My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 441 Traces of Hybrid Magic

A secret base in the western mountains of the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo had just finished predicting the future, and the colorful spots on his body were quickly dissipating.

"As I expected, Celine specially received me and drew up a new agreement for me, which was under the instructions of the August family. My words were successfully transmitted to Uncle through the image orb on Celine's body. Varu August.”

Xia Zuo was talking to himself, mentioning the success of his prediction, but there was no frivolous joy on his face, instead it was occupied by a thoughtful look like a scheming one.

Successfully predicting something is different from successfully predicting a coherent series of events.

It is not something to be happy about when something has been put aside and developed as Xia Zuo expected, because the development trend of the matter is likely to turn 180 degrees at the next moment, reversing with even greater momentum, making past efforts in vain.

The key here lies in the judgment of human hearts.

According to Xiazuo, the direction of people’s hearts is the result of the interaction of three factors:

External environment, personality, way of thinking.

Changes in the external environment will constantly pose questions to a person that have no standard answers.

Personality determines what answers a person wants to a question, while thinking style affects the way a person solves problems.

Xia Zuo used a cryptic word to convey his warning to Bovaru. The external environment outside the body and mind posed a question to Bovaru:

There is a person whose strength is unknown and whose power of time and space is higher than yours. He threatens you not to do something. What will you do?

Timid and fearful people will choose stability and self-preservation. This is the answer they want. Such people will naturally adopt the approach of calming down troubles.

And for a family head like Bovaru, who relies on prestige to rule the family, holds a large amount of temple resources, and has the power to mobilize the temple army, what answer does he want?

His answer has long been determined and is the only one:

Ensure that the family's plan to escape from the planet can be implemented smoothly.

Then, there is a Bovaru-style problem-solving idea:

Send three Templar armies strong enough to counterbalance the source of the threat and surround the target. These troops are not only protecting people and things that the threat source cares about, but also closely monitoring the threat source.

When necessary, the Temple Army can even use the excuse of raising the defense level to directly control the people and objects that the threat source cares about in order to restrain the threat source. This also includes the purpose of testing the strength of the threat source.

The above problem-solving ideas should be the unified response method for every powerful person who has been in a high position for a long time when facing threats.

After Xia Zuo returned to the Western Continent, he closely monitored the trends of the future timeline in the [Space-Time Phase Simulator].

As expected, two to three days from today, three elite teams of fully armed mystics will be stationed around the academy with the slogan of protecting the academy.

The speed at which these troops hijacked Anruer, Beatrice and others was far faster than the speed at which they could kill Xia Zuo. At critical moments, they could defeat the enemy with one blow.

"Fortunately, I already had countermeasures." Xia Zuo smiled slightly.

The best strategy is to build momentum and take into account all the variables to create an unstoppable trend.

The three elite mystics sent by Bovaru arrived just in time, just in time to merge into the general trend of separation between the Western Continent and the Temple.

Xia Zuo moved to sit at the desk, sensing his flesh and blood clones, checking the conditions of the controlled product assembly lines and mining sites, and then looking at several special operations teams performing secret missions outside, and finally focused on interrogating spies. On the cave.

So far, he has used his special operations team to capture 26 spies from the Eastern Continent.

There were 5 observers from the Western Continent installed by the Holy Pattern Department, 6 informants from the Demon Hunting School, and 3 informants from the faceless man Inster Heguman. These were captured before the decisive battle with the faceless man.

The remaining 12 spies are all intelligence officers of the Temple Army.

They had just arrived in the Western Continent in recent days, and as soon as they settled down at the pre-planned destination, they were kidnapped by blood magic clones disguised as strange demons.

It is expected that in the next seven days, as Gran Sabage's activities in the Starry Night Kingdom become more frequent, more Temple Army intelligence personnel will come to the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo wanted to catch all these intelligence personnel and frame them all on Grand Sabage.

In addition, there are many dramas about to take place.

Starry Night Academy.

Xia Zuo's true form arrived here together with Rexor.

The two of them went to Beatrice's study together, obtained the spellcasting permission order to cast spells in the Western Continent, and then flew to the place where the Commissioner of Total Pleasure recently appeared.

Two or three minutes after leaving Starry Night Academy, Xia and Zuo landed in the backyard of Taylor Messo's shop.

The metal fence between the backyard of this shop and the shop next door has disappeared. The place where the fence used to be has become black and shiny, with a large pool of molten iron scattered around, reflecting the cool light in the morning sun.

The floor tiles cracked, the flower beds collapsed, and the green trees that were over fifty years old withered and withered. Theresa's alchemy room and residence were split into several sections, and there were obvious signs of scorch on the broken beams.

"The battle last night was fierce." Rexor stepped on the molten iron on the ground and walked into Teresa's backyard. His nose flapped and his eyes slowly scanned the whole place.

"I smelled the strong body odor of blood wax lemurs, the sweat smell of deformed dogs, and the sour smell of blood left by the corrupted demon servants. Sure enough, it was the same as the report written by Dim. Commissioner Joy summoned these on the scene. Cannon fodder and strange monster."

Rexor frowned, with a complicated look on his face, and rubbed his shiny forehead a few times:

"Why has Commissioner Joy mastered the ability to summon these low-level monsters? Isn't this the specialty of a mixed-blood mage?"

The blood and blood patterns mixed by mixed-blood mages not only come from superiors, they can also mix the blood of various low-level monsters into their bodies.

Just like Xia Zuo summons blood servants and uses mutant materials to create blood magic puppets, the hybrid mage can use the blood materials stored in the body to condense low-level monsters faster, achieving the violent effect of summoning a large number of summons to join the battle.

"Master, have you ever seen this kind of strange demon that has mastered the abilities of a hybrid mage while you are on the east coast?"

"Not yet." Rexall walked towards Theresa's residence:

"We have been very vigilant to guard against the sudden appearance of the disappeared hybrid mage.

"Now it seems that although the mixed-blood mages have been taught by the strange demon church to recycle their vitality and use it as nourishment to hatch the strange demon army, the hybrid magic they master has been instilled by the strange demon church into the higher-level combat power within the church."

The bald man stopped in front of the fallen door frame of Teresa's residence and looked back at the backyard full of wanderers:

"I have to say that this method of combining mixed-blood magic and high-level strange demons has indeed worked wonders. If the Complete Joy Commissioner had not mastered the mixed-blood magic, last night's battle would have ended very quickly, and even more No one will be hurt.”

After speaking, the bald head released the bleeding magic line, straightened the crooked door frame, and led Xia Zuo from what could barely be considered the main entrance to Teresa's residence, where the roof had several large holes.

After careful inspection, the bald head found traces left by several hybrid magic summons.

"The strange demon that infiltrated the Starry Night Kingdom this time is not simple."

Rexor came to the sun-drenched dilapidated backyard and manipulated several lines of blood magic to collect liquids, residues and other things contaminated with the smell of mixed-blood magic summons. The alchemy bag in his hand had already been loaded with items in the house. clue.

"High-level strange demons that can cast hybrid magic can be regarded as a new kind of enemy. If on the frontal battlefield, when the temple army attacks a certain floating fort position, the floating fort suddenly summons a large number of low-level monsters. If the alien demon blocks the attack, the plan to capture the position will inevitably be delayed, seriously affecting other offensive routes."

Rexall slowly analyzed the clues in the backyard while collecting them:

"We don't know when high-level strange demons were given the ability to use hybrid magic by the church. If this phenomenon had already occurred, the problem might be serious, because many of the protective arrays in the temple are only for A single type of strange demon was included, and mixed-blood magic was not included in the countermeasure list."

It's like an iron door with a complex mechanical lock.

The person guarding the door only thought that someone would use a hammer to force the iron door open, so he strengthened and thickened the outer shell of the door lock device. However, he did not expect that the person who broke the door would use an electric drill to drill the door hinges. Drill holes and remove the door directly

If there is a loophole in the countermeasure list of the protective array, then the protective array will be useless.

At the beginning of the war, this is undoubtedly the top hidden danger that the temple side must deal with immediately.

Rexor dispersed the lines of blood magic, weighed the alchemy bag in his hand, and looked at the Starry Night Castle on the mountain:

"Is the Total Pleasure Commissioner locked up in an underground cell?"

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo nodded.

Rexor emphasized his tone, "Be sure to keep an eye on it, don't let it slip away, and don't communicate with it. I have to contact the Mystic Mage Guild now. When I come back, we will interrogate the high-level one Strange demon, there may be a mystic mage following me then."

"Okay, Master. The protective magic circle in the castle is at full capacity. There is no way that the Joy Commissioner can escape."

"Okay then, I'll leave for a while." Rexor waved his hand towards Xia Zuo, cast the invisibility spell on himself, and then flew to the sky.

Xia Zuo knew where Baldhead was going.

It is nothing more than finding the intelligence personnel stationed by the Mystic Mage Guild in the Starry Night Kingdom, and passing the urgent and important information to the Mystic Mage Guild through the other party's encrypted alchemy communication device.

Baldhead is destined to gain nothing and return disappointed and restless.

There is no other reason - Xia Zuo has already paralyzed the underground intelligence system of the Western Continent. All information above the top secret level cannot be transmitted to the other side of the sea through the encrypted alchemy communication device.

At noon on the same day.

The hot weather did not affect the mage apprentices in Starry Night Academy.

Wearing mage robes with constant temperature and cleanliness, they shuttled around the starry night castle with suitable temperature and lighting, and enjoyed the sumptuous lunch and leisure lunch break provided by the school.

After Xia Zuo and An Ru'er had lunch, they sent her back to the dormitory first, and then they made a good time and happened to appear in front of the bald head who had just landed at the school.

Seeing the gloomy look on the other party's face, Xia Zuo knew that he had taken another step in the right direction. There were no Western Continent intelligence agents hiding within the Starry Night Kingdom.

"It looks like something bad happened."

Xia Zuo was followed by two silver sand palms that were slowly stirring the glass jar, as if they were walking down the aisle of the tower just after completing an alchemy experiment.

He walked towards the bald head who had just landed on the tower terrace and asked:

"How can I help, Master?"

Rexor opened his mouth, and after half a second he swallowed the words that were about to come to his lips, "No, Xia Zuo, you can't help with this matter. Don't wander around alone outside the school recently, there are strange monsters lurking in the dark. It’s trickier than I thought.”

Rexor smelled the smell in the air and his eyes fell on the glass jar:

"Are these two poisonous potions aimed at mixed-blood mages?

"Yes." Xia Zuo nodded, "After you confirmed that Commissioner Joy has mixed-blood magic abilities, I came back specially to prepare the highly toxic potion, intending to fill it into the protective magic circle in the underground cell later."

Rexor showed appreciation, knowing that a teammate who doesn't hold him back is more important than anything else, "Well done, Xia Zuo."

He dug through his alchemy pocket and threw an iron pot over, "Add this special oil from the Demon Hunting School to the protective circle."

Xia Zuo caught the iron pot with his silver sand palm, "No problem, I'll go now."

"I'm also going to see Commissioner Happy. Let's go together." Rexall followed Xia Zuo closely, heading towards the spiral staircase at the end.

After passing through several secret security checkpoints, Xia and Zuo arrived at the brightly lit underground cell.

The protective array with full power consumes an astonishing amount of energy, and the protective effect is also very good.

Abundant light spreads to every corner, leaving no shadow for Shadow Demon to jump. The colorless dust that fills the air is a powerful weapon against all strange demons with the ability to transform. It can directly decompose and melt the transforming strange demons.

The hard walls, floors and ceilings are paved with enchanted stone tiles, and the silver candlesticks on the walls hide directional explosive alchemical bombs. After these bombs explode, the underground cells can be buried with the alien monsters who are about to escape, ensuring that the alien monsters who come to rescue the Happy Commissioner will never come back.

Under all-round protection, the Happy Commissioner, who was bound in prison, could not escape.

Xia Zuo put on his bald head and unlocked the levels step by step. It took him nearly ten minutes to walk the last 50 meters and reached the deepest part of the underground prison.

"The bottle enchanted with the [Stone Hearth] effect contains the Commissioner of Total Joy."

Xia Zuo pointed to the prison fence directly in front:

"Do you need to open it to confirm? Master."

"Of course, give me the authority. I want to torture this strange monster."

Rexall took the pendant from Xia Zuo, unlocked the magic circle on the metal fence of the cell, and came to the bottle.

Until the 30th of this month, it was 4,000 words per update...the reason was that there were not enough words. If I posted 6,000 words as usual, I would not be able to get the minimum living allowance.

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