My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 doubt

The editorial department of “NewWorld” has been in a mess since the second day of sales of the new magazine.

The sales from the major bookstores are better than those of the past few issues. This makes the editor-in-chief feel that the sales of “NewWorld” may show an upward trend for the first time after falling for several months.

The same is true of the facts. On the third day, major bookstores called pre-order calls one after another, and the new issue of “NewWorld” had to print 50,000 copies. One day later, at the urging of the bookstore, the printing house printed another 30,000 copies, which barely met the bookstore’s needs.

Most of the readers who lost before have returned.

The sales volume is temporarily not as good as the revised “Dreamer”, and the revenue that “Y’s” brings to “NewWorld” is not as good as that of “Toggle”, but the editor-in-chief is very content.

After all, he didn’t pay much.

Coloring page, who is it for? Only 100 posters were printed and distributed to several large bookstores; and the advertisement in the half-page magazine was only one page added, and three advertising spaces were sold by the way.

Perhaps the biggest expense is the color picture of Iori printed on the back of the questionnaire.

People shouldn’t be too greedy, he is very satisfied with this result.

The only thing that surprised him was that the number of questionnaires received did not increase as the number of magazines sold had increased.

But even so, the magazine still received 60,000 to 70,000 questionnaires, and it was not difficult to extract 1,000 from them.

After the results of the questionnaire survey came out, the editor-in-chief found Yan Fu with a smile and handed her the statistical form, “Tell Teacher Shen Zheng that you must guard against arrogance and rashness.”

Yan Wei glanced at the statistical results, brows raised slightly, which was slightly inconsistent with the expectations in his heart, “Editor-in-Chief, I want to go to Mr. Shen to receive the manuscript of Chapter 3 and the name of Chapter 4.

“No problem, these things can be handled by yourself.” The editor-in-chief waved his hand, just walked two steps, and turned around again, “By the way, many readers have sent letters to Teacher Shen, you choose Send some to him, right?”

“Okay.” Yan Fu nodded quickly.

Letters from readers are of little significance to the author’s creation. They just tell the cartoonists their ideas, and some of the content even tends to be idealized. If a cartoonist cares too much about the reader’s opinion, the comics he creates can easily go wrong, and in the end there is only one result left-the story collapse.

Therefore, it is best not to read these letters related to suggestions, but the editors can’t know the content of the letters without tearing the envelopes. They can only choose some envelopes that are pleasing to the eye.

Packing dozens of selected letters in paper bags, Yan Fu took the subway and hurried to Shen Xin’s studio.

knocked on the door, Yan Fu followed Qiao Yu into the room.

Ruan Ying holds the D pen and concentrates on drawing the background. Qiao Yu returned to her seat and picked up the mesh cutter to cut off the dot paper that needed to be pasted.

The completed manuscripts are laid out side by side, spreading on the floor all around. Yan Fu knows that this is drying the ink on the manuscript.

“Sister Yan, don’t you receive the manuscript tomorrow? The manuscript hasn’t been completed yet… it may take a few hours to wait. Find a seat by yourself.” Shen Xin glanced at Yan Fu and lowered his head.

“Can’t you come and have a look? “Y’s” is on the market, and you are indifferent.” Yan Fu put the bag and the paper bag containing the letters on the ground, looked around, did not find a chair, only a stool. Pull over and sit down first.

“What can I care about?” Shen Xin put down the dip pen, took out a paper towel, wiped the ink from his hand, and looked up at Yan Fu, “Y’s originally has the ability to attract people’s attention.”

At this point, Shen Xin didn’t tell lies.

During the years when “I”s” was serialized, it was very popular with readers, and Gui Zhenghe was also known by many readers as the most skilled cartoonist in “jump”.

It is a pity that Shen Xin’s painter has not been able to bring out the greatest charm of this comic. He can only hope that he can make a breakthrough later.

“Yes. In this issue of the questionnaire, “Y’s” did get the first place, but… not much ahead of the second place.” Yan Fu smiled bitterly.

“Huh? Isn’t it?” Shen Xin couldn’t believe it.

Even if his painter is not as good as the original, the story is a good one, and it is out of context. How come the number of votes won is not high?

“I don’t know, it’s just over 30 votes more than the second place. Although the magazine’s sales have actually increased a lot, several editors think it has nothing to do with you. However, the questionnaire sent back is also It’s too little.”

Thinking of this, Yan Fu is not in a good mood, especially that Li Jiming, who was in the office just now, said very confidently: “This time the sales volume is related to “Y’s”, but it’s not too big, otherwise “Y’s” will not only compare The second place leads by more than 30 votes. This only shows that “NewWorld” bottomed out and rebounded, even without “Y’s” it will still increase.”

bottomed out? Ha ha…

Then why didn’t the last issue rebound from the bottom? Li Jiming clearly felt resentment for Shen Xin’s snatching of Gong Yan’s coloring page.

Yan Fu had no good impression of Li Jiming.

“Wait, Sister Yan, are you saying that the sales of magazines have gone up, but the questionnaires sent back have not increased?” This is the first time Shen Xin heard of this.

“Yes, to be precise, there are two or three thousand missing.” Yan Fu also sighed. She hasn’t figured out the reason until now.

“This is a weird thing.”

The more magazines are sold, the more questionnaires are sent out. Logically speaking, more questionnaires should be sent back.

“Ahem…I should be able to explain one or two reasons for these doubts raised by Teacher Yan.” Qiao Yu, who had posted the dotted paper, sat upright, turned and said to Yan Fu and Shen Xin. UU Reading

“What’s the reason?” Yan Fu asked in surprise.

Ruan Ying, standing in the background of the painting, also raised her head to look at Qiao Yu, her eyes full of curiosity.

Qiao Yu took out a tissue and wiped off the ink from her hands, a smile appeared on her face, which is rare.

“My neighbor is just in his first year of high school and he is also a comic book fan. I went home two days ago and I met him and he just bought a copy of “NewWorld”. Mr. Shen’s work was published in this periodical, so I also want to I know what they think of this comic. As a result, my neighbor said that he bought this magazine for his collection, and he bought one before.”

“I bought one, then why did he buy it?” Yan Fu was puzzled.

Shen Xin also nodded, he was also curious.

“He said that the previous one was torn up and used for publicity, so he bought another one for his collection.”

Promotion of   TM!

Shen Xin has a black line.

Buy another collection, he can understand; but after tearing up the other one, what the **** is it when it is used for publicity? This is an authentic juvenile manga, not a book.

“I asked him again, which manga he thought was the best, but he couldn’t say anything about it. Then, I asked “Y’s” directly. He said he didn’t watch it.”

Hearing Qiao Yu’s words, Yan Fu guessed something, “”Y’s” is placed on the front page of the color page. It is impossible for readers not to know…Is it because they are shy?”

Shen Xin rolled his eyes dejectedly. The character he painted has no dew point. What’s so shy about it?

“It’s possible. After all, Mr. Shen’s paintings are not the same as others. They are somewhat realistic. Many high school students have experienced crushes, so even if they like them in their hearts, they won’t easily show them.” Ruan Ying said suddenly.

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