My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 No experience and love comics

The style of the cartoonist and the style of the story actually complement each other.

For example, Gui Zhenghe’s painting style is exquisite and realistic, and his attitude and posture of the girl can be regarded as meticulous. Even if he prefers to draw passionate fighting comics, because of his delicate and realistic style, he is still getting twice the result with half the effort when drawing love comics. He draws fighting comics, but it is not as brilliant as love comics.

Shen Xin’s style is also biased towards realism, which is of course not his original intention, but the pressure of life.

After the death of a loved one, the host must find a way to make money. Because he is not good at composing stories and the storyboard is in a mess, it can only attract people’s attention from the style of painting.

What kind of painting style attracts readers the most? meat!

An ordinary manga, after adding the element of “meat”, it is easy to get results.

For this reason, the host deliberately bought more than a dozen half-price magazines, “Pink Circle”—similar to the earth’s “Mister XX”.

Spending this money made him feel distressed for a long time.

After all, the funds left by parents and sisters are really not much.

After a year of practice, the host’s style of painting has gradually matured, but now Shen Xin doesn’t like this style of painting.

After all, this style can only allow him to draw best-selling comics or classic comics, but he cannot draw kingly comics, nor can he maximize the potential of a cartoonist.

Fortunately, he still has a manga capsule. Looking back now, that “100% drawing learning bonus” is indeed…too great, as long as he spends a certain amount of time, he should be able to imitate the style of some comics on the earth.

Of course, these things can be pushed back. The most urgent thing he needs to do now is to draw the name of the love comic.

This is a torment for Shen Xin, who has no love experience in this life and died in a previous life.

Of course, someone might say that the most important ability of a creator is imagination. Just like when Oda Eiichiro was drawing “One Piece”, he had not eaten the fruit of the devil, so he still draws a hot manga?

The problem cannot be considered in this way.

In the world, no one has ever eaten devil fruit, but most people have fallen in love!

The atmosphere created by love is quite intuitive when placed in the work.

As a last resort, Shen Xin asked Xi Muxin “What is love?”

Xi Muxin blushed and shook his head again and again.

She’s only fifteen years old now, and she hasn’t thought about it yet.

Shen Xin asked Yang Bo of the Man Research Institute again, and Yang Bo’s answer made him speechless.

“Soft and flexible.”

Nonsence! You **** read a lot of books, right?

After repeated contemplation, Shen Xin could only bite the bullet, imitating the comics he had read, and drew the name.

It happened in a certain high school, a relatively introverted boy fell in love with a certain girl, but because of his personality, he did not express it for a long time.

After graduating from high school, everyone soon had to go their separate ways. The boys mustered up their courage and prepared to confess to the girls during this trip.

With the help of a friend, the boy had the opportunity to be alone with the girl, but after buying a drink, he found that the hostess was not waiting for him where he was separated.

The boy searched all the way, and finally found the girl in a nearby grove, but the girl confessed to another boy…

At the end of the story, the hero and the heroine were not able to be together-this is a resentment from a single dog.

Shen Xin spent a whole day drawing the name of the story, and Xi Muxin, who came home from school, was fortunate to become the first reader.

“How?” Shen Xin looked at Xi Muxin with expectant eyes.

“Well… it’s good overall, but it doesn’t look perfect.” After reading the name carefully, Xi Muxin gave an evaluation.

As expected…

“But this is reality. Not everything is perfect. Being rejected by a crush is also part of life.” Shen Xin spread out his hands and prepared to start preaching.

“Brother Xin, you have misunderstood. What I said is not perfect, is based on this story, and this story is too taken for granted, there are no waves.” Xi Muying said seriously.

Hit the nail on the head!

Some readers have commented on his novels like this before crossing.

“For example…” At this moment, Shen Xin, like a studious student, looked forward to Xi Muxin’s explanation.

“Girls accepted the courtship of boys, but girls have always liked boys’ students…”

“This story is not as good as mine.” Shen Xin immediately gave an evaluation.

“I haven’t finished yet-at the graduation ceremony, the girl suddenly fainted and was sent to the hospital, but was told that she was terminally ill. The boy was just like that and accompanied the girl to the end. How about? There are twists and turns?” Looking at Shen Xin expectantly.

“…The plot is terrible, have you watched too many Korean dramas?” Shen Xin looked at Xi Muxing sullenly.

“I haven’t read it, but my classmates keep talking in my ears… Brother Xin, you know so well, do you often watch it?” Xi Muxun asked curiously.

Ha ha… If I paint like this, name will be killed directly.

However, Xi Muxin’s words reminded Shen Xin that the short comics must have “from the beginning to the end”, and the name still needs to be changed.

No… It’s a big change.

Shen Xin went back to the studio again, put the name on the drawing board, pulled out a dozen white paper, and repainted the name.

In the past two days, Shen Xin put all his energy on name. If it weren’t for Xi Muxin’s time to cook two meals for him, it is estimated that Shen Xin would have spent the whole day with instant noodles.

University students also feel that Shen Xin has been mysterious in the past two days and has not seen anyone all day.

Shen Xin doesn’t care about this, he must come up with the best name in the shortest time, on the one hand, seize this opportunity, on the other hand, it is also a counterattack against Wang Wenhong.

After two busy days, the final version of the name was finally drawn, and Shen Xin couldn’t take a break. After checking it was correct, he put the name in the file bag.

The editorial office of “Weekly NewWorld” is located on the 33rd and 34th floors of the Huamao Building in the city center.

Shen Xin went directly to the front desk on the 33rd floor to explain his intentions.

“Are there any reservations?” the lady at the front desk asked politely.


Before coming, Shen Xin communicated with Yan Fu.

“Please wait a moment.” The front desk picked up the phone and said a few words to the editorial department, and then said to Shen Xin, “Please register first, and then go in from the left aisle. At the end is the reception room, Yan Bian, etc. It will pass in a while.”

After Shen Xin registered, UU Read walked into the corridor on the left.

There is a wall on one side of the corridor, and a frosted glass wall on the other side. People can barely be seen. There are a lot of posters on both sides, some comics are slightly famous, most of them are not famous.

There is no other way. “Weekly NewWorld” is considered a first-line magazine in Yunhai City, but it can only be ranked in the third line nationwide. Compared with the top “Weekly ComicFutura” with a single volume of 5 million, the gap is not generally large. Therefore, the domestic fame of the pillars of “Weekly NewWorld” is not as good as the mid-level comics of “Weekly ComicFutura”.

Shen Xin just walked to the door, before he had time to knock on the door, a girl with a prickly head just came out, and she was taken aback when she saw Shen Xin, “Who are you looking for?”

“Look for Yan editor.” Shen Xin said.

“Oh, you are Shen Xin? Wait a minute, you will wait in the living room now, I’ll call her for you.” “Ball Head” pointed to the small compartment on the side and said.

Shen Xin is confused, he seems to have never been here, right? How does anyone know his name? And listening to the meaning of the words “ball head”, she seemed to have heard of him a long time ago.

can’t figure out the reason, Shen Xin can only find a seat first.

The so-called living room is just a small compartment separated by a frosted glass wall, the space is not large, only a round table and two chairs can be placed.

The main function of this compartment is to facilitate editors and cartoonists to discuss names.

Shen Xin put the documents on the desktop. Just after they were finished, Yan Fu took two paper cups and walked into the compartment, placing one of the paper cups in front of Shen Xin, and the strong smell of coffee came to his face.

“Alright, let me see your name?” Yan Fu said sternly after sitting down.

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