My Boyfriend from the Physics Department

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 .004

I kindly fed the dog!

Looking at the payment code on Lu Chaoqing’s mobile phone, Meng Wan automatically came up with this sentence in his mind.

The neighbor who lives in the opposite door came to eat in her own restaurant. Meng Wan felt that it was normal for her to treat her for the first meal. She asked Lu Chaoqing to help her promote the ramen restaurant as purely polite words. Who really counts on him for help? Unexpectedly, this guy said he was very busy and would rather check out!

Professor Gao and Xiao Ye who had returned from the bathroom were watching them. Meng Wan quickly picked up the face left on the ground by Lu Chaoqing, picked up the printer, and collected the money blankly.

She remembered it! From now on, she and Lu Chaoqing will be complete strangers, and she will not be named Meng when she treats him as a neighbor!

When the payment was over, Lu Chaoqing stepped aside.

Professor Gao had all sorts of little things in his heart. Looking at Meng Wan’s obviously angry face, he mustered up his courage for the first time and asked, “Do you know Professor Lu?”

Meng Wan sullen his face: “I don’t know, I just admitted the wrong person.”

The voice was not low, Lu Chaoqing looked at her unexpectedly.

Meng Wan only took the account of Professor Gao.

Lu Chaoqing saw that the female neighbor was angry, but he didn’t understand why her anger started. Anyway, he had done nothing wrong. As soon as Professor Gao settled the bill, Lu Chaoqing took the lead to go out.

After leaving the ramen restaurant, Professor Gao caught up with him in two steps: “Xiao Lu, do you know Miss Meng?”

Lu Chaoqing nodded.

Professor Gao was excited: “How did you meet?”

At this time it was a red light, and Lu Chaoqing stopped on the side of the road and explained casually: “We are neighbors.”


Professor Gao immediately made up for the happy scene that Lu Chaoqing and Meng Wan would meet every day. Since the two are neighbors, wouldn’t he have another chance to meet Meng Wan after he went to find Lu Chaoqing? He didn’t dare to strike up a conversation with Meng Wan, mainly because the atmosphere of the ramen restaurant was not right. If he could meet in other places, he might gradually become familiar with it!

Wait, there seems to be something wrong.

After crossing the road, Professor Gao remembered and asked strangely, “You and Miss Meng had a feast? If you didn’t agree to her invitation to dinner, she was angry.” According to Professor Gao’s observation, Meng Wan is a very good-tempered laughter. The girl suddenly became angry, which made people scared and thought she was even cuter.

Lu Chaoqing looked at the teaching buildings in the Z University and replied as he walked: “There is no holiday, but she used a treat for me to help. I don’t have time.”

So, is she angry because of his refusal to help? Really a small-minded woman.

Lu Chaoqing shook his head.

Professor Gao saw a glimmer of light. Next time he takes a few more colleagues to a ramen restaurant, will Miss Meng be happier?


Meng Wan was not happy at all. After being cleansed by Lu Chao, she soon found out that her aunt was coming. What’s more annoying was that Lawyer Wu still stayed in the shop and was waiting for her to get off work. Posture.

Meng Wan had a sore back and didn’t want to spend it in the store, so he changed his clothes at 8 o’clock and was about to leave.

“It’s still early, go to the movies?” Lawyer Wu asked with a smile.

Meng Wan shook his head: “I’m tired, I just want to go home and sleep.”

Attorney Wu said immediately: “I will drive you.”

Meng Wan still refused: “I live close, I will be there in fifteen minutes, no need.”

Lawyer Wu persevered: “I just finished eating, then I will walk with you by the way.”

Men are persistent, and Meng Wan is too lazy to talk nonsense and acquiesce.

In the midsummer night, Meng Wan dressed coolly, a strapless knee-length skirt, and his hair was tied into a simple ponytail, showing a fair and beautiful face. Passers-by would look at Meng Wan more when the two passed by. As a temporary male partner, Lawyer Wu felt the appreciation of others for Meng Wan, and he was in a good mood.

Attorney Wu is thirty-one this year. At the golden age of a man, attorney Wu has been in free love and has had many blind dates, but in the past two years, attorney Wu suddenly wanted to find a woman to settle down. He wasn’t very satisfied with Meng Wan’s ramen restaurant work, but the girl was young and beautiful, so attorney Wu couldn’t bear to let it go in a hurry.

Even if it doesn’t happen in the end, falling in love, sleeping when the love is strong, he won’t suffer, at most he will waste some time and energy.

“It’s so close, no wonder you opened a shop at Z University.”

Coming to the downstairs of Meng Wan’s apartment, Lawyer Wu said with a smile.

Meng Wan felt sick and smiled perfunctorily: “Thank you for sending me back. I’ll go up first, so you can go back soon.”

Lawyer Wu nodded and stood there watching her enter the building.

Meng Wan didn’t look back.

In fact, Lawyer Wu looks good and talks humorously, but Meng Wan just doesn’t feel it. It’s not just Lawyer Wu’s style.

Meng Wan clutched his stomach and went upstairs. As soon as he fell on the bed, he received a WeChat message from Lawyer Wu: The ramen tonight is delicious. I will take back the last time I thought you opened a ramen restaurant. If you don’t mind, I will do it later. I am a regular customer of the ramen restaurant.

Meng Wan: Thank you. Of course I welcome the barrister to eat noodles. Even if you go to a movie on a date, I am not interested for the time being.

Lawyer Wu: It doesn’t matter, I will wait.

Meng Wan did not reply again.

Meng Wan went to take a shower and came out to receive a call from her mother asking her about the progress of the blind date. Meng Wan complained first, and then coquettishly said that her stomach hurts. As soon as she heard that her daughter was unwell, Mum Meng promised to come and cook breakfast for her daughter tomorrow morning.

The next morning, before Meng Wan woke up, Meng’s mother brought the food that had been bought.

“Late night, I think the Lu family changed the lock, what’s the matter?”

Meng Wan didn’t lock the bedroom door. Mum Meng put the food in the kitchen, went directly into the daughter’s room, and asked curiously.

Meng Wan hid in the bed and snorted, “Lu Chaoqing is back.”

Mum Meng was so surprised, she said to the window: “Their family moved to the United States. I haven’t seen the child from Chaoqing for several years. I don’t know what it looks like now.”

Meng Wan thought to himself, chanting like a dog.

She continued to sleep late. Mother Meng went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and the white fungus and red date porridge was cooked in the pot. Mother Meng opened the door and helped her daughter clean up while paying attention to the movement outside. At about seven o’clock, when she heard the door opening, Meng’s mother looked towards the entrance, and saw a tall man wearing trousers and a white shirt walking out across from her.

Mum Meng opened her mouth wide.

Lu Chaoqing also saw her.

Before Lu Chaoqing went abroad, she was unfamiliar with Meng Wan, but from elementary school to high school, Meng’s mother often praised him. When she was in elementary school, she especially liked touching his head and would give him snacks. Lu Chaoqing was not accustomed to such treatment, but he knew that Meng’s mother was kind.

After closing the door, Lu Chaoqing’s Meng Meng nodded, “Auntie.”

Mum Meng seemed to have just returned to her senses, and walked out in a pleasant surprise: “It’s Chaoqing? If you didn’t call me auntie, I wouldn’t dare to recognize it. When will you come back, have your parents come back? Hey, look at you. This one looks so good, I have to look up at you…”

The familiar nagging rushed over his face and instantly awakened all Lu Chaoqing’s memories of this aunt.

He listened to Mum Meng’s various compliments silently, and occasionally answered a few questions.

“Chaoqing is twenty-seven, he looks so handsome, have you talked about girlfriends?”

“No, busy with work, no time.”

“Well, what do you do now? You will definitely have a good job when you come back from studying in the US.”

“Just entered Z University.”

“Being a teacher at Z University? It’s amazing to be able to teach college students at such a young age. By the way, my family opened a ramen restaurant opposite Z University late in the evening. If you have time to sit there, she’s pretty good at ramen. delicious.”

Fifteen minutes later, Lu Chaoqing, who had not eaten breakfast, was warmly invited to his home by Meng Meng’s mother: “The porridge is already cooked. Chaoqing will sit for a while, and the aunt will bring it out immediately. How can the outside food be clean at home.”

Smiling and entertaining Lu Chaoqing, Mum Meng walked to the door of her daughter’s master bedroom again and knocked on the door: “Get up late in the evening. If you don’t get up, the porridge will be cold. I asked Chaoqing to come over and eat together.”

In the bedroom, Meng Wan’s head popped out of the bed, very speechless.

Mum Meng urged it again.

Meng Wan had to drag his badly damaged body to get up, wash his face and brush his teeth, then picked a skirt and put it on, and then casually tied his hair to the back, and he came out.

Lu Chaoqing was already sitting at the dining table. Mum Meng was arranging the dishes. Looking back to see her daughter’s sloppy appearance, Meng Meng glared at her daughter, and then smiled at Lu Chaoqing: “I’m used to being sloppy at night, goodbye Chaoqing. joke.”

Lu Chaoqing looked at Meng Wan.

She wore a white dress, and the morning sun spilled in from the balcony. She stood in backlight, her white skin seemed transparent, laziness was laziness, but like the little fairy who just woke up in a fairy tale movie, except that little fairies usually do Smiling innocently, but Meng Wan pouted with a sullen face, as if someone had offended her.

Lu Chaoqing remembered inexplicably that when he was a child, he often saw Dad Meng leading his daughter out of the house. At that time, Meng Wan was still a primary school student, rubbing his eyes and throwing on Dad, lazily not wanting to go to school.

It seems that her habit of lazy sleep has not changed.

There were four chairs at the dining table. Meng Wan sat diagonally across from Lu Chaoqing, and without looking at him, he picked up a spoon and ate his own.

“It’s late, why is it so rude?” Mum Meng asked, frowning as she sat next to her daughter.

Meng Wan still thinks his mother is too polite.

“Professor Lu is early.” Meng Wan glanced at Lu Chaoqing perfunctorily.

Lu Chaoqing replied “Morning”.

Mother Meng glanced at the two children, and suddenly sighed: “Chaoqing has done well since childhood. Now he is a professor of physics at Z University. He is more decent. Unlike us, we can’t study when we are young. Open a shop and do business.”

Lu Chaoqing didn’t know what to say.

Meng Wan curled his lips, lowered his head and muttered: “There are kinds of children for what kind of parents you have. Who makes you and my dad genetically bad?”

Mum Meng stared at her daughter: “Your dad also graduated from a prestigious university!”

Meng Wan smiled and looked at his mother: “That’s why my grandpa and grandma said I look like you.”

Mum Meng pretended to beat her daughter, Meng Wan slipped back to the master bedroom like a rabbit holding her rice bowl, and banged the door closed.

Lu Chaoqing kept quiet all the time.

Mother Meng was extremely embarrassed: “This girl, the bigger the girl, the less sensible she is.”

Lu Chaoqing lowered his head to drink porridge.

Mum Meng pushed the food to his side: “You are here alone. From now on, you will come to your aunt’s house to eat more. Eating takeaway every day is not good for your health.”

Looking at the white fungus porridge in the bowl, Lu Chaoqing had to admit that Ms. Meng’s cooking skills were indeed very attractive.

Unlike his mother who studies chemistry every day, she can’t even control the temperature of cooking instant noodles.

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