My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 425: Betting on dogs does not allow the house

The battle between Xia Zuo and the Faceless Man did not attract the attention of the resident mage of the Wildhammer Kingdom on the spot.

At the right time, location, and harmony, Xia Zuo accurately controlled all the details of the battle.

The location of the Faceless Man's base is extremely remote.

Although it was included in the territory of the Kingdom of Wildhammer, due to the extreme weather, no defense forces were deployed by the Kingdom of Wildhammer.

For example, the resident mages, the patrol teams in the border areas of the kingdom, etc., operate at most one or two hundred kilometers north of the Faceless Man base, and will not go deep into the extremely hot southern border.

In addition, Xia Zuo controlled the scale and rhythm of the battle very well, and did not let the energy fluctuations caused by the battle spread further.

These factors directly caused the entire temple to be unaware of the sudden disappearance of internal dangers.

At most, only two forces will know about Xia Zuo's battle with the Faceless Man.

The first one is the Golden Wattle Alchemist Association.

Due to the close relationship with the Golden Wattle Clan, the Golden Wattle Alchemist Association has absolutely no chance of telling the Temple what happened on the border of the Wildhammer Kingdom.

The second person who may have noticed Xia Zuo's fight with the Faceless Man was the Fate Tree Kama Silberian.

After the faceless man is devoured by the template of [Breeding Cyst], his spirit body will float to the [Sleeping Place] normally.

In this case, Kama Hebrain, who can understand the past history through the spirit body, will know the whole process of the matter.

Kama Hebraine estimates that there is a 90% probability that it already knows the secrets of Xia Zuo, but it will not reveal any information to the temple.

This is all because of the sacred oaths made by the Golden Wattles ethnic group and all parties:

[Anyone or anything who promises not to open the resting place should receive preferential treatment. 】

This oath formed a front against Vasaksat.

As long as they promise not to open the [Land of Rest], not to become a "microorganism" of "fermented food", and not to become Vasaksat's lackey, the Golden Wattle group will provide help to those recognized by the group and keep the secret.

Under the protection of this oath, Xia Zuo and the Golden Wattle tribe established a trustworthy alliance with the little Golden Wattle Melina as the link, and became a half ally of Kama Hebraine.

The Golden Wattle Clan cleared all the tail for Xia Zuo, and he no longer had to worry about the temple discovering anything unusual about him.

The secret base of the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo's figure appeared in the light.

After defeating the Faceless Man, I feel relaxed. From today on, the pure-blood mage camp is considered safe. At least in the foreseeable future, no one will covet the blood power of the pure-blood mage.

Xia Zuo sat on the chair, recalling the scene of the faceless man disappearing into black smoke, feeling like he was holding an unbearable breath...

"It's weird, I still can't figure it out."

Xia Zuo grabbed his hair, clenched his fist and waved it twice in front of him.

"Why do I get an accident every time I'm halfway through devouring the faceless man template? This is true in the future timeline, and it's true in reality as well. What's going on?"

Xia Zuo paced back and forth in the alchemy room in distress.

Melindora couldn't figure out the reason, so Xia Zuo could only think about what was going on.

He could still attribute the failures once or twice to the probability issues caused by uncertainty.

But if it happens every time, you have to suspect that there is a hidden danger somewhere.

Devouring an adult monster with [Breeding Cyst] can probably increase the time flow rate of [Space-time Phase Simulator] by one ten millionth. This is the conclusion Xia Zuo came to after repeated experiments.

The template that devours the faceless man 100% can probably be improved by about 1%.

But now we only have half of the faceless man's template... The remaining half disappeared with the black smoke. We can't even track the black smoke's whereabouts. Wouldn't it mean that if we hold half of the template, we would never be able to get it?

Xia Zuo hammered his chest lightly, barely calming down his inner dissatisfaction.

Forget it, don’t think about it, let’s take a look at the template first

Xia Zuo returned to the desk and sat down, calling up the message previously sent by Goldfinger:

"Detected host devouring Faceless Man Inster Heguman's character template

"Progress 1%

"Progress 2%


"Progress 50%

"Warning! Encountered interference from uncontrollable external forces, and the progress of devouring the template was forcibly interrupted.

"The results of devouring are being calculated...

"Congratulations to the host for successfully devouring 50% of the character templates. Please choose one of the options below as a reward:

"1. Keep the character template [Wild Elemental Inster Heguman (completeness 50%, severely damaged)].

"2. Absorb the character template and obtain attribute values ​​and space-time law rewards. After additionally consuming the host's own vitality attribute value, you can randomly extract the spells on the character template as a reward. Each extraction consumes 100 points of vitality attribute value, and the number of draws is unlimited. limit."

Keep the Faceless Man template, or absorb it?

Different choices give birth to different futures.

Xia Zuo did not make a decision in a hurry. He first used the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] to look at the results of different choices, and then said to Goldfinger:

"I choose the second option, absorbing the faceless man's character template."

The reason for not choosing the first option is simple... the faceless man's character template is seriously damaged, not just as simple as lowered attribute values ​​and incomplete spell list.

His personality and memory are also lacking, and he often does things by any means necessary to achieve his master's goals.

Using such a complete character template, the cyst brood cultivated is a scourge. While doing its best to fulfill the master's orders, it will create a lot of trouble.

It's better to absorb the template directly.

"Absorbing the character template [Wild Elemental Inster Heguman (completeness 50%, severely damaged)]..

"It has been detected that the reward contains the laws of time and space, and the host's character template is being optimized.

"New entry [Strength of the Law of Space and Time], the calculation unit is [Time Flow Rate Ratio], the current strength of the Law of Space and Time is 6000 to 1.

"Continue to absorb character templates...

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining several attribute values ​​and space-time law rewards. [The strength of the space-time law] has reached 6006:1.

"Do you want to consume the vitality attribute value and randomly select the spells on the template?"

The [Strength of the Law of Space and Time] has increased by about one thousandth, which is far lower than Xia Zuo expected, but it is in line with the results of the deduction in the future timeline.

This is not caused by the incomplete character template of the Faceless Man, but because the strength of Xia Zuo's own laws of time and space is already very high, far exceeding the level of the Faceless Man.

It was at this moment that Xia Zuo had an intuitive understanding of his [Strength of the Law of Space and Time].

Putting aside the question of why he had such a terrifying [Strength of the Law of Time and Space], Xia Zuo knew that he would not be able to find an answer to this question for a while. The top priority was to decide whether to randomly draw spells.

The faceless man's spell list is very, very rich, and can be described as a spell library.

There are only three things Xia Zuo wants to have:

[Chaos Command] that condenses chaotic energy, creates an energy body [Energy Incarnation], as well as [Elemental Invasion] and [Static Energy Field].

Due to the damaged template, [Chaos Command] and [Energy Incarnation] did not appear on the list of spells available for extraction. Xia Zuo could only randomly select [Static Ability Field] and [Elemental Invasion].

In this case, is it necessary to bet on dogs?

Xia Zuo scratched his head and felt that if he didn't fire one or two rounds, it would be a waste of a rare lottery opportunity.

With his own European Emperor bloodline, it should be a sure thing to launch [Static Ability Field] first and [Elemental Invasion] second.

"But things come in threes. If the spell you want doesn't come out within three times, I won't do it."

Xia Zuo clapped his hands and said silently:

"Consume 100 points of vitality attribute value and draw once."

The lottery wheel came to mind. The pointer slid on the rapidly rotating wheel and stopped after a few seconds:

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the elemental spell [High Energy Vortex]."

Xia Zuo glanced at the introduction of [High Energy Vortex]. This is a spell that uses energy vortices to spray high-energy energy beams. The advantages are that there are no restrictions on the types of energy beams, long range, and large flow. The disadvantage is that it consumes serious energy.

One sentence review: A toy-level spell that looks good but is useless.

"Consume another 100 points of vitality attribute value."

The lottery wheel rotated again, and the pointer stopped on a fiery red grid.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fire spell [Burning Body]."

"Hey, it's this spell..." Xia Zuo patted his forehead.

When he first learned the fireball technique, he fantasized about turning himself into a self-igniting human-shaped torch, rushing into the enemy camp and burning everything.

This kind of spell, which can damage the enemy by one thousand and damage oneself by one thousand and five, is classified as a controlled spell by the temple, so Xia Zuo has never been able to learn it.

Now it's actually been drawn in a lottery

"Better than nothing." Xia Zuo shrugged his shoulders, took a deep breath and started the third draw.

If he couldn't draw the spell he wanted this time, he would stop drawing. Spending 300 points of vitality attribute points to draw out garbage spells is painful to think about.

The lottery wheel spun around and around, whetting Xia Zuo's appetite, and then slowly stopped.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the wind spell [Air Brick]."

"Ahem..." Xia Zuo paused and beat his chest, shouting in his heart that gambling dogs will not die well.

"No more, no more." Xia Zuo waved his hand repeatedly, letting Goldfinger disperse the lottery wheel in his mind, ending this unpleasant lottery.

He stood up, went to the storage room next door, and picked up the sleeping little Golden Wattle.

Taking out the hydrating potion and pouring it on the culture tank, Xia Zuo waited quietly for the little golden vitex to wake up.

"You're back." Little Golden Wattle rubbed its buds with leaves, "How was the result of the battle?"

"I won, but not completely."

Xia Zuo scratched his head and briefly recounted the battle process, focusing on the scene where the faceless man turned into black smoke and disappeared.

How Xia Zuo destroyed the Chaos Container of the Faceless Man without holding the Chaos Arrow is a very curious thing.

Little Golden Wattle did not delve into it. It knew that everyone had secrets to some extent, and rashly prying into the secrets of its allies violated the sacred oath between the Golden Wattle clan and Xia Zuo.

Therefore, Little Jin Jinghua focused her thinking on the disappearance of the faceless man.

"I'm not sure what's going on." Little Jin Jinghua thought hard for a few minutes and then gave up. "I'd better ask the elders in the tribe."

"Okay." Xia Zuo nodded repeatedly. He always felt that this matter was weird and made him feel vaguely uneasy. He had to figure it out as soon as possible.

Under Xia Zuo's gaze, the little Golden Wattle danced on the spot, slowly swinging its delicate waist, and contacted the elders of the tribe in a unique way of the Golden Wattle tribe.

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