My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Good name and broken

Yan Fu nodded.

“If you can’t even use color pages for photos, I really can’t think of any other content that can use color pages, especially swimwear, which attracts the attention of teenagers. How did you think of starting with a photo?”

Shen Xin touched his nose, a little embarrassed, it was not his idea after all.

“Are there any ideas for the development of the following story? The beginning of this form will not collapse later, right?” Yan Fu asked.

“Definitely not!” Shen Xin said vowedly.

This book has almost ended for 20 years. To put it an exaggeration, the son of the hero and heroine should also be admitted to college. How could it collapse?

Moreover, “I”s” is a cartoon serialized on “jump”. Its story and name are checked by the editor of “jump”. The requirements for manuscripts must be higher than that of most magazines. This is also Shen Xin. Where confidence lies.

“I believe you this time.” Yan Fu nodded with a chuckle, and continued to look down.

The next manga introduced the male protagonist Yi Gui. The first three pages of portraits are from the magazine in Yi Gui’s hands.

The girl Iori in the photo is Yi Gui’s classmate. She looks pure and is sought after by many boys, and Yi Gui is one of them.

Gu Jingya, a good friend who is easy and expensive, discovered that Iori had taken a photo for a magazine by chance and told him about it.

Yigui is very interested in magazines, but he also knows that there is a long distance between him and Iori. It is almost impossible to communicate with Iori.

“The identities of these two people are so different, how can they overlap?” Yan Fu read the name carefully, frowning.

The drawing on the next page solved Yan Fu’s doubts.

Because of the “New Student Welcome Party” in the class, there must be two executive members, one man and one woman. The method adopted by the beard teacher is to draw lots. As for the result of the draw, Yi Gui and Iori “coincidentally” became the “lucky ones.”

“It turned out to be a coincidence.” Yan Fu nodded slightly. Many cartoonists like this method of coincidence.

Because both of them are executive committee members, they have a chance to communicate after class is over.

The next day, Yi Gui walked into the classroom corridor with a smug look, while Gu Jingya followed him and teased him and Yizhi. Inadvertently, Yi Gui found that outside the teaching building opposite, another group of boys gathered around the classroom and looked into the classroom through the window. From time to time, there were words that ridiculed Iori who was rehearsing dance, mostly related to “chest” and “* *”related.

Yi Gui was so angry that he didn’t care about other things. He picked up the sticks and rushed to these boys, desperate to drive them away, and the curtains of the classroom were opened. The teacher scolded the boys in angrily. At this time, Yi Gui could only Drive the other boys away, and he is the only one left outside the window.

Iori looked at Yi Gui with tears in his eyes. Gu Jingya pulled Yigui and fled in embarrassment.

Name came to an abrupt end here.

“Huh?” Yan Fu was looking at the rise, and suddenly realized that the name was gone, and looked confused, the next moment he raised his head and looked at Shen Xin, “Where is the name behind?”

“No… no more.” Shen Xin scratched his head and smiled dryly.

“It’s gone!?” Yan Fu frowned and glared at Shen Xin, “Why is it gone below?”

“Sister Yan, cough, below…”

Shen Xin didn’t know how to answer Yan Fu.

“Huh? Next? Sister Yan wants to eat noodles? The house seems to be gone. Or should I buy it?” Xi Muxun walked out of the kitchen with the soup pot, looking at Yan Fu with a confused expression.

Yan Fu’s cheeks turned red for an instant, and she also heard the ambiguity in the words, and coughed twice, “I don’t like eating noodles, we are just discussing the plot.”

Then, she glared at the innocent Shen Xin, “Do you know what I want to say the most?”

“I know.’One day, with a knife in your hand, you will kill the world’s broken dogs’.” Shen Xin said honestly.

If he hadn’t read the manga ahead of time, he would have said this to Gui Zhenghe.

“A dog with a broken chapter? Uh…that’s almost what it means. I said, can’t you tell the story to the end or not draw the last plot?”

Yan Fu now feels like a kitten is constantly scratching her heart, unspeakably uncomfortable.

From the current point of view, the misunderstanding between Yigui and Iori has already occurred, and this is only the first chapter of the story, indicating that the following two people will have to resolve the misunderstanding.

Judging from the first episode, Yi Gui likes Iori, but has no courage to tell Iori, it shows that the male protagonist is indecisive, and the girl is a person with strong self-esteem, otherwise he would not cry.

They shouldn’t take the initiative to admit their mistakes, so how do you open this knot? What does Iori think of Yigui?

The more I think about it, the more anxious Yan Fu’s heart becomes.

“Sister Yan, you also know that the reason why I draw the name like this is not to attract readers? If the plot is not stuck at the most critical moment, will they still want to read the next story? Of course, it is easy to do so. Offend readers, I will recite this infamy.” Shen Xin sighed with a look of dying.

“I… accept your words, but really gone?” Yan Fu was unwilling to repeat it again.

“No, sister Yan, this is a 55-page name, not a 20-page name. It’s still very difficult to draw.”

Although the names of episodes 2 and 3 have been drawn, Shen Xin does not intend to hand them over.

In the past two days, Shen Xin thought about a lot of things while practicing the names of Chapters 2 and 3. The skill of his current name is too different from that of Gui Zhenghe. If he draws completely according to the comics of “I”s”, he will invisibly raise his own strength, so there must be some time to reveal the stuff.

He would rather “play as a pig and eat a tiger” than be “slapped in the face”. Therefore, Shen Xin decided to use the name he painted from the second episode.

As for the first episode, Shen Xin decided to use the original name of Gui Zhenghe. The reason is also very simple. In high school composition, there is the word “Crested Leopard Tail and Pork Belly”. Online novels emphasize the “Golden Three Chapters”. Whether in comics or novels, a good beginning largely determines the book’s content. Achievement.

“Well, having said so much, I will also mention the shortcomings of this name.” Yan Fu took a deep breath and tried to make himself no longer think about the name of the second episode.

“Huh? There are shortcomings?” Shen Xin asked surprised.

Just now, I was still thinking, in order to ensure the quality of the first episode, Shen Xin decided to use the name of Gui Zhenghe. How could there be shortcomings in an instant?

“Anyway, what I think is inappropriate, mainly in the story. The perspective of the comics is a bit single, and the progress of the story, UU Reading is all described from the perspective of easy and expensive. This will bring readers into the easy and expensive Perspective… Will this lose some of the female readers? And, from the first episode, Iori’s image is still three-dimensional. But this is a love comic, right?”

Shen Xin nodded.

“So there must be other female characters, then, what do they do? Your painting style will make other characters thinner.” Yan Fu said worriedly.

hit the nail on the head.

Shen Xin looked at Yan Fu in surprise. These shortcomings are also the most criticized part of “I”s.

The entire manga was written almost around the male protagonist, so Kazuki Seto’s creation was very successful, but the follow-up, especially the characters that appeared at the end, were cut into pieces due to lack of space.

This is a structural problem of “I”s. Unless the name is changed extensively, there is no solution.

I didn’t expect that Yan Fu could see so many problems from the first episode, and it was too powerful.

Shen Xin suddenly felt that Yan Fu was indeed amazing, but he decided to continue painting according to Gui Zhenghe’s name. “Sister Yan, now the comics started from Master Osamu Tezuka and have been developed for so many years now. Do you think there are perfect comics? ?”

“No.” Yan Fu shook his head.

“That’s it. I don’t think a good manga can cover everything. If it says everything, it means it doesn’t say anything. How can a manga without characteristics be remembered? And once the manga has Features, it must be missing something.’Two evils are the lesser and the benefits are the most important’, I can only do my best to bring out my strengths. As for the shortcomings-if everyone thinks it is A good comic, its shortcomings are not so important.” Shen Xin explained.

Yan Fu rubbed his chin, Shen Xin really made sense.

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