My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Questionnaire

The publication of “Formula of Love” caused a lot of waves in Yunhai, a small city.

Yan Fu knows that this comic has been recognized by many people, and the editor-in-chief mentioned it more than once in the editorial office.

As “Weekly Dreamer” is coming soon, the editor-in-chief will only look better when he mentions “Formula of Love”.

“The questionnaire is out!” As soon as he entered the editorial department, the deputy editor yelled.

Yan Fu who was working immediately raised his head and looked at the deputy editor-in-chief who walked to the printer.

“It’s really nervous… if Shen Xin can serialize it.” Xiaoli whispered to Yan Fu’s ear.

“Be patient… I hope he can get a good ranking.” Yan Fu replied in a low voice.

When the two people were talking, the deputy editor-in-chief came over and handed the copied questionnaire to Yan Fu.

“When will this newcomer be able to draw a serialization? The editor-in-chief is looking forward to it.”

“Huh?” Yan Fu rarely sees the deputy editor speaking so directly, “Can you serialize it?”

“Get the name up first, and then consider the serialization, it’s better to hurry up.” The deputy editor instructed.

“…oh.” Yan Fu nodded repeatedly, and waited until the deputy editor-in-chief turned around and passed the remaining copies of the questionnaire to others, she asked Xiaoli in a low voice, “Why is the deputy editor-in-chief so anxious?”

“Can you not worry? Today’s “Weekly Dreamer” is released.”

Yan Wei suddenly realized that there is a connection between the senior executives of the magazine. They may have “declared war” in private, trying to seize the opponent’s weakness and then give a fatal blow.

“It looks like I’m looking for Shen Xin to discuss about the new comics.” Yan Wei muttered, and glanced at Xiaoli who was sitting next to her. She stared directly at the questionnaire in her hand, “What’s wrong?”

“The support rate… The support rate on the questionnaire is so high…” Xiaoli pointed to the ranking on the questionnaire and said in surprise.

After Xiaoli’s reminder, Yan Fu also moved his eyes to the questionnaire.

Readers’ questionnaires are generally divided into two parts, one is the voting column for serialized comics, and the other is the voting and reader response areas for short stories.

Normally, serial comics have accumulated a certain amount of popularity, so their support rate is relatively fixed, and more people are willing to vote for them. The situation of short comics is much more embarrassing. It is difficult to attract readers only with a plot of forty or fifty pages. Therefore, generally speaking, unless the contribution of a famous writer, the number of votes will be very scattered.

This questionnaire is a bit different. In 1,000 questionnaires, more than 50% of the people who voted for the short comics, and in this 50%, 60% of the people voted for Shen Xin.

In other words, if there were no Shen Xin’s cartoon, perhaps only more than 200 people would vote for a short story.

“Why is this?” Yan Fu asked in surprise.

“My sister, you are his editor in charge, you should know that!” Xiaoli gave Yan Fu angrily.

Yan Fu shook his head slightly, “I just think this comic is very good, but I didn’t expect it to be so popular.”

Editors can usually only judge the quality of a work based on experience. However, whether a comic is really popular with readers is related to many factors. It may be the subject matter, or the depth of the story, or it may be the manga artist’s painter and the story maker. Ability, maybe even luck.

“and many more…”

She stood up suddenly.

“Hey, sister Yan, what are you doing?” Xiaoli asked quickly.

“Look at the questionnaire for this issue of the magazine.” As soon as Yan Fu’s voice fell, people had already left the editing room.

There must be a reason for such a high turnout rate, not only because of the “meat” scene, so she needs to look at the age of the voting readers and the reason for their voting.

Yan Fu came to the data room and found out the readers’ votes in the latest issue. After spot-checking nearly 600 to 700 questionnaires, the doubts in his heart gradually became clear.

She put the six to seven hundred questionnaires separately into the bag, hurriedly returned to the editing room, and dialed Shen Xin’s number.

“Hello, Shen Xin? Where are you?”

“At home, I am drawing my name.” Shen Xin said.

“New name?” Yan Fu asked in surprise.

The short story of    has just been published, but Shen Xin is drawing a new name. He is really diligent.

“Right?” Shen Xin had a black line.

He heard the surprise in Yan Fu’s words, but he was slightly embarrassed.

Actually, he also has a few alternative comics, but he hasn’t decided which one to choose, so he drew a name casually. On the one hand, he hopes to find inspiration, on the other hand, he is practicing the storytelling.

Even if he wants to draw comics that have already been published, he has to grow up every time he draws a storyboard, otherwise he is no different from a machine that only draws.

“Take your name, two hours later, we will meet at Starbucks.”

“In two hours? Why do you choose this time?” Shen Xin glanced at the time. It was just noon, and two hours later, it was the hottest time in summer.

It’s really hard to go out at this time.

“I’m going to buy a magazine. Today is the first issue of “Weekly Dreamer”. As opponents, we must understand them. I think you also want to know what level Chen Zijiao’s new work will be, right?”

Shen Xin responded, which is correct.

“So, two hours later, UU reading meets at Starbucks… To be honest, I don’t know if I can grab it?”

“Dreamer” will be so hot?

Shen Xin was deeply suspicious of this. After hanging up the phone, he went to the bookstore where Xi Muxin worked.

Xi Muyun saw Shen Xin with a wrong face, and Shen Xin rarely came to this bookstore. After Shen Xin explained his intentions, Xi Muxin spread his hands.

Sorry, it is sold out.

The store manager knew that Shen Xin was the author of “Formula of Love” and immediately showed enthusiasm and called several nearby bookstores. As a result, “Dreamer” was sold out.

At this time, Shen Xin knew that he had guessed wrong. After the revision, “Dreamer” received unprecedented welcome.

There are reasons why this magazine is so popular.

First of all, the revision of the magazine has an inexplicable attraction for ordinary readers. In the final analysis, it is the psychology of curiosity. But whether they were readers of “Dreamer” before, they all want to see what “Dreamer” looks like after the revision. At the same time, such magazines are also of commemorative significance and have collection value.

Secondly, before the revision of “Dreamer”, magazines advertised in many media, and many fans noticed this.

Again, it is the quality of the content. After all, if a magazine wants to sell well, its quality must be excellent. There is only one way to judge the quality of a magazine, that is, whether the comics attract people’s attention. Obviously, the quality of this issue is very “hard”.

Of course, the most important point is that the dealer did not expect that “Dreamer” would sell well. To put it more bluntly, it means that there is less stock.

Shen Xin can only reserve one copy in the bookstore, and come to pick it up when the magazine arrives.

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