia Zuo, what do you think [The Resting Place] is? How much do you know about it?"

Xia Zuo thought for a while, searched the memories in [Knowledge Reserve] and responded:

“I know very little about it, very little.

"I remember Kristo once told me when she was sealing the knowledge of the spirit body and totem school for me, the [Sleeping Place] is the resting place of the soul. After we humans die, our souls will go there to rest. When a new human being is born in nature, the dormant soul will return to nature and be put into the body of a newborn to start a new life again."

This method of reincarnation is much simpler than the Eastern and Western legends Xia Zuo heard in his previous life.

There is no hell or heaven, no underworld, no heaven, no abyss, purgatory, eighteen levels of hell, animal path, Shura path, six reincarnations... The entire reincarnation process of the current world is all completed in the sub-plane of [Land of Rest] , couldn’t be simpler.

"You are talking about a statement that is widely circulated in the temple." Selina asked, "Have you ever thought that this statement might be wrong?"

"Wrong?" Xia Zuo was stunned, "I don't know very well, I haven't researched it."

"Look, Xia Zuo."

Selina cast an illusion and condensed several groups of light emitting different rays of light on the table.

These light groups changed from hazy to clear, and finally images of several sub-dimensional planes emerged.

"So far, the Temple has discovered four sub-planes connected to the natural world.

“The Demon Hunter’s base [Grey Horn], the [Thunder Sea Plane] filled with wind and water energy, the [Dark Room] controlled by the Church of Strange Demons, and the base of the Temple Army [Arcane Grove].

"These sub-planes have one thing in common: if you want to enter them, you only need to start from nature. We can reach these sub-planes with the physical body."

Selina spread her hands, "But you see, [the resting place] only allows spiritual bodies to enter, and our physical bodies must remain in a meditative state to find it. Isn't this strange?"

"Isn't this determined by the characteristics of [Sleeping Place]?" Xia Zuo scratched his head, "That place is where souls rest, so it is normal that only souls can enter... Oh, no, no. [Darkroom] is The territory of shadow energy, [Thunder Sea Plane] is the territory of wind and water energy. Logically speaking, only energy bodies can enter these sub-planes, but we humans can still enter them with our physical bodies."

"Yes, Xia Zuo, you have grasped the key point."

Selena clapped her hands:

"Among the Tower Scholars, not everyone supports the exploration of [The Resting Place], and a considerable number of people - including me - are opposed to exploring this sub-plane that does not allow the physical body to enter.

"It's like exploring an underground cave. We should choose cave entrances that can allow human-sized bodies to enter and exit, and stay away from caves with narrow entrances and dark and cramped passages."

"Well, you make sense." Xia Zuo nodded.

The golden wattle on the table began to dance again. This time, the dance was no longer funny, but slightly hysterical. From the flower bones to the flower stems, from the flower stems to the branches and leaves, all moving parts were violently twisting. !

"It" Xia Zuo was stunned and looked like a crazy little golden thorn flower.

Selena stretched out her hand and pressed it on the glass cover, forcibly freezing the dancing posture of Golden Wattle Flower.

She took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly and said:

"Xia Zuo...I can't go on this mission with you."

"What?" Xia Zuo was a little confused for a moment. Why did the other party's brain jump so fast, switching from one topic to another all of a sudden? Also, what does the little golden vitex dance mean?

Selina stared at Xia Zuo, "This mission will be left to you and Jin Jinghua."

"Okay." Xia Zuo saw solemnity in her eyes.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door, and the voice of the temple guard came from outside the door, "Ms. Serepolina, there is someone outside the secret room looking for you."

"I'll come right away."

Selena said towards the door, then turned her head, picked up the small golden thorn flower, and stuffed it and an alchemy bag into Xia Zuo's hand:

"It's a little timid, but as long as you give it more patience, I think you will become good friends soon. If I still don't come back after the mission is over, please help me take care of it."

"This" Xia Zuo looked at the glass cover in his hand. The little Golden Wattle flower inside was trembling slightly like a pet abandoned by its owner...

"I'm leaving. We'll meet again, so no matter what happens, don't worry about me."

Selina waved her hand towards Xia Zuo, picked up the hem of the mage's robe and walked quickly towards the door.

Silver Sand Palm opened the door for her and closed it after she left.

In this alchemy room, only the confused Xia Zuo and the huddled little Jin Jinghua were left.

What, what, what, what happened?

Selina called him to perform the mission together, and now she left him and Little Golden Wattle alone...

All signs indicate that Selina knew that something bad would happen to her after she left here, so she left the little Golden Wattle with Xia Zuo...

Xia Zuo stared blankly at the little golden thorn flower in his hand:

"Little guy, what do you mean by that dance? Is it some kind of body language?"

The poor little Golden Wattle was probably frightened by the owner's actions. It huddled up into a ball, buried its "head" in the soil and shivered, and had no response to Xia Zuo's question...

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