My Body Has Changed

Chapter 579

Wu Li chose to take the initiative.

Wu Li chose to take the initiative.

At this moment, Chu Fan had come to Wu Li, but Wu Li not only did not dodge, but instead stood up on his own initiative and came face-to-face with Chu Fan.


Chu Fan was stunned for a moment.


This chick wants me to dodge! Are you really thinking too much? Chu Fan can fully react, but…

He didn’t want to react, or there was no need to react at all, because everyone was just pretending to be with each other, and now it’s up to who can pretend.


Problem occurred! !

I don’t know if Wu Li was too excited, or because she pretended too much. Anyway, she threw herself on Chu Fan uncontrollably.

Are your legs numb?


But it’s not important to pounce on Chu Fan, the important thing is that she kissed Chu Fan…

··0 Seeking flowers·······


Lying down, lying down, lying down, hastily!

Chu Fan was dumbfounded at the time.

Let’s say it’s nice, let’s try each other, and if it’s ugly, let’s pretend to each other, but you…what are you doing? How are you really playing? !

do not be like this! !

If it is replaced by someone else, it will be fine, but I can’t, buddy has special effects! !

Chu Fan was stunned, but Wu Li was even more stunned. She was about to go crazy and left Chu Fan immediately as if she was electrocuted.

“You, you, you…why don’t you hide?” Wu Li asked with wide eyes. Her eyes were already big, but now they are even bigger.

Although his eyes are big, they are very beautiful, very divine, very… Anyway, what attracts Chu Fan’s attention the most about Wu Li is the pair of big and divine eyes, which are really like a gem. was deeply attracted.



You ask me why I don’t hide?

Lying on the grass!

How could I know, how could you really come! !

Didn’t we agree to test each other, pretend to each other, and then have stronger concentration than who? This is the normal routine, but you can’t say that! !

Chu Fan asked indifferently, “Why should I hide? Didn’t you tell me just now?”


Wu Li wanted to say something, but found that he had nothing to refute.

I said it myself just now, and now I’m “coming”, and I asked why people didn’t hide…


But that was my first…


At this moment, Wu Li’s brain exploded, the surrounding environment began to change, and Chu Fan in front of him also changed.

How is this going?

How has everything changed all of a sudden? !

Just when Wu Li was puzzled, a strong light suddenly appeared in front of her, which stabbed her and couldn’t open her eyes.


The dazzling light slowly disappeared.

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded, “Little carp, would you like to have dinner with me? I will sing to you!”

Wu Li immediately raised his head, only to see a man in gorgeous clothes and a crown…

Chu Fan? !

Wu Li was a little confused, but he had to admit that Chu Fan at the moment was really handsome! !

[PS: I’m really not in a state today, just update it! Otherwise, it would be meaningless to write it out. 】scholar.

Chapter 526 Wu Li is very cooperative

You can do whatever you want with money these days.


It’s okay to look handsome! !


Can’t handsome be eaten?

I’m sorry, that’s because you’re not handsome enough, but when you’re handsome, you can still eat it, just like Chu Fan’s handsome! !

For Chu Fan, he is handsome enough to eat. This is because his body has been transformed with skills every minute and every second. The air he breathes will be filtered, and all objects absorbed will be purified and purified. enhanced.

What effect will all this bring to Chu Fan?

The first is that the skin will get better and better, and the defects in the appearance will be corrected gradually, and the second is that the body will become stronger and stronger, and the bones and muscles will become more and more hard.


Chu Fan will become more and more handsome and more powerful.

Either way! !


Wu Li looked at “Chu Fan” with “400” eyes full of admiration.

Her idol is a big-name star in Europe and the United States, who can sing and dance Grammys to get soft hands, but at the moment Chu Fan is completely the style of her idol, and is countless points more handsome than her idol.


Wu Li has fallen! !

“I, I want to see you dance that song!” Wu Li said subconsciously.



Want to see me dance that song?

Which one? When am I going to dance?

The “Yan” dance can…cough, just twist and twist, as long as the limbs are coordinated, they can dance.



Looking at Wu Li with a face full of admiration and admiration in front of him, Chu Fan’s head was as big as a bucket.


Gotta get another one.

It’s not that I don’t like Wu Li. Although Wu Li is a little tired of aesthetics, Wu Li is a beauty with a score of more than 90 points. In addition to those “talking eyes”, the overall score is still very high.

Chu Fan went up and down, carefully looking at Wu Li’s figure…

not bad!

While nothing spectacular, the proportions are good.

Forget it, take it!

Chu Fan said: “Okay!”


Wu Li woke up in an instant, and this time he looked at Chu Fan again, no longer “arrogant”, but with undisguised love.

Chu Fan was about to say something, but Wu Li leaned over directly, hugging Chu Fan for a meal…

So proactive?

If you don’t cooperate in this situation, wouldn’t that be a man in vain?

come on! !

Let you little girl experience the power of buddy.

the other side.

Qu Xiao Yao is going crazy.

She called Chu Fan many times but no one answered, and finally Chu Fan called back.


How is it now? !

As Wu Li’s school girl, best friend and secretary, she knows Wu Li’s character very well, and is definitely a master who helps her relatives and does not help. As long as Wu Li approves of people, she will help without hesitation.

And now Wu Li thinks that Chu Fan “sold” him…

Something is going to happen! !

If it was in this city, Qu Xiaoyao wouldn’t be too worried, but this is in a foreign city! !

The most important thing is that Wu Li is looking for trouble with her man. Qu Xiaoyao can’t sit still. She really doesn’t want to see Wu Li and Chu Fan conflict, so she plans to make it clear, not to let Chu Fan. Become friends with Wu Li, at least so that they will not have conflicts.

Chu Fan, that was the man she loved deeply, Wu Li, that was her lifelong best friend, so she couldn’t give up any of them.



Don’t love Chu Fan enough?

Can’t even give up a best friend for Chu Fan?

If you really give up Wu Li, is Qu Xiao Yao still the same Qu Xiao Yao? !

What Chu Fan wanted was not a woman whose personality was changed by special effects, but a woman who fell in love with herself but could keep herself.

Although the special effects of skills will attract women to fall in love with Chu Fan, it will not change a woman, unless it is a woman who is in a wrong state of mind, and will not change a woman with a healthy and normal state of mind.


Qu Xiao Yao went out the door.

Drive to the “Sleiman” golf course.


Chu Fan was holding Wu Li.


pretty shocked! !

Because Wu Li is not only a famous weapon, but also has a good smell on his body.

Body scent?

But that’s not the point.

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