My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Xi Mu?’s little secret

The background difficulty of the first chapter is moderate, and the slightly more complicated scene is the school and Yigui’s home.

For professional assistants, this level of background is not difficult, and many of the grids have a lot of white space, and some scenes use dotted paper to enhance the atmosphere. Considering these aspects, the drawing of the scene has been greatly simplified. Up.

Even though it is not difficult, Ruan Ying is not lazy in drawing the background, even surpassing Shen Xin’s expectations. In particular, his grasp of the sense of space, as well as the perspective of architecture and characters, are well handled.

is really a professional assistant. If she can be hired as a full-time assistant, her pressure should be reduced a lot.

Of course, these are just random thoughts of Shen Xin. He now owes tuition fees and has no extra money.

As for Qiao Yu…

Shen Xin came to Qiao Yu’s workbench again and carefully looked at the manuscripts he had processed.

In the first chapter, more dot paper is used.

Clothes, backgrounds, shadows, inner activities and many other places all use dotted paper, and Qiao Wei also embodies the knowledge he learned in the manga school in the manuscript.

As far as the level is concerned, Shen Xin can only say that it is okay, without rework.

Black and white are mainly applied to the hair. Compared with the dot paper, Qiao Yu has a better level in this respect, showing the luster of the hair.

In the early stage of the first chapter, there are not many places to use the effect line, so Shen Xin cannot see the level of his drawing effect line for the time being. But in the latter part of the first episode, especially when Yi Gui used a wooden stick to beat the boys in the training room, he would use a lot of effect lines. By that time, you should be able to see Qiao Yu’s overall strength. .

After reading the sketches of the two people, Shen Xin also has a general understanding of the level of the two people. From the current point of view, relying on them should be able to create this cartoon, and, with the passage of time, the two assistants’ proficiency The degree will increase, the coordination will be more skillful, and the creation time of each word should also be shorter.

Although there are not many assistants, Shen Xin is particularly optimistic about the prospects of “Y’s”.

On the first day, Qiao Yu and Ruan Ying stayed busy until nine o’clock before leaving the studio. After Shen Xin drew a coloring page, she also put away the paintbrushes.

It takes half an hour by subway to get from work to home.

Originally, Shen Xin thought that before the first episode was drawn, there would be room for free anyway, but Xi Muxun made a protest, and he could not refute these protests.

“If you live in the studio, it is estimated that three meals a day will be instant noodles, and you don’t know how to pay attention to your body.”

Although Shen Xin promised not to do this, he couldn’t help Xi Muxin not believe it. After all, she was caught by her not long ago.

Of course, in addition to the reason for the “instant noodles”, there is another more important reason. He is not relieved to let Xi Muxin live at home alone.

After arriving home, the room was completely dark. Shen Xin turned on the light in the living room. The hall was empty. However, Xi Muxin’s room was still lit.

“I’m back.” Shen Xin said towards Xi Muxin’s door.


Xi Muxin’s voice came from the room, followed by a loud noise. About ten or twenty seconds later, the door was opened, and Xi Muxin walked out of the room.

Xi Muxun, wearing loose pajamas, came to Shen Xin with a hint of fragrance, and she should have just washed her hair.

“Brother Xin, wait a minute, I’ll heat the rice for you.” With that, Xi Muxin was about to go to the kitchen.

“No, it’s hot. It’s okay to eat some cold rice. But you, hurry into the house. It’s so hot, and I will sweat again after a while.” Shen Xin put his hand and took the lead into the kitchen, putting the rice and vegetables When he came out, Xi Muxin also poured him a glass of boiled water and put it on the table.

Shen Xin glanced at Xi Muxin’s hand and found that her hand was stained with ink.

“What’s wrong with your hands?” Shen Xin asked puzzled.

“Hand?” Xi Muxin looked down at his hand, subconsciously yelled out, and then suddenly remembered that Shen Xin was sitting next to him, and quickly put his hand behind him, “Um… the pen just broke, so he had Something…”

“Really? You’re not practicing dipping pens, are you?” Shen Xin suspiciously.

“How is it possible? I don’t even know what a dip pen is, how can I practice?” Xi Muxin shook his head quickly and denied it.

“That’s fine… Studying is more important.” Shen Xin exclaimed.

Xi Muxin’s grades are very good, and Shen Xin doesn’t want her to divert her energy to other places.

The car accident a year ago had a great impact on Xi Muxin. It would not be overstated to say that it changed her life. Of course, if it were not the case, he would not have the chance to cross over.

Therefore, he also hopes that Xi Muxin can have a good future.

“I see.” Xi Muxin nodded again and again, “Brother Xin, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back to the house first.”

“Well, go now?” Shen Xin put the vegetables on the rice and took the rice into his mouth.

Xi Muxun returned to his room, closed the door with his backhand, and patted his chest, “It’s really dangerous, I was almost found out… I was so careless.”

sighed for a long time, and Xi Muxing returned to the desk.

A page of waste manuscript paper is placed on the desk. In front of the manuscript paper is a bottle of ink with a writing brush on it.

After    Xi Muxin sat down, he dipped the brush in ink, held the brush carefully, and applied black ink along the line draft. At the same time, he controlled the strength of the brush to spread the ink evenly in the outline of the figure.

She doesn’t know how to paint, let alone the background, but she learns to black out, she thinks there is nothing wrong with it. If you have more time, learn how to paste dot paper.

Help Shen Xin as much as possible, UU reading, this is her little secret.

Early the next morning, Shen Xin ran to the studio again and continued to draw the original manuscript.

Just after noon, Yan Fu called again to ask about the progress of the first episode. When she learned that it was proceeding in an orderly manner, she also let out a sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Xiaoli beside her looked at Yan Fu.

“Nothing, waiting for Shen Xin’s manuscript.” Yan Fu said.

“Um, do you think Shen Xin can really fight “Toggle”? It’s already the fourth episode. “Toggle” only doesn’t respond well in the second episode. The other three episodes are the first.” Xiaoli mentioned ” “Toggle”, I was a little excited.

Although this manga is the signature of an enemy magazine, as a manga lover, seeing such an excellent manga still makes Xiaoli a little excited.

“Have you already seen the name of “Y’s”?” Xi Muxin asked in confusion.

“The name is good-looking, and I also like the story of “Y’s” more, but the magazine publishes not the name, but the manuscript. To be honest, I personally think that Chen Zijiao’s manuscript is of higher quality. The color of the first chapter of “Toggle” The page is really beautiful, I haven’t seen such a gorgeous coloring page for a long time.” Xiaoli said seriously.

“Then I will tell you the truth, the manuscript of “Y’s” is absolutely beyond your imagination.” Yan Fu has an inexplicable confidence in Shen Xin.

“As you said, I am still looking forward to the first episode of “Y’s”.” Xiaoli rubbed her hands, looking eager to try.

At this moment, the editor-in-chief sitting at the innermost side of the editorial department suddenly spoke, “Li Jiming, come here.”

A middle-aged editor’s face changed, he slowly stood up from his seat, took a deep breath, and bowed his head towards the editor-in-chief.

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