My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 1167

Chapter 1161 mode

Authorization and commission, if you just look at the two words, many people are not deeply impressed, but as creators, the two are very different.

If it were a buyout, even if Shen Xin felt that Wei Mao was wronged, he would not have much choice.

The contract was signed by Wei Mao, and no one can change anything.

“It is understandable that the cartoonist supports Wei Mao?” Shen Xin nodded.

“Of course, the results of “Full of Warm House” are so good, but they can only get this amount of money. How can other cartoonists understand? Isn’t this squeezing cartoonists?” Xi Muhan clenched his fists, filled with righteous indignation. .

Shen Xin glanced at Wang Wenhong and Yan Fei, the attitudes of these two people were quite intriguing.

Yan Fei’s expression was a bit hesitant, and she should agree with Xi Muhan’s words. Wang Wenhong was holding a teacup and only drinking water, his expression was relatively indifferent.

“Brother, should we also post a Weibo?” Xi Muhan asked.

“Huh?” Shen Xin was taken aback, puzzled, “Why?”

“This kind of thing should be condemned? Moreover, many people on the Internet also hope that Brother Xin will express his opinions.”

“So…” Shen Xin felt helpless.

As long as people are in society, they will encounter situations where they have to express their opinions.

Take him as an example, whether he expresses his position or not, it is actually inappropriate.

“Brother Wang, what is your attitude?” Shen Xin’s gaze fell on Wang Wenhong.

“Uh, I think it’s better not to participate in this matter.” Wang Wenhong put down his teacup and said his own views.

Xi Muhan took a breath, his eyes a little dissatisfied.

Sure enough, the opinions of the two people should have conflicted just now.

“Tell me the reason?”

“Contract. Whether Mr. Wei Mao is wronged or not, it still depends on the content of the contract. If the conditions were negotiated at that time, now I feel that comics are starting to make money. Comic artists think they are famous, so they start asking for higher remuneration, and even use Public opinion pressures the other party, then, what about the contract? Isn’t the signed contract a blank page?”

“That is the work of Teacher Wei…” Xi Muhan retorted.

“Xiaohan, how do you say? Teacher Shen has protected you too well, so there are some situations that you should never consider. Let me make an analogy, if the idea of ​​a comic is created by a rich man, But he doesn’t know how to draw cartoons, so he hired a cartoonist, asked the other party to draw his creativity, and paid the cartoonist corresponding remuneration. Then, who do you think this work belongs to?” Wang Wenhong Asked.

“Huh? This…”

Xiaohan didn’t know what to say for a while, and she didn’t think about it.

“But… But, “Full of Warm House” should be Teacher Wei Mao’s own, right?”

“Yes, but it doesn’t make a big difference. The rich said, I have a dream of becoming a cartoonist. I will give you money and entrust you to create a comic like this. I pay the manuscript fee and you can draw it to me. I think it’s OK. Who do you think this work belongs to?”

“I… this is a bit similar to a normal serialization.”

“It’s still a bit different. Ordinary serialization, whether it makes money or not, is the responsibility of the cartoonist. You have not forgotten what happened to Mr. Zuo Yuan? But the loss of this type of work is borne by the person who paid the money. And the cartoonist only needs to be responsible for drawing the cartoons.”

Xi Muhan’s face became ruddy because of excitement. She realized that she couldn’t argue with Wang Wenhong, and after thinking about it for a long time, she said: “The manga artist in “ComicFuture” only costs 500 yuan a page.”

“My eldest lady…” Wang Wenhong laughed helplessly, “Do you think serializing in “ComicFuture” is easy? Only 20 comics can be serialized, basically the top 50 comics in China. These cartoonists are in the comics industry. The top group of people. How many newcomers can get this opportunity? Besides, it takes half a year for a newcomer from a short debut to serialization in a magazine. How do you calculate the living expenses during this period? Not to mention someone who hasn’t been there for a year or two. The method is serialized, do you really remember what happened to Teacher Zuo Yuan?”

Shen Xin rubbed his forehead, and Zuo Yuan was really unlucky. As a counterexample, he was mentioned twice by Wang Wenhong.

Xi Muhan turned his head and looked at Shen Xin, “Brother, what do you mean? Teacher Ye has expressed his opinion.”

“He was originally a big mouth, and he said everything, but I haven’t posted a Weibo in half a year.” Shen Xin couldn’t laugh or cry. “Besides, he is a cartoonist, and it is nothing wrong with Mr. Wei Mao. I am direct. It is not a good choice no matter which side you stand on.”

“Huh?” Xi Muhan looked puzzled.

Shen Xin rubbed his face, “Sometimes, how emotions are the same thing, but you have to look back. I remember correctly, this man named Wei Mao should be a cartoonist who suddenly became popular in the past two years? ”

“It seems that five programs were recorded last year.” Yan Fei recalled.

“That’s it, Xiao Han, guess how much will he pay the TV station and media company to record these five programs? With his 500 yuan a page of manuscript fee, I am afraid that he can’t afford the money? You really think he Is the manuscript fee for only 500 per page? Really not, you also need to see how many resources he has been smashed. From an unknown cartoonist, even a small well-known cartoonist, to one of the several popular cartoonists in China. The money he spends behind his back is definitely a lot, even higher than his manuscript fee. Have you included this money?”

Xi Muhan opened his mouth, but said nothing.

From a third-line cartoonist, quickly become a first-line cartoonist, just recording a program, it costs a lot of money.

From this point of view, Wei Mao’s benefits in “Full of Warm House” are more than just the cost of the manuscript.

“Let me say something more realistic. If Wei Mao had not signed such a contract, he would never have so many appearance opportunities, nor would he become popular within two years. The more famous this comic is, the people behind Wei Mao The more money is made, so the other party will put money on Wei Mao harder.” Shen Xin added.

Xi Muhan nodded. If you think about this aspect, Wei Mao really got a lot of things.

“The reason why I can’t post on Weibo is actually more than that. Have you ever thought about what would happen if the person who signed a contract with Wei Mao was not only a cartoonist who signed Wei Mao?” Shen Xin asked.

This time even Wang Wenhong was stunned. He never thought that there are other cartoonists like Wei Mao who signed the same contract with that person.

However, it should be a normal operation for multiple cartoonists to be signed. After all, the person who negotiated with Wei Mao is not sure that Wei Mao’s cartoons will be popular-even Wang Wenhong, who has many years of experience in comics creation, shouldn’t. Make a guarantee-find a few more alternatives, is the way to improve the fault tolerance rate.

“If you have the strength to serialize in “ComicFuture”, many cartoonists will definitely choose “ComicFuture”, but “ComicFuture” has only 20 serialization positions. If the comics are serialized in webcomics, the comics may not be able to reach the balance of payments, they may not be able to persist. At this time, there is a studio that can provide a stable income, not to mention that it will make people make a lot of money, but at least it can guarantee a normal life, you say, will these people choose to agree to sign the contract? Once these comics cannot make money, the other party Not only has to pay a large amount of manuscript fees, but also the copyright of these comics has to be smashed in your hands.

“You can even imagine that the manuscript fees collected by these cartoonists may be part of the royalties and copyright income of “Full of Warm House”? What about these people’s lives? Who will consider their livelihood?” Shen Xin asked back.

Xi Muhan was also stunned, not knowing how to answer.

“If I don’t support Wei Mao, Wei Mao is very wronged. He has paid all for this comic and should not be treated like this. If I support Wei Mao, I think that Wei Mao is right, yes. Some cartoonists may be forced to discontinue this model. At that time, they will be faced with a choice of platforms. They will have a blank period of at least three months for new works, and even their livelihoods will be affected. Zuo Yuan’s lessons learned are vivid.” Shen Xin sighed.

“Teacher, you are afraid of this situation, so that you are unwilling to cooperate with others?” Yan Fei asked.

“Yes. People will argue for their own interests.” Shen Xin shook his head, “There is no right or wrong of interests. How to resolve this matter still depends on the two parties.”

“On this matter, shall we not express our opinion for the time being?” Wang Wenhong asked.

“The two protagonists have not yet appeared, what are we anxious about? Who knows where this matter will go? Even if it is eating melons, we must eat to the end. If the two sides finally reconcile, those who are anxious to stand in line will not be stupid. “Shen Xin asked back.

Wang Wenhong, Yan Fei and Xi Muhan had a black line and couldn’t say a word for a long time.

If the two parties can really sit down and talk again, those who express their opinions early might be embarrassed, right?

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