My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Copy sketch

Shen Xin returned home and repainted the name again, mainly referring to Yan Fu’s suggestions and adding some “meat” scenes.

When the name was completed, Shen Xin read the name again, and couldn’t help but nod repeatedly.

I have to say that Yan Fu’s suggestion is indeed very good. If a comic has only one style, it will indeed be a bit monotonous.

This is not to say that there is only one style of picture, and you can’t draw excellent cartoons. In fact, the styles of many love comics in District 11 are relatively uniform, such as Adachi’s “Miyuki, Miyuki”, “Baseball Hero”, and Takahashi Rumiko’s “A Moment Together”. The love described in them is very warm, but it takes a certain degree. Therefore, when reading, readers will have a sense of substitution, as if the characters in the comics are their acquaintances.

If this part of the element is missing, then other content needs to be added. For example, in “Pseudo Love”, a funny element is added, and the effect is also obvious.

Back in this comic by Shen Xin, before going on his graduation trip, he joined the plot of the school girl’s fat ci being stolen. Because of the misunderstanding, the heroine turned her attention to the actor, laying the groundwork for the next two encounters on the graduation trip. At the same time, the transition of the plot is also very natural, without the rigidness of the previous one.

Considering the diversity of styles, Shen Xin redesigned the characters.

Now that there is fat ci, can the image of the heroine be designed to be purer?

The setting of    should have more impact on readers, and at the same time, the sense of substitution will be stronger.

After all, most people’s first love is simple.

Shen Xin looked at the previously drawn persona again, and confirmed his own ideas, took out a few pieces of white paper, and re-designed the image of the heroine.

When Yan Fu saw the new name and the new persona, his eyes blinked a few times, and when he looked at Shen Xin again, his eyes were full of surprises.

“Why…what’s wrong?” Shen Xin was a little confused. The next moment, he saw Yan Fu giving him a thumbs up.

“It’s better than I expected. I didn’t look away, so I just set up a drawing according to this name and person. How long will it take you to draw the original?”

“This…nearly a month, right?” Shen Xin was also not quite sure.

Without the help of an assistant, he has to do all the work alone, and time will inevitably be delayed. Fortunately, the summer vacation is coming soon, so Shen Xin can also spare a lot of time to draw the manuscript.

“Okay, I hope I can submit the manuscript of this cartoon at the meeting next month, come on.” Yan Fu cheered Shen Xin.

Shen Xin’s ability in comics, especially in story-making, far exceeds her imagination.

If the story of “The Witch” is as brilliant as the “Formula of Love”, Wang Wenhong will definitely not throw away the manuscript… I can only say that the goddess of luck is standing by her side.

When he walked out of the Starbucks, Yan Fu was in a happy mood, while Shen Xin was in a different mood—happy, with some anxiety.

After he returned home, he made a cup of instant noodles and took out the name without paying attention to it. At the same time, he took out the manuscript paper from the drawer.

Unlike ordinary white paper or even fanzine manuscript paper, the manuscript paper of business journal is B4 size, which is larger than common A4 paper and the paper is better.

The first procedure for drawing a manuscript is to “copy” the name.

said it was “copying”, in fact, using a pencil, redraw the sketch on the A4 paper onto the manuscript paper.

Compared with sketches, the characters on the manuscript paper should be more vivid and the background should be more detailed. At the same time, since the dialogue has been written on the sketch, it is possible to draw only the dialogue box on the manuscript paper without writing the dialogue.

Xi Muxun will take the entrance examination in two days. The school will not have a holiday before the end of the examination. It is said that candidates should be kept in their best condition.

This is not the same as the high school he is familiar with—whenever major exams are approaching, the students of the earth are in a state of “herding sheep”.

However, it is precisely because of this that Shen Xin can concentrate on “copying” the name.

Wait late at night, Shen Xin rubbed his sore eyes, then glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

It was early in the morning, and there was a groaning sound in my stomach.


Shen Xin patted his forehead severely. Only then did he remember that he hadn’t eaten the soaked cup noodles, so he hurried to the kitchen and glanced at the instant noodles by the fire. He wanted to cry without tears.

Instant noodles really became “soaked” noodles, which was a bit fatter than before, chewed softly in the mouth. Not to mention the unique taste of instant noodles, not even the taste.

Shen Xin, who was exhausted physically and mentally and hungry at the same time, couldn’t take care of this. He ate the “bubble” noodles in one go, and then put the bowl of instant noodles in the trash can.

The final exam is about to come, and Shen Xin also needs to prepare for the exam. Otherwise, if he fails, he will have to pay for the exam fee.

The examinations for art majors are mostly professional courses, and the students’ painting skills are tested. Of course, these are not difficult for Shen Xin.

In addition, there are several compulsory courses, which are not difficult, but require rote memorization. Fortunately, the teacher will delineate the scope of the exam in the last class.

Shen Xin missed classes for a few days. Some teachers did not listen to the “circle questions” and could only turn to Yang Bo for help.

“You kid, what have you been doing these days?” Yang Bo handed the book to Shen Xin. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

Shen Xin picked up his pen and quickly marked the content of the test in the textbook, “Secret.”

“Secret you, a big ghost…Eh, your manuscript will not be accepted by the comic magazine, right?” Yang Bo suddenly remembered what happened at the fan exhibition not long ago.

Shen Xin smiled without saying a word, just focused on the strokes.

“Hey, isn’t it true? Which magazine?” Yang Bo was excited, and couldn’t wait to pat Shen Xin on the shoulder.

“Shhh, keep it quiet, are everyone watching?” Shen Xin glared at Yang Bo and said in a low voice.

Yang Bo looked around. The other people in the study room were looking at him inexplicably, and he could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

After sitting next to Shen Xin, Yang Bo asked in a low voice, “Tell me, which magazine is it?”

“”NewWorld”. It is still unclear whether it can be published, but the editor is more satisfied. After the manuscript is drawn, she submits it to the editor-in-chief to determine whether to publish it.” Shen Xin explained.

“Well, it turned out to be “Weekly NewWorld”! I thought it would be a small magazine? I really envy you!” Yang Bo hugged Shen Xin tightly.

“There are other people in the classroom!” Shen Xin reminded.

Yang Bo chuckled twice, and quickly let go, “When it’s published, you must tell me which issue it is in?”

“Well, it will.” Shen Xin closed the book and handed Yang Bo’s book to him.

University exams are not too difficult. Painting has always been Shen Xin’s strong point. It is just a few compulsory and elective courses that need attention.

One week before the exam, there were basically no classes at school, and Shen Xin was still at home, marking the manuscript with inked lines while reviewing it. Xi Muxin was also at this time and finished the high school entrance exam.

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