My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 The ranking of the newcomer award

“Oh, got it.”

Shen Xin nodded slightly, he was almost numb to the evaluation on the Internet, especially, the end of the sentence was so “unbeatable”.

But breaking chapter is a skill and a subject, and many authors have not grasped the essence. In comparison, Shen Xin still admires Gui Zhenghe’s broken chapter skills.

“Do you know that readers will scold you, but you still paint like this?” Lu Ning looked helpless.

“Drawing comics is a kind of creation. Miss Lu, if readers say anything casually, you have to find a way to integrate into the comics, you can’t create good works. This is my advice to you.” Shen Xin reminded. “On the other hand, others will only discuss it if they have watched “Y’s”, so it’s a good thing to be scolded.”

This also works? But Shen Xin seems to be right.

Someone scolded, indicating that some readers are watching. If the reader doesn’t even want to mention it, it means that this comic is really over.

“How is the evaluation of the outside station?” Gao Hang asked.

“Other websites… I look at Manjia.” Lu Ning opened the forum and found the “Other Magazines” section. There were still new posts related to “Y’s” on it, but the topic of discussion was three. The content before the four chapters.

“These posts seem to be related to the booklet.” Lu Ning said back.

“Isn’t it? After the booklet, “Y’s” also published five stories. How come no one talked about it? It was obviously popular before. During the Chinese New Year, my neighbor’s children were talking about this comic, no No one should watch it.” Gao Hang was surprised.

“Actually, it is not difficult to understand,” Shen Xin said.

“Why?” Gao Hang didn’t understand, Lu Ning also looked at Shen Xin confused.

“”Y’s” has entered the domestic market, but “NewWorld” has not yet been recognized by domestic readers. The price of a magazine is about the same as the price of a single book. If readers are only interested in one of the comics, it would be better. Pay the bill directly.” Shen Xin explained.

“Does it affect the sales of “Y’s”?” Lu Ning asked.

“Should have a certain impact.” Shen Xin thought for a while, “After all, the time interval for each single release is too long, and readers will lose interest in “Y’s”.”

Internet novels also have this situation.

For example, if some internet authors update too slowly, some readers will “turn up” the novel, wait until hundreds of chapters have been updated, and then read it all in one go. This practice is commonly known as “keeping a book”. But over time, readers will forget the previous content, and when they read it again, they will no longer find the feeling of reading.

If it reaches this level, the book will not be “picked up”.

“What should I do? Let the magazine run some more advertisements? Or create some public opinion? “Y’s” finally gained such popularity. It would be a shame to lose it in vain.” Gao Hang was a little anxious.

Lu Ning nodded slightly, her thoughts coincided with Gao Hang.

“If advertising is useful, “NewWorld” will not be just a second-tier magazine. What we have to do is to ensure the quality of “Y’s”. Even if a single book is published in two or three months, someone will still remember this comic.”

“Really? Can it be done?” Gao Hang’s eyes lit up.

“Yeah.” Shen Xin nodded.

An old thief often breaks off for more than half a year, and the re-serialization is still watched. The same goes for online novels. Some authors of weekly and even monthly updates can still attract readers as long as they release new chapters.

The quality is not enough, so the quantity will come together.

If a book is of poor quality and slow to update, its destiny must be downright.

The quality of “Y’s” has been relatively good so far, so even if there is a loss of personnel, it is within the range that Shen Xin can accept. What’s more, the last sentence of the second volume is on the journey of Iori and Yigui. The next thing happens to be a wonderful place, which should leave a large number of readers.

Lu Ning’s expression eased a lot, and then the mouse clicked on the homepage of Manjia. The banner at the top of the website read “Comic Festival Primary Selection Works Sales List”, and he subconsciously clicked on the web page.

“Mr. Shen, are you going to select the newcomer award?” Lu Ning asked.

“Yes… the sales volume of the single-line book will not have a chance until it reaches the top ten.” Shen Xin picked up the dip pen and began to draw the ink line.

“Let me take a look, teacher, you are currently ranked 17th, with a total sales volume of 510,000 copies.” Lu Ning looked at the rookie list and said.

“Huh? Only ranked 17th?” Shen Xin was a little surprised, he thought the ranking would be even higher, “How many books do you rank first?”

“1.2 million copies, but that one has already published 4 copies. On average, one book sells 300,000 copies.”

The newcomer award of    Comic Festival is different from other awards. Other awards are mostly for the performance of the work in the most recent year, and the evaluation time is from the beginning of July last year to the end of June this year.

Because the newcomer award has a minimum requirement of 30 episodes, the comics published after December last year were unable to publish 30 episodes before June.

Therefore, the entries for the Newcomer Award are not based on the publication time, but based on the release date of the first volume of the long-form manga. From the beginning of July last year to the end of June this year, only the cartoonists who first released the long-length comic booklet were eligible to participate in the newcomer awards.

In fact, after March, there are very few newcomer’s booklets on sale. The magazine society delayed the release date for a few months to allow these works to participate in the next Newcomer Awards.

Because of this, some of the comics that participated in the selection have already published four or five volumes. However, “Y’s” only went on sale in November last year, and it is quite difficult to squeeze into the top 20.

“But…” Lu Ning frowned as she looked at the rankings, “The 18th place is “Crimination,” and the booklet has reached 500,000 copies.”

“Single 500,000 volumes?” Shen Xin squeezed the bridge of his nose, “the gap is a bit big. Moreover, there is a book “Hunting Abyss” behind “Crimination”. With its current situation, it will be a matter of time before it enters the top ten. ”

The pressure is a bit heavy.

Shen Xin stretched out, wondering what happened to the president, did he find a suitable author?

Just when Shen Xin thought of Song Tae, Song Tae was also busy with radio dramas.

Yunhai has several companies that produce radio dramas, but Song Tae, considering the particularity of this production, decided not to outsource the radio drama of “Y’s”, but instead produced it by a magazine.

For this reason, he deliberately went to Hongchuan. He wanted to invite one or two more famous authors to change the “Y’s” comic into a script suitable for radio dramas, and then enrich the content of “Y’s”, but he was disappointed.

He found several famous writers in succession, but these people had no interest in rewriting the radio drama of “Y’s”. On the one hand, the price Song Tae gave them could not move them. On the other hand, the radio drama was perfecting the plot of “Y’s”, not their own work, and it was inevitable that there was some rejection in their hearts.

Song Tai visited several authors in a row, all of them returned in disappointment, and lost interest.

The cost of radio dramas is limited. If you give too much price in terms of scripts, you may not be able to hire your favorite voice actor.

Later, Song Tai had to communicate with Shen Xin. After two or three exchanges, Shen Xin made concessions and changed from a well-known writer to a well-known light novelist.

When the conditions were lowered, Song Tai could choose from a much wider range, and soon found a few light novelists willing to cooperate After repeated screening, Song Tai finally finalized one who is more successful in the light novel industry. Famous author. The other party likes the story of “Y’s” very much, and the remuneration is only one-third of that of the famous writer, and it is determined that the script of the first volume will be given within two weeks.

At that time, Song Tai will hand over the completed script to Shen Xin for review. If there is no problem, start recording immediately.

After finalizing the author of the novel, Song Tai turned his attention to the seiyuu again.

Compared with the author, Song Tai believes that voice actors have the greatest influence on radio dramas. The first thing that the audience is exposed to is not the plot, but the sound.

High-level seiyuu’s understanding and shaping of characters can hold the audience’s heart tightly. To this end, Song Tai began to select voice actors on a large scale.

【Apology Statement】

Because it was taken for granted before the game, a bug appeared in the newcomer award. If works released between July of the previous year and June of the next year are eligible to participate in the Newcomer Award, a bug will be caused, that is, between December of the previous year and June of the next year Because the comics did not have 30 words, they were disqualified for selection.

Therefore, the qualifications for the newcomer award are now revised.

(1) At least 30 words in the entries;

(2), the manga artist is under the age of 30, and he has never sold a single book of long-form manga before;

(3) The first volume of the long-form comics in the competition will be published between the beginning of July of the previous year and the end of June of the following year;

(4). The publication time of the first chapter of the work and the release date of the first volume of the booklet are no more than half a year.

“Chapter 17 Conditions and Pressure” will be revised, and the content related to the newcomer award will also be revised in the near future.

This is my mistake, I apologize again.

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