My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 1229

Chapter 1223 Another ending

Lu Yingxue’s gaze immediately fell on Weibo, trying to find the evaluation of the last words from the words and phrases on Weibo.

He read more than ten articles in a row, and summed up his comments on Weibo, there is only one sentence-Hong Liqi is dead.

“Huh?” Lu Yingxue made a voice.

“What’s the matter?” Qiu Qian noticed Lu Yingxue’s strange expression and asked curiously.

“That… Hong Liqi is dead… It’s all said on Weibo.”

“The last words are released?” Xie Yu also asked.

Most of the comics currently being serialized, Xie Yu are also watching, but apart from the comics serialized in “comicfuture”, there are only a few comics that deserve his attention.

The comic of “Stone of Destiny” has been serialized lightly before. The reason why he read this comic is that he really feels freshness. The two episodes that have been serialized are more fluent than Lu Ning’s version. much better.

This shows two points. First, another is better at comics than Lu Ning; second, the reason why “The Gate of Destiny Stones” was handed over to Lu Ning to draw, another might really have no time to serialize it.

Now, the third episode of another version of “The Gate of Destiny” is serialized, and the online evaluation is “Hong Liqi is dead”, which makes Xie Yu feel puzzled.

Can the ending be changed?

“Is it wrong? Or is it said that “The Gate of Destiny Stone” serialized by Teacher Another, hasn’t mentioned Hong Liqi yet?”

“I haven’t read it yet… wait a minute. You can also check another teacher’s Weibo…”

Lu Yingxue clicked on another’s Weibo.

At the bottom of the latest Weibo, there have been thousands of comments. Lu Yingxue glanced at it. Most of the comments were blaming another for changing the plot randomly.

Is Hong Lisu really dead?

Lu Yingxue thought in her heart and couldn’t wait to open the latest episode of “The Gate of Destiny”.

Ganglun took the dagger and stabbed Hong Liqi’s father, but Hong Liqi pushed her father away. Ganglun couldn’t dodge and thrust the dagger into Hong Liqi’s abdomen.

Next, back to the rooftop, Ganglun gave up to rescue Hong Liqi, because when rescuing Zhen Yuli, he tried countless ways to change the fate of Zhen Yuli, but when the fate line was closed, the fate of Zhen Yuli’s death But it has never changed.

The same is true on the beta line.

Due to the existence of the world line, no matter how many times Ganglun tried, Hong Liqi’s life could not be saved.

He didn’t want to see Hong Liqi falling in front of him again and again, so he chose to give up.

“Huh? Ling Yu didn’t tell Ganglun, will he send a video in fifteen years? Why is it gone?” Lu Yingxue said in surprise.

Suzuwa did not tell Ganglun that video, that is to say, “the way to avoid the death of Hong Lisu” does not exist!

As soon as the camera turned, we arrived at the park, and there were only two people, Zhen Youli and Ganglun.

Zhen Youli still wears the same dress as before, but Ganglun no longer wears a white coat, instead he wears a black suit.

Not only that, Ganglun also accepted the friendship invited by classmates, which was difficult to appear before.

Moreover, through the final dialogue between Zhen Yuli and Gang Lun, Lu Yingxue also learned one thing-Gang Lun has not been to the laboratory for a long time.

There are various signs that Ganglun has changed.

“Is this still Ganglun?” Xie Yu asked in surprise, “I replaced the white coat with a black suit, participated in social networking, and hadn’t been to the laboratory for a long time… Is the Ganglun who changed these really still Ganglun?”

“Perhaps Hong Liqi’s death caused too much damage to Ganglun, right?”

Qiu Qian could only think so.

“Maybe this is another ending?” Lu Yingxue remembered that he also painted Ganglun in a black suit.

“However, it is too difficult to accept. Was the original ending bad?” Qiu Qian asked rhetorically.

“Probably, another was drawn for this ending, right? There is a saying? The tragedy is “to tear up the beautiful things”. If so, this ending of “Stones of Destiny” is exactly the ending. Tragedy’.” Xie Yu explained.

“I still hate this ending.” Qiu Qian mumbled.

Lu Yingxue didn’t make a sound. He subconsciously refreshed another’s Weibo, but unexpectedly posted another one.


Lu Yingxue’s eyes fell on the new Weibo, but she saw a color page with a dark blue background and gears of various sizes in the background. In the center of the picture stood two people with a black suit on the front. Ganglun in the suit, and the person with his back leaning on him is wearing a white coat. Although he can’t see the appearance of this person, it can be judged from the back that this person is still Ganglun.

“This coloring page…”

Lu Yingxue’s gaze then focused on the only line of this Weibo: “Gate of Destiny 0”, this is the choice of “Gate of Destiny”.

“Oh… “Stone of Destiny 0″!” Lu Yingxue suddenly realized.

Qiuqian and Xieyu immediately looked at Lu Yingxue and asked in unison: “Do you know what’s going on?”

Of course I know! ! I also painted a coloring page for “Stones of Destiny 0”!

However, before Magi took the initiative to release the news, Lu Yingxue was not easy to say so, she could only sneer and said: “You know a little bit, but you can’t say it. After a few days, you should know what’s going on.”

He knew in his heart that these three words should be the slightly forward content of “Stone of Destiny 0”, that is, the real β line.

However, Lu Yingxue is only in charge of illustrations and only knows a little bit, but he doesn’t know too much, and he has not read the text.

If I asked a few more questions then, maybe I wouldn’t be so confused now.

Lu Yingxue sighed, feeling somewhat regretful.

After another posted the latest episode on Weibo, also started discussions. The most discussed is undoubtedly the ending of this comic, both the death of Hong Liqi and the changes made by Ganglun. Both are Clear causality.

Taking into account the convergence of the World Line, if no one tells Ganglun how to change the constriction of using the illusion to deceive the World Line, Hong Liqi will die.

Ganglun really likes Hong Liqi. After he learned that Hong Liqi’s death is inevitable, he also graduated from “Second Disease”, he is no longer a “crazy scientist” and no longer goes to the “laboratory ” Instead, he became an ordinary person, an ordinary college student, participated in the social networking, and forgot the second form.

But what is the significance of this ending?

Impossible, just for another ending, right?

Soon, another posted another Weibo, which was the picture with two Gangluns and the only sentence on Weibo: “The Gate of Destiny Stones 0”, this is the “Gate of Destiny Stones” select.

“What’s going on? What is “Stone of Destiny 0″?”

“I don’t know… Is it the new work of “Stone of Destiny”? Is it a novel or a comic?”

“If it’s a comic, who would draw it? Wouldn’t it be another teacher himself?”

“It would be fine if this is the case, I am afraid it is not.”

Another posted this Weibo, confirming the existence of “Stone of Destiny 0”, but in what form will it appear in everyone’s field of vision, it has aroused readers’ discussion.

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