My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 216 Are they going to do ’that’?

Chapter 216 Are they going to do 'that'?

As Yuan explained cultivation and the existence of Spiritual energy to Ava and Julie, including Rose now, the two women listened with rapt attention, absorbing every detail.

As they continued to absorb Yuan's words, their expressions shifted from curiosity to astonishment. The depth of this knowledge was beyond anything they had encountered before.

"God, I never knew that there is a mysterious and profound energy alongside the mana we use for spells and strengthening our bodies... This is really hard to believe..." Ava murmured, her voice filled with astonishment.

Julie nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with surprise. "Indeed, until now we never knew about the existence of such a profound energy, which is thousands of times more potent than the mana we use. I'm just as surprised as you are."

After a moment of contemplation, Ava turned to Yuan, a hint of confusion in her eyes. "Yuan, if such a profound energy exists in this world as you've said, why has no one noticed it until now? I've read numerous history books, but none of them mention the Spiritual energy you spoke of. Why is that?"

The existence of Spiritual energy could revolutionize the world's view on strength and power. However, the strange thing is that no one noticed or knew about it.

This profound energy seemed to exist, yet remained hidden, perhaps forgotten as one era ended and another began. With the passage of time, people lost all knowledge of it.

Yuan looked at Ava and smiled, acknowledging the reasonableness of her question. "Yuan, can you explain why? I'm confused about it too," Julie added, echoing her sister Ava's curiosity.

Yuan nodded and began to elaborate. "Well, you see, unlike mana, spiritual energy is far more superior and profound. To sense or absorb it into our bodies, we need a specific type of technique... which is called a cultivation technique."

"And without learning a cultivation technique, we can't sense nor absorb spiritual energy into our bodies," Yuan explained to Ava and Julie.

"I see... So, in order to even sense the spiritual energy, we need to learn a cultivation technique, much less cultivate it," Ava nodded in understanding after listening to Yuan's explanation.

Julie also nodded and added, "This explains why no one has discovered the existence of such a profound energy. Without a proper cultivation technique, no one would be able to sense it..."

"That's right, the key is cultivation technique," Yuan nodded with a smile, explaining further, "However, that's not all. If a mage tries to start their cultivation journey, they have to abandon their mana, mana circle, and their mana circuit. Only then can they learn the cultivation technique to start their cultivation."

Ava and Julie both nodded at Yuan, understanding the gravity of his words. Suddenly, a realization struck them and they turned to their sister Rose. Julie inquired, "Does that mean big sis Rose also became a cultivator like you guys since I can't sense her mana circle nor her mana circuit?"

"Yes, she has become a cultivator just like us," Yuan confirmed, a brief glance at Rose emphasizing his words. This revelation didn't surprise Ava and Julie; they had half-expected this response, given their inability to sense mana in Rose's body.

A moment later, Yuan looked at Ava and Julie with a smile and continued, "Cultivation not only makes a person strong and powerful, but it has other very important benefits such as increasing a person's lifespan. The stronger you become, the longer your lifespan extends."

"Increasing lifespan?! Is there such a thing that even exists...?" Ava asked, her face etched with puzzlement. The notion seemed absurd and hard for her to believe.

Yuan, however, was resolute in his explanation. "You see, cultivation can defy the rules of the heavens. Each time you make a breakthrough, be it small or substantial, you push past the limits of your body by advancing through each realm of cultivation."

He continued, "And once a person reaches a higher realm of cultivation and surpasses every limit of a mortal body, they become immortal with a near-endless lifespan. Further cultivation can even lead one to become a god."

"Become a God...?" Ava and Julie both exclaimed, their disbelief evident.

'By cultivating, one can become a God... It seems cultivation is more profound than I initially thought... No wonder why big sis Rose abandoned her mana and became a cultivator just like Yuan and his wives...' Ava pondered, her expression serious.

To her, this revelation was far from a simple matter. Understanding the true potential of cultivation, especially the possibility of attaining godhood, was not something she could take lightly, as though it were as simple as having a glass of water with a meal.

'If I become a cultivator like Yuan, can I become as strong as him in the future? I also want to become a cultivator now after knowing how miraculous it is... I wonder if Yuan will teach me how to cultivate just as he taught big sis Rose,' Julie wondered inwardly, a strange, excited smile gracing her face.

Turning to Yuan with enthusiasm, Julie spoke, "Yuan, will you also teach us to cultivate, just as you did for big sis Rose? I want to become a cultivator after realizing how miraculous and profound it is..."

Ava chimed in, echoing Julie's sentiments. "You've asked the same thing I was about to, Julie... So, Yuan, will you teach us to become cultivators like all of you?"

Yuan, observing their eagerness, couldn't help but think, 'Is there any need to ask such an obvious thing?'

"Of course, I will teach both of you to cultivate," Yuan affirmed with a smile. "However, it will have to wait until I find suitable cultivation techniques for both of you... And that might take some time."

Internally, Yuan sighed. 'The main issue is that I don't have enough SP to buy suitable cultivation techniques for them from the System store... And the system isn't generating any missions where I can earn some SP... Sigh!' He felt a twinge of guilt for potentially disappointing Ava and Julie.

As soon as Yuan informed them of the need to wait, Julie released a long sigh. There was nothing to be done but wait for the right opportunity to arise.

Rose noticed the sadness in her two sisters' eyes. With a gentle smile, she reassured them, "You two don't need to be sad about it. Since we're the only cultivators in this whole world, it will take some time for Yuan to find a suitable cultivation technique for both of you. Cultivation techniques are very rare and hard to find... Just believe in him, okay?"

Ava and Julie pondered Rose's words. They realized that, with no other cultivators beside Yuan and his wives, finding a suitable technique would indeed be a challenging task.

"We understand, big sis Rose..." both Ava and Julie nodded in agreement.

"It's good that you two understand. Also, Ava and Julie, keep in mind that you should never mention cultivation to anyone else. It can bring endless trouble for us... People fear the unknown the most, and our prowess is very much unknown to them; it's beyond their imagination," Anna spoke, her tone gentle yet serious, addressing both Ava and Julie.

"Even if it's our mom...?" Julie asked quickly, seeking clarification.

Anna nodded solemnly. "Yes, even if it's your own mother, the less people know about it, the better."

Ava and Julie exchanged a thoughtful look, contemplating the weight of Anna's words. After a moment, Ava spoke up, her voice determined. "We understand. We promise that we won't tell a soul about this matter."

After this agreement, Yuan proceeded to delve into further details about cultivation, explaining concepts like cultivation ranks and treasure grades to Ava and Julie. They listened intently, absorbing the newfound knowledge.

Sometimes later, once Yuan finished explaining everything about cultivation that Ava and Julie needed to know, Grace quickly stood up from the bed and started undressing herself with a very seductive movement of her hand, causing Ava and Julie to become dumbfounded.

And seeing Grace remove her clothes, Lily didn't sit there ideally and quickly started removing her own clothes and getting naked in front of everyone.

Seeing this, Ava and Julie were speechless, and their faces immediately turned rosy. They couldn't believe that one of their mothers-in-law was getting naked in front of them for some reason.

"Darling, since you've finished explaining them about cultivation, how about we get down to business?" Grace looked at Yuan very seductively as she licked her lips in a seductive manner.

Lily joined in after getting naked and said, "That's right, we've been getting bored listening to all your talks for the past 2 hours, and we can't take it anymore."

"Gulp!" Yuan swallowed his seliva as he landed his eyes on the two beautiful ladies in front of his eyes, standing naked and showcasing their seductive looks to him.

"Of course, I'm always ready for that." Yuan said with a smile as he removed the shirt he was wearing, causing Grace and Lily to swallow themselves, witnessing his perfect-looking body.

"That's my darling, always ready to give us your love." Grace smiled widely at him, touching her own body in a very enchanting manner.

Witnessing this, Ava and Julie felt quite embarrassed, and their cheeks were blushing like crazy.

'Are they really going to do that?' Ava and Lily cried inwardly, looking at the hot scene before them.

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