My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 445 Monsters under the Sea

After comprehensive consideration, Rexor decided to use a compromise method.

He swam backwards, away from the transmission channel, and returned to his human form at the maximum distance where he could clearly see the August family guards. Then he entered the invisible state and used the image orb to record everything he saw in front of him.

The noise and darkness of the deep sea became the best cover. Rexor minimized his energy fluctuations and successfully remained hidden under the eyes of the August family guards.

Suddenly, a loud and penetrating cry came from behind Rexor:


"Damn it! How come there is a long-horned evil whale moving around?!" Rexor cursed in his heart, and quickly turned into a fast-moving water and swam farther away.

The long-horned evil whale is a very large underwater monster. It usually stays on the seabed like a stone, disguises itself as a dead thing, and waits for eyeless sea fish to come to feed it.

Only when laying eggs do they leave their usual places and look for safer areas.

Before finding the ideal place, the long-horned evil whale will constantly use its high-pitched chirping sound to drive away surrounding sea fish and other deep-sea creatures.

It was obvious that an impatient long-horned bad whale was searching for a place to lay its eggs.

Safe places are often very similar. A natural seabed molten cave is undoubtedly the ideal place, and the transmission channel happens to be built in a seabed molten cave covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

The long-horned evil whale's spiritual ocean is not narrow enough for it to see the light of the transmission channel.

It simply regarded the melting cave on the seabed not far away as a place to lay eggs, and the August family guards guarding the melting cave became the weak fish that entrenched the melting cave in its eyes.

Just like that, while Rexor was escaping hastily, the long-horned evil whale, which was as big as a five-story building, set off a violent wave of sea water and aimed the spiked horns on its head at the bottom of the molten cave on the seabed. direction, while howling continuously, he rushed straight forward.

As if facing a formidable enemy, the August family guards immediately gathered at the entrance of the molten cave and jointly launched a protective magic circle to stop the long-horned evil whale.

The brilliance of the spell cannot be seen by unqualified creatures in the spiritual ocean, but as long as the spell lines are added to make the brilliance visible, the protective circle that is as bright as the white sun can still be seen by the horned evil whale.

The strong light that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes deeply stimulated the long-horned evil whale.

As a deep-sea monster, it is extremely sensitive to any light.

First and foremost are its organs that balance internal and external pressures.

In the eyes of undersea monsters with low IQs, light only appears above the aphotic zone. The closer to the sea level, the stronger the light and the lower the water pressure.

The long-horned evil whale that has evolved to the top of the underwater food chain has an extremely efficient light-sensitive internal and external pressure balance system.

Within three seconds after being suddenly exposed to strong light, this body system that adjusts internal and external pressure according to the intensity of the light was forcibly activated. In a very short period of time, the internal pressure of the long-horned evil whale was reduced to cope with the scenario. in the upcoming low-stress environment.

Don't forget, this is still the deep sea, and the pressure of the sea water is extremely huge.

As a result, there is a scene that is completely incomprehensible to anyone who lacks knowledge of marine alchemy:

The huge long-horned evil whale collapsed inward within three seconds, shriveled up like a balloon drained of air, and then exploded with a bang, followed by countless flesh, bone fragments and internal organ fragments. The spray of blood took up all the surrounding space.

The spiked horn aimed at the molten cave on the seafloor, driven by the huge water pressure, turned into a rapidly flying black shadow and plunged into the protective magic circle cast by the August family guards. .

The series of crackling explosions reverberated in the sea water, and were squeezed by the water pressure into a thick, low reverberation that spread to farther and wider places.

Rexall felt a buzzing in his ears, as uncomfortable as ten thousand drums beating in his ears.

When he came to a place five hundred meters away from the submarine cave and stopped to put on several layers of shields to isolate himself from environmental interference, various noises were still coming from the direction of the submarine cave.

"What's going on? Why did the magic whale's explosion last so long?"

Rexor was deeply doubtful and cast [Sight Sight]. When he saw the scene in the distance, he immediately entered a state of sluggishness like a wooden man.

In the dirty blood of the demon whale, dozens of twisted, weird flesh and blood figures were squirming and condensing. Their shapes were extremely ugly, their bodies were covered with pustules and bones, and their empty skull eye sockets made people shudder.

"Blood wax lemure! Why are there blood wax lemures here! And they are far more powerful than ordinary blood wax lemures!" Rexall felt that his understanding of hybrid magic was about to be subverted.

As we all know, the huge water pressure in the aphotic zone environment is the first problem that all organisms that first come here must solve.

As a low-level alien monster summoned by hybrid magic, the Blood Wax Lemur is a completely disposable consumable. How can it be attached with a water pressure dispersion spell that consumes a lot of energy, let alone dozens of Blood Wax? All lemures are equipped with this spell.

But look at the scene in front of you. Those cannon fodder monsters that are as cheap as garbage are not only twice the size and close to adults, but they can also move freely in the huge water pressure, completely ignoring the resistance and pressure of the sea water. They are far more powerful than Ogu House Guards are more flexible.

what on earth is it? !

While Rexor was in great shock and confusion, the blood wax lemures emerged from the foul blood of the demon whale and launched a fearless attack on the August family guards.

The blood wax lemure's attack method is single, but extremely effective.

Each of them is a flesh bomb full of toxins and evil curses. They will explode immediately after getting close to the target, polluting the surrounding space with their flesh and blood essence.

The sharp horns of the long-horned evil whale broke a hole in the protective circle of the August family guards. The blood wax lemures took the opportunity to rush in, head to tail, and got into the protective circle. Destroy yourself decisively.

A series of greasy explosions sounded at the entrance of the submarine melting cave. The black blood that appeared in patches immediately filled the entire cave entrance. Countless tiny maggots stained the walls of the submarine melting cave and the Augusta family guards, gnawing mercilessly. Eat everything that can be eaten into the stomach.

The screams of pain reached Rexor's ears from a distance of hundreds of meters, and turned into low whines.

Rexor trembled all over, gritted his teeth, endured the torment of whining, and used the Image Orb to record everything he saw.

Even though he has experienced thousands of years and countless battles, large and small, he is not good at fighting in the deep sea environment, and what happened in front of him is completely divorced from his combat experience.

At this moment, many speculations came to mind, and Rexor couldn't tell which one was closer to reality.

Did the long-horned evil whale that appeared strangely nearby come here by chance, or was it driven by a strange demon?

The appearance of the blood wax lemure in the blood stains caused by the explosion of the long-horned evil whale undoubtedly indicates that the fierce fighting in front of us is planned by the strange devil.

So why did the strange demon start a war with the August family guards?

Is it just to prevent the August family guards from closing the transmission channel?

Various speculations disturbed Rexor's mind.

It wasn't until another long-horned evil whale carrying a strong smell of blood appeared directly above the molten cave on the seafloor that Rexall came back to his senses and did what he should do.

As a master demon hunter, you will definitely kill any strange demon you encounter!

Although the attitude of the Augusta family guards is still unclear, this does not prevent Rexall from raising his blade to fight against the strange demon.

Without much hesitation, Rexor turned into a swift black shadow and rushed towards the strange demon who was fighting with the August family guards.

Western Continent, a secret base in the western mountains.

Xia Zuozheng closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling his No. 13 vest, the Abyss Walker.

The battle that took place in the southern ocean of the Western Continent was initiated by him.

It was he who drove the horned whale to crash into the molten hole on the seabed. It was he who used the internal and external pressure balance system of the horned whale to cause an explosion. It was also he who used the foul blood of the horned whale as a medium to summon the bleeding wax lemure.

This series of combat operations are all realized through the No. 13 vest, the Abyss Walker, and the No. 6 vest, the controller of flesh and blood, lurking in the deep sea.

The days of studying marine alchemy with Hillenberg gave Xia Zuopin a lot of unpopular marine knowledge, such as the principle of internal and external pressure balance of deep-sea creatures, how to use the skin of deep-sea monsters to build a temporary pressure-resistant layer, etc.

This extremely unpopular knowledge became Xia Zuo's sharp sword against the August family guards at this moment, leaving a fatal wound on the opponent's body.

Xia Zuo only had three purposes in using vests No. 6 and No. 13 to attack the deep sea transmission channel.

He wants to master as much as possible the alchemical devices in the transmission channel. These expensive things carry time and space phase information related to the August family.

Secondly, he wants to avoid artificial interference with the time and space information in the area near the transmission channel, so that he can use the time and space information in this area to find the secret transmission channel sent by the August family guards to the Western Continent.

Starting from this morning, the teleportation hall in the Western Continent has entered a state of silence. Everyone who arrives here is recorded by Beatrice, and there is absolutely no August family guard mixed in.

Xia Zuo is 100% sure that the August family has built other secret transmission channels in the Western Continent, and only one of them is currently under attack.

Xia Zuo must find all the transmission channels of the August family before he can carry out the next stage of the plan with peace of mind.

Xia Zuo's third purpose of using the vest to attack the molten cave on the seabed was a temporary idea. He decided to implement it only after it was verified by the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] and proved feasible.

The purpose is simple:

Let Rexor participate in the battle as an aid, build momentum for Rexor's negotiations with the Augusta family guards, and allow him to stand on the highest moral point and question the Augusta family guards.

No one would speak ill of their savior, right? Even if the two sides have different positions, they will not immediately break up and turn against each other.

As long as Xia Zuo cooperates with Rexor to put on a good show and let the bald man's heroic figure of fighting off the invading monsters be engraved in the minds of the August family guards, then he will definitely be able to get more out of the family guards tonight. Information.

It is not easy for Rexor to win beautifully.

Xia Zuo wanted to deliberately put a certain family guard into a predicament of being besieged. At the same time, Rexor was the only one on the battlefield who could rescue that guard in time. This required Xia Zuo to accurately prevent all other family guards from taking action.

In this way, the image of a hero who saved his companions from crises many times emerged. Basically every family guard present was saved by Rexor, and everyone owed the bald head a debt of gratitude.

Even the middle-aged man who led the family guards to close the transmission channel was no exception.

This guy's name is Chixa August. Before he became the Eternal Mage, he specialized in the study of navigation technology. After becoming the Eternal Mage, he was admitted to the Council of Elders by the Augusta family and became a salty person who meditates deeply every day. fish.

Chiksa was sent by Bovaru Augusta.

Such a mage who is not good at fighting is obviously not suitable for carrying out confidential and dangerous missions.

But Bovaru had to do it.

Because at this moment, the only one directly related to the transmission channel is Chiksa.

Anyone who has mastered the laws of time and space can only deduce what Chiksa did through the transmission channel.

If another family member is allowed to come and close the transmission channel, there will be one more object that can be tracked by the time and space spell, and it is very likely that other family secrets will be exposed.

Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, the weak-looking Chiksa subconsciously used the protective spells inherited by his family to wrap himself tightly and hide in the protective circle formed by the family guards.

This turtle-like guy is very difficult to deal with and basically has no flaws.

But he forgot that the alchemy devices in the secondary plane are very precious and can dig out a lot of information.

When a group of blood wax lemures broke through the defense line of the family guards, rushed towards the alchemy device, and hugged the alchemy device with their arms stained with blood and corpse fragments, Chiksa immediately panicked!

If the blood wax lemure is allowed to move the alchemy device away, then the act of closing this transmission channel will immediately be meaningless!

Chixa cast spells anxiously, weaving spell grids and various spiked spears made of seawater, and chased the Blood Wax Lemur that was about to escape from the molten cave on the seabed.

The next moment Chiksa moved to his nest, the blood wax lemures that had been waiting for an opportunity rushed forward and surrounded him.

This group of ugly, weird, and disgusting low-level demons howled and cursed in the language of demons while spraying large amounts of black blood, trying their best to isolate Chixa from the family guards. , but only left a narrow crack for Rexor to break out and rescue Chixa.

Just like that, Rexor shouted a battle cry, held a long sword of blood magic, and waved a dozen long chains of blood magic that swept the battlefield wantonly. He withstood the offensive of more than a dozen blood wax lemures and rushed towards the surrounded enemy. of Chixa.

Tsk, tsk, at this moment, Xia Zuo saw the admiration shining in Chiksa's eyes.

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