My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 405 [Yuan Neng Invasion]

The visiting team assembled at the temple is about to depart.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and anticipation, and an atmosphere of joy and laughter hovered over the team.

The first contact with mysterious things will be included in the "Temple Chronicles", and everyone in the team will leave a strong mark in the history of the temple.

The caution and awe that should be faced when facing mysterious things disappeared under the control of the faceless man.

The alchemists and tower wizards who were under his command reunited and jointly compiled a logically consistent and seemingly feasible analysis report, changing angles to prove that covering the entire body with metal can protect visitors from harm.

The participants in writing the report were originally limited to the men of the Faceless Man, but when the visiting team was formed and the visiting mission became imperative, many people who came after smelling the aroma of profit also joined them and put their own theories into practice. And the experimental results were stuffed into the report, trying to get a piece of the pie when settling the visit tasks.

In the end, an extremely detailed analysis report endorsed by many alchemists and tower scholars was handed over to the Holy Pattern Department.

As long as it passes the final review of the Holy Pattern Department, this visit mission can be officially launched.

There are many alchemists like Xia Zuo who are bystanders. Most of them discovered the rashness of the visiting team at the first time, and a small number of them raised objections to the Holy Pattern Department.

Among this small group of people, a very few people with great imagination mentioned the spirit body. They believed that the reason why the alchemy clone and the magic clone were not affected by the thick fog was that the clone did not have a spirit body.

The person who came up with a nearly correct answer may not have the evidence, but their imagination is definitely commendable.

Unfortunately, this statement was denied by the analysis report in the hands of the Holy Pattern Department.

The analysis report lists some negative evidence.

One of the most convincing ones is:

The harm of dense smoke to living things is on the physical body. Those who were unfortunate enough to be exposed to the smoke had their bodies decomposed by the smoke, leaving only their heads floating in the air. This was obviously some kind of alchemical reaction between flesh and blood and the smoke.

This is a conclusion based on factual observation and is the strongest evidence in the opinion of the report's authors.

Between the speculation from bystanders and the basis given by the analysis report, the Holy Pattern Department chose the latter without hesitation.

Dozens of formal letters of appointment were issued from the Sacred Marks Department and forwarded by the temple guards to the members of the visiting team.

As a result, the team members have formal envoy status, and the visiting team has changed from an informal temporary organization to an official envoy group of the temple.

Everyone checked the full-metal armor on their bodies to make sure that all parts were covered with metal and that there were no cracks on the surface of the armor, and then pressed the button in the chest mezzanine.

This button is connected to the alchemy life support device inside the armor, which can continuously provide fresh air, maintain a suitable temperature, and can self-inject a variety of functional medicines to deal with various emergencies.

With everything ready, the envoys lined up in three columns, stepped into the thick smoke area under the gaze of many spectators, and headed towards the nearest white tree.

At this point, the Image Orb can no longer broadcast the scene - the Image Orb itself can travel unimpeded in the thick smoke, but the Holy Pattern Department does not want to disclose the process of the envoys' contact with the White Tree, so the broadcast of the scene underground on the circular island is temporarily interrupted.

Viewers watching the broadcast can only imagine the scene in the thick smoke in fantasy. In the atmosphere created by the Sacred Marks Department, the mission team seems to have a bright future, and most of the audience is looking forward to the good news.

Xia Zuo pushed the image treasure box in front of him to the side and concentrated on controlling the hematin servants staying in the thick smoke.

When the Holy Pattern Department summoned the envoy group, Xia Zuo used the blood element servants to find Rexor and others.

The physical condition of the two master demon hunters is not very good. The parts below the waist have been decomposed into vitality, and the vitality attribute value has dropped to about 500 points.

The information fed back by the detection technique shows that it is expected that in 5 hours, their spiritual bodies and physical bodies will be completely separated.

Xia Zuo's hemogen servants stopped beside them for a short time, and made two small hemogen servants, which were attached to the bald two's bodies, continuously delivering life force to them and resisting [Separation of Soul and Flesh].

When the envoy group set off, Xia Zuo had just settled down the bald man and the cold-faced man.

He did not let the hemogen servants track the envoys. Instead, he changed the direction of the hemogen servants and headed into the deepest part of the smoke to find the whereabouts of Neoksat and Reyna.

Isn’t it ironic…

What was supposed to be a rescue of a pure-blood mage and a group of members of the plane exploration team turned into a wonderful journey of contact with mysterious things after the appearance of Bai Shu.

The safety of the pure-blood mage Reyna and the agents has been completely ignored by the temple.

If anyone related to Reyna and the agents asks, the answer given by the temple will definitely be: We have to first determine what the thick smoke and white trees are before we can formulate a rescue plan.

This answer is impeccable, but time waits for no one, and things will change later. Xia Zuo decided to search and rescue Reina by himself.

He rushed to the foot of the stone tower according to the distribution of people in his impression.

Unexpectedly, Reyna disappeared, but Neoxat was still there!

The place where Reina originally sat was empty, with no vitality left, completely different from the scene Xia Zuo imagined.

As a pure-blood mage whose physical activity is comparable to that of a second-generation blood mage, Reina's vitality attribute value is in the range of 8,000 to 10,000. It is conservatively estimated that she can survive in thick smoke for 80 to 100 hours.

But now...why is she gone? ...Xia Zuo was a little confused about the situation.

Look at Neoxat again.

His body is an alchemical bionic body, and only his brain is made of flesh and blood.

Neoxat's spirit body is connected to his brain. After the brain is decomposed by the smoke, the separation of spirit and flesh is completed. At this moment, in the feedback information from the scrying technique, Neoxat had completely separated his body and soul, and went to the [resting place] where his ancestor was expected to be.

During the separation of soul and body, the alchemy bionic skull covering the brain will not be affected by the smoke, so from the outside, his alchemy bionic body is intact, which is consistent with the analysis report compiled by the members of the envoy. If the group saw the patient Oxart's appearance will definitely strengthen his judgment...

Xia Zuo didn't bother to take care of Neoxat.

He controlled the hemogen servant to come to where Reina was originally sitting, and carefully searched everything around him.

Some loose soil, as if it had just been turned over, caught Xia Zuo's attention.

Judging from the traces left by turning the soil, it should be that something long stretched out from the ground and dragged Reina into the ground.

Xia Zuo took the video treasure box over and repeatedly played the scene of the smoke erupting.

He could confirm that during the period from the time when the smoke appeared to when the smoke submerged Reina, Reina was still sitting in the same place without moving.

If someone or something really took Reina away from the underground, it should have happened during the period from when the smoke submerged Reina to when the smoke submerged the pyramid.

The card position at this point in time is extremely accurate.

And the person who took Reina away didn't care about Reina's life or death, as long as her body...

Based on these judgments, Xia Zuo immediately came up with the answer:

It was the faceless man who plotted to gain the power of the pure-blood mage's bloodline that took Reina away.

All the predictions made by the Faceless Man came true, and he won the battle against the Temple.

Xia Zuo's heart became heavy, not because the glory of the temple was damaged, but because he felt sorry for Reina and Kristo... He originally planned to use [Breeding Cyst] to find the whereabouts of the Faceless Man. If there was a chance, Rescue the pure-blood mage in distress.

Now it seems that Xuli may be able to return to Retunya intact, but Reina...she may only be left with an empty shell without consciousness...

Xia Zuo was a little worried. He didn’t know how to tell Cristo about Reyna’s disappearance.

"By the way, I'm so stupid..." Xia Zuo slapped his head, feeling that he was a little slow to react.

Since the Golden Wattle Clan can find out the movements of the Faceless Man, they must know something about his identity, so why not just ask them.

Xia Zuo looked at Little Jin Jinghua, "How did you know that there was a faceless man in the envoy group? What is the true identity of the faceless man? Where can I find him?"

"I knew you were going to ask me these questions."

The little golden vitex flower twisted its stem:

"I can't tell you the answer, Xia Zuo.

"Please believe me, this is not to prevent you from saving those two pure-blood mages, but to protect you, all members of the pure-blood mage camp and our Golden Wattle tribe. The capabilities of the Faceless Man are far beyond your imagination. He has some kind of space-time ability that can predict crises.

"But if you find each other through your own efforts, that's a different story. Forgive me that's all I can say."

"Okay..." Xia Zuo touched his nose.

Little Jin Jinghua obviously had something to hide. In order to prevent the relationship between the two parties from becoming tense, Xia Zuo decided not to ask further questions.

In the thick smoke area, the hematin servants circled a few times around where Reina was sitting, and then flew towards the direction of the envoys.

The team made a lot of noise amid the smoke.

There is a noise-absorbing circle on the pure metal armor, which can minimize the sound of a piece of armor. But when dozens of armors are gathered together, the noise-absorbing magic circle is a bit useless.

In the quiet smoke area, any noise is particularly prominent, let alone a group of thick-looking metal men, three times the size of adults, moving in groups.

It took almost no effort for Xia Zuo to find this group of slow-moving metal men in the smoke-filled Altar Square.

The white tree closest to the mission is 120 meters away.

The hemogen servants kept a safe enough distance from the metal people and followed the team at a distance.

When the distance between the envoy group and the white tree was less than 20 meters, the hematin servant dug a hole in place, drilled into the ground, and came to a place about ten meters away from the white tree.

At this distance, as long as you keep quiet, you can eavesdrop on the conversation between the envoys and the white tree through the soil.

Xia Zuo set up several magic barriers around him to isolate all sounds from outside the alchemy room, and tried hard to distinguish the words that the hematin servants could hear in the absolutely quiet environment.

A large group of people surrounding Baishu will inevitably create a sense of oppression. In serious cases, Baishu will interpret it as a threat or a signal of some kind of attack.

In order to avoid such misunderstandings, after the envoy group stopped near the white tree, only one person was sent forward at a time to try to communicate with the white tree. The others tried to relax their posture and refrain from unnecessary movements.

The first person came to the white tree, looked up at the white tree that was nearly a body taller than him, and introduced himself to the white tree in the common language of the temple, the language of the previous era, the ancient language, etc.

While listening to the other party's awkward chat, Xia Zuo reached into his alchemy pocket and took out a pocket watch to keep time silently.

In the envoy group, the person with the lowest vitality attribute value only has 67 points.

It is expected that in 3 minutes at the latest, this member of the envoy will be forced into a state of forced meditation under the influence of [Separation of Soul and Flesh].

At that point, the line might get a little riotous.

The reality is completely opposite to what Xia Zuo thought.

Three minutes later, there was nothing unusual among the envoys, and even the person who had spoken before had lost his voice.

"It shouldn't be...can the full-metal armor really resist [Separation of Soul and Flesh]?" Xia Zuo scratched his head, feeling something was wrong.

He thought for a while and decided to send another hematin servant to check the situation on the ground.

After some operations, a tiny hematin servant flew out from the ground. It circled around and came to the rear of the messenger team, where it saw an astonishing scene:

All the members of the envoys standing on the spot were wrapped with several chains composed of elemental energy. These energy chains ignored the obstruction of the armor and penetrated directly into the metal armor, locking the human body inside the armor tightly.

The same goes for the person who had an awkward chat in front of Bai Shu. The energy chains were like the strings of a puppet, controlling him to walk back to the queue.

Xia Zuo tapped the glass cover of the culture tank, "Do you know what kind of spell this is? I feel very weird..."

Little Jin Jinghua saw the scene through the perspective of the hemogen servant shared by Xia Zuo.

“This is the elemental spell [Elemental Invasion] exclusive to wild elements.

"[Elemental Invasion] can invade spells and magic circles woven from elemental energy, or elemental alchemy products made with elemental traces. Spells and alchemy products affected by [Elemental Invasion] will temporarily break away from their original Master’s control.”

Xia Zuo was stunned, "With this kind of magic, wouldn't the Faceless Man be the natural enemy of the Temple? No wonder he can imitate the Temple's coat of arms and crack the communication channel of the Secret Message Ring."

"No, Xia Zuo. [Yuan Neng Invasion] is not as powerful as you think, otherwise the wild elemental tribe would not be where it is today."

The little golden vitex flower gestured with its leaves and said:

"Look at those full-metal armors, their supporting alchemy products and magic circles, all installed by the Faceless Man's men under the control of the Faceless Man. There is something about them that is easily susceptible to [primordial energy invasion]. 】Flaws that influence it, that’s why it’s so easily controlled by the faceless people.”

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