My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 417 Long planned

As we all know, the planet is spherical.

The Eastern Continent goes west across the Everlasting Storm and reaches the Western Continent.

There are only two continents on this planet.

Starting from the Western Continent and continuing west across the ocean, you will arrive at the west side of the Eastern Continent, which is the territory of the Strange Demon Church.

Many people who are aware of this problem for the first time will have this question:

Are there any extreme storms on the way to the west from the Western Continent?

The answer is, yes, and it is wider, taller, and more violent than the Eternal Storm on the east side of the Western Continent.

The Eternal Storm on the east side of the Western Continent still has a small narrow area at the top and the black ocean below the storm for passage, which is far less extreme than the Eternal Storm on the east side of the Western Continent.

The extreme storm on the east side of the Western Continent left no space for communication.

From the bottom of the smoke of creation to the abyss of the bottomless deep sea, all places are shrouded in extreme storms. The never-ending violent hurricanes can stir up the sea water and tear everything apart. Even Mimar metal can only stay in it. About half an hour.

For this reason, the Temple has never thought about the possibility of the Strange Demon Church landing from the west side of the Western Continent. The Temple's defense line has always been deployed on the east side of the Western Continent.

Now, this situation has changed.

Under Xia Zuo's behind-the-scenes control, he, the Mystic Investigator, and Dim took an airship to the edge of the Everlasting Storm on the west side of the Western Continent, and used a time and space vessel to witness the black shadow diving into the dark storm.

The investigators who came to investigate the whereabouts of the missing persons obtained a piece of information that was logical and of high value.

Later that day, this extremely urgent top-secret information followed the Mystic Mage Investigator to the Western Continent.

At this point, the investigation into the missing persons has come to an end.

If nothing else happens, the Mystic Mage Guild and Demon Hunting School will no longer pay attention to missing persons.

In their view, the missing persons were simply brought back to the territory of the Strange Demon Church by smuggled strange demons.

The focus of mystics and demon hunters will shift from retrieving missing persons to exploring the Eternal Storm on the west side of the Western Continent.

Understanding how the strange demons passed through the extreme storm is far more important than finding the missing people.

No one would know that the black shadow exuding shadow energy was just the [Shadow Clone] that Xia Zuo had temporarily condensed. The second it flew into the Everlasting Storm, the black shadow was shattered by the wind blade, successfully completing its mission of misleading the temple.

Xia Zuo had already deduced the series of chain reactions caused by this using the [Space-Time Phase Simulator].

For example, the temple held an emergency meeting to adjust the deployment of troops in the Western Continent, and included the west coast into the alert range.

Two organized temple armies arrived at the Western Continent through teleportation and rushed to station themselves in the southwest and northwest corners of the Western Continent.

These changes had little impact on Xia Zuo's future plans.

Inside an unknown mountain peak, batches of heavy weapons were sent by hematin servants to warehouses deep underground.

A self-propelled alchemical missile vehicle capable of continuously launching medium- and long-range alchemical missiles and using bomb bays to supply bombs;

A flying saucer vehicle that stores various alchemical flying saucers for combat purposes. It can launch hundreds of flying saucers carrying various energy explosives at one time to launch short- and medium-range cluster bombardments at the enemy;

An earth-drilling vehicle equipped with an ultra-high-strength hard alloy drill bit can drill a large hole straight downward in the desert of the Wildhammer Kingdom in just 3 minutes;

A movable full-attribute energy shield generator that protects other heavy weapons in all directions and without blind spots.

Xia Zuo's hoard of homemade heavy weapons was enough for a hundred-man temple army to fight a decent small battle.

This is not enough.

Alchemical devices are inseparable from elements.

Xia Zuo cannot guarantee that every alchemy device will not have loopholes that can be invaded by faceless people.

He must take some measures to completely eliminate the possibility of heavy weapons getting out of control.

Far away on the eastern coastline of the Eastern Continent, the legion of pseudo-blood mages who clashed with the garrison of the Strange Demon Church were inevitably fighting with the strange devil.

The pseudo-blood mages contributed many magic spells to Xia Zuo.

There is one spell that satisfies Xia Zuo the most.

[Spell name] Blood dissolves in iron

[Spell Type] Blood Magic, derived from the Rust Demon

[Spell Effect]

Use your own blood patterns to penetrate metal objects, and use the flesh-and-blood alchemy creation part to change the internal structure of the metal props, leaving a blood pattern mark as a control node.

This blood magic from the Rust Demon looks relatively simple, with only one sentence of text introduction, but after Xia Zuo used it, he felt that it was really awesome...

Xia Zuo took a disposable launcher that fired alchemical missiles from the warehouse.

After casting [Blood Dissolves in Iron], Xia Zuo changed the excitation unit on the transmitter from being driven by elemental energy to being driven by vitality.

Before the transformation, press the button of the launcher, and the excitation unit will mobilize the elemental energy in the energy storage device for rapid charging, and then eject the alchemy missile using the wind spell [Compression Wind Cannon].

It will be different after the transformation. The excitation unit takes the vitality from the blood mark and inputs it into the [expansion bag]. The [expansion bag] bulges rapidly. After reaching the burst limit, it explodes with a "bang" sound. The inside of the bag The highly compressed flesh and blood tissue instantly ejects the alchemy missile.

After such a modification as [blood dissolves in iron], the most critical activation unit of the alchemy missile launcher is completely in Xia Zuo's hands. Even if the Faceless Man invades other parts of the launcher, it will not cause more trouble besides the dumb cannon.

There is another benefit to doing this.


Xia Zuo can blame the battle that took place in the Wildhammer Kingdom on the Strange Demon Church.

All kinds of heavy weapons have been corroded by [Blood Dissolves in Iron]. This spell is only mastered by the Strange Demon Church. It is obvious that the Strange Demon Church sent a team carrying heavy weapons to bypass the temple army's defense line and attack. The Kingdom of Wildhammer.

The problem of control of heavy weapons has been solved, and the subsequent problem of misleading the temple in pursuit has also been solved. Now there is only one problem standing in front of Xia Zuo:

How to transport the heavy weapons from the secret base in the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent?

In those future timelines where faceless people were fighting face-to-face, almost all "Xia Zuo" lost some of their heavy weapons due to various reasons during the process of transporting heavy weapons, or were detained by temple guards. This in turn led to the pursuit of the Inquisition and the Mystic Mage.

"Xia Zuo" cleverly temporarily disguised and disassembled the heavy weapons, disguised them as ordinary alchemy instruments, put them in his alchemy pockets, and transported them in batches to the base in the Eastern Continent.

However, the Naihe Temple has recently increased its scrutiny of teleporters and occasionally checks the alchemy pockets of teleporters.

"Xia Zuo" was selected by the temple to check the alchemy pocket because he teleported across the ocean too frequently.

In reality, Xia Zuo had to try his best to avoid this.

"What should we do?" Xia Zuo sat in the alchemy room of the secret base and was worried.

He must find a foolproof method. After all, this is reality, not a future timeline that can be tried and errored. He cannot afford unexpected losses and pursuits, and he does not want to confront the temple for the time being.

The little Golden Wattle flower on the desk is twisting slowly in the culture jar. It makes some sleep movements like humans when sleeping - touching its flower buds with leaves, or hugging its flower stalks with two branches and leaves. In rare cases If it does not move, its center of gravity will be unstable due to excessive movement, and it will wake up from a sudden tilt.

Xia Zuo stared blankly at the culture tank, lost in thought.

The little golden vitex flower Mosuo bud woke up from her sleep, stretched out comfortably, and happened to see the worried look on Xia Zuo's face:

"Oh~ What trouble did you get into? Ever since you mastered the new time and space spell, I have never seen this expression again."

Xia Zuo shook his head to regain his senses, picked up the teapot on the table and took a sip:

"I'm thinking about how to transport the heavy weapons in the warehouse to the Eastern Continent. Hey, although the time and space spell to predict the future is powerful, it can't resist the probability of random inspection. No matter how careful I am, there is about a 7% chance that I will be The temple guards conducted a random inspection and exposed the heavy weapons in the alchemist's pocket."

"Are the heavy weapons you made with blood magic puppets used to deal with the faceless people?" Little Jin Jinghua asked.

"Yes." Xia Zuo nodded.

"Will it be used for other purposes?" Little Golden Wattle asked again.

Xia Zuo thought for a while:

"No. After I solve the problem of the Faceless Man, I will stay in the Starry Night Kingdom, and this secret base will only operate at the lowest efficiency. In a short time, I will not use such a large-scale base again. Heavy weapons. I will spend my future energy and time on studying time and space spells, and try to use milder means to obtain interstellar travel spells."

"Oh, that's it..." Little Golden Wattle shook her head and put a leaf against her chin, "Have you thought about how to end it? Will the conflict between you and the Faceless Man be tracked by the temple?"

Xia Zuo held the back of his head with both hands, looked at the ceiling, and said while recalling the results of the battle in the future timeline:

"I have seen many futures. In more than 90% of the futures, I defeated the Faceless Man and watched him turn into a hazy light and disappear at my feet.

"I'm not sure if he died or if he used some elemental magic to escape the battlefield.

"After this, my life will undergo drastic changes, with demon hunting schools, tribunals, and mystics coming one after another. I am tired of dealing with the rounds of scrutiny, and have to choose to escape from it all, change my identity, and live in other places in the Western Continent. place."

"Is this the ending you want?" Little Jin Jinghua asked:

"You are not alone. You have other concerns. Your lover, companions, colleagues in the pure-blood mage camp... they will all be implicated more or less because of your actions. Are you sure you want to take this step? Do you want to fight with the faceless people? Even if you will be lonely in your future life."

"An Ru'er will follow me." Xia Zuo's lips raised a smile:

"She has made up her mind to change her face and start a new life with me. During the recent period, my body has been staying in the school to do the final aftermath. To ensure that after the blood connection suddenly disappeared, Beatrice and the others Life will not suffer serious setbacks.”

"What about the pseudo-blood mage army?" Little Jin Jinghua asked, "Once you disappear, will their blood mark disappear?"

"No." Xia Zuo shook his head, "I have put Rexall's bloodline authority into a magic clone sealed in the ground. If the clone does not die, Rexall will always retain his pseudonym. The blood mage's abilities and the pseudo-blood mage associated with him will not be affected."

"It seems that you have made up your mind and must leave the sight of the temple."

"Yes." Xia Zuo breathed a long sigh of relief, "I long for a life of anonymity and freedom, restraining myself with my own morals and principles, instead of being restricted by the temple or other organizations, and having my lover by my side. , I can continue to live like this as long as no one comes to ruin it."

"Then what should I do?" Little Golden Wattle asked, raising her "head".

Xia Zuo thought for a while and responded, "In your words... I should probably put it with Kristo or Beatrice."

The reason for not taking Little Golden Wattle away is very simple. It and its tribe are obviously inextricably linked to the temple. Taking it with you will soon be equivalent to carrying a time bomb.

"No, no." The little golden vitex shook its bud violently.

It clapped its two "hands" and said:

“Let’s make a deal.

"We help you transport heavy weapons, erase the traces of the battle, and keep all secrets for you. You just need to take me away.

"If you operate properly, you may be able to retain your current status as a temple. As for whether to use the body or a magic clone to continue playing the current role of the temple, it is up to you. Use the magic clone to carry it like this Me, I can accept that too.

"Anyway, you must take me with you. You promised Selena to take good care of me, how could you go back on your word midway?"

Little Jin Jinghua’s childish voice was extremely determined.

Xia Zuo touched his nose awkwardly, "Uh, let me think about it again."

Little Golden Wattle held her bud and said:

"This is a proposal that is beneficial to both of us. Do you remember the sacred oath I mentioned to you?"

"Of course." Xia Zuo nodded.

"Then let me tell you the contents of this sacred oath. You will definitely not refuse after listening to it..."

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