My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 225 After four days

Chapter 225 After four days

As the first light painted the world, Yuan lay in his bed, seemingly in deep slumber, surrounded by his wives in the Monroe family's manor.

His wives held him close, with Anna and Grace taking the most dominant positions, their embraces tight, his face nestled between their ample forms. Xi Meili lay atop him, her head resting on his chest, a gentle smile gracing her innocent face.

Emma, Lily, Rose, Julie, and Ava, unable to find space to cuddle, settled in beside Anna and Grace, who clung steadfast to their positions.

"Morning already? Why do I feel so... heavy?" Yuan mused, his senses slowly awakening. Softness enveloped his face, along with a sweet, familiar scent.

With a start, he opened his eyes, greeted by the drowsy countenances of his two mothers, realizing he was nestled between their tender embraces.

"Ah, Xi Meili..." Yuan understood the source of the weight as he spotted her slumbering atop him.

"Am I the only one awake?" He glanced around, finding his wives still lost in dreams, their faces adorned with contented smiles.

Four days had slipped by since the audience with the kingdom's officials and the envoys from the Magic Academy. During this time, Yuan and his wives—save for Ava and Julie—dedicated themselves to honing their martial skills.

They understood the importance of perfecting their techniques, anticipating encounters with formidable mages once they reached the kingdom's capital.

In the wake of their encounter with Silas, the group recognized the need for vigilance and dedication. Despite Yuan's seemingly effortless victory over Silas, the formidable spells he employed were not to be underestimated. Against a more seasoned opponent, the outcome might have been different.

As a response, Yuan and his wives devoted the majority of their time to rigorous training and cultivation. Their efforts paid off, evident in the notable surge of their strength over the past few days.

Yuan now stood at the pinnacle of the Spirit Master realm, teetering on the edge of a breakthrough into the Spirit Grandmaster realm. He could have already achieved this, but he opted for a more deliberate approach, prioritizing stability and experience before the leap.

His two mothers, Anna and Grace, had made exceptional strides in their cultivation, attaining the zenith of the seventh level of the Spirit Master realm. Their grasp of the Heavenly Twin Heart Manual had also deepened, granting them access to a divine-ranked skill known as the "Dawn and Dusk Sword Slashes."

This newfound technique elevated Anna and Grace's power significantly. Its ominous name was well-deserved, capable of turning night into day and vice versa. A single strike could inflict damage not only to the physical form, but also to the soul, potentially leaving an opponent crippled or even bereft of sanity.

Lily and Emma, too, showed notable progress in their cultivation. Lily ascended to the peak of the sixth level of the Spirit Master realm, with a marked enhancement in her proficiency with her sword techniques. While she hadn't unlocked any special skills like her mothers, her mastery of the blade had grown considerably.

In the days of diligent practice, Emma's cultivation progress had been steady, though she'd only reached the low sixth level of the Spirit Master realm. Despite her comparatively slower pace, her comprehension abilities outshone the others.

This reflected in her mastery of the cultivation technique, leading to the unlocking of her first skill—Serpent's Divine Gaze.

This eye technique endowed Emma with the power to immobilize opponents and peer into the future, glimpsing up to 20 seconds ahead. Yuan watched in awe as she deftly evaded Lily's attacks during their practice.

However, this newfound ability came at a cost—Serpent's Divine Gaze demanded a colossal amount of spiritual energy, allowing Emma to sustain it for only about five minutes before depleting her Spiritual Qi.

Xi Meili made significant strides, now firmly in the Second level of the Spirit Grandmaster realm. Her adorable demeanor belied her newfound strength, making her the most formidable among them.

Rose, while not making leaps comparable to the others, achieved the fourth level of the Spirit Warrior realm. Her time was mainly spent cherishing moments with her family, aware that her departure from the village was imminent.

Ava and Julie, following Rose's lead, chose to savor their final days in the village. They cared for their ailing father and explored every nook and cranny of the place they'd soon bid farewell.

As the morning light roused them from slumber, Yuan fulfilled a promise to his mothers with tender kisses in their pussies. Blushing, the other wives observed, finding the scene undeniably provocative.

After exchanging morning kisses with his wives, Yuan headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Soon, each of his wives took turns doing the same.

Moments later, Anna approached Yuan with a radiant smile. She gently kissed his right cheek and suggested, "Madam Layla must be waiting for us at the dinner table for breakfast, let's not keep her waiting. Shall we?"

Xi Meili's eyes sparkled at the mention of breakfast. She eagerly nodded, exclaiming, "Let's head out, I don't want to miss breakfast!"

Anna couldn't help but shake her head affectionately. She playfully pinched Xi Meili's cheeks, jesting, "Can't you think of something else, dear? Besides food?"

Xi Meili, rubbing her cheeks, responded with a laugh, "I can't help it, I love food!"

Laughter filled the room at Xi Meili's candid admission, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She quickly sought solace in Yuan's embrace, burying her face in his chest. Yuan's smile was gentle as he tenderly caressed her silky hair.

"Darling, you're spoiling her too much..." Grace playfully pouted, her voice tinged with mock dissatisfaction.

Yuan couldn't help but think, 'Haven't I just spoiled you a moment ago, Mom? And now you're jealous of my adorable Xi Meili!'

Just then, Lily interjected, "Shall we continue chatting or head to the dining hall for breakfast?"

Grace promptly approached Yuan, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She teased, "I was just teasing, Yuan darling. Now let's head to the dining hall."

"I know..." Yuan smiled at her, then opened the door and led the way to the dining hall. His wives followed suit, eager to begin their day with a hearty breakfast.

Meanwhile, in the dining hall, Madam Layla and James sat at the table, patiently awaiting the arrival of Yuan and his wives, as well as her own daughters, Rose, Julie, and Ava.

"Aren't they taking a bit longer today? They must be doing something... intimate with Yuan in the bedroom," Madam Layla remarked with a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

James glanced at the enigmatic smile, taking a deep breath before replying, "Well, perhaps... perhaps they're just running a bit behind schedule today... for some reason."

Inwardly, James couldn't shake off his jealousy. He was convinced that Yuan had been engaging in amorous activities with his wives and his sisters throughout the night. This only fueled his dissatisfaction, contorting his face into a small, unpleased expression.

He harbored a deep envy for Yuan. Not only had Yuan brought wives with him to the village, but he'd even managed to make his three sisters his own. It seemed Yuan had a way with women, while James remained single and his virginity remained intact.

Madam Layla's thoughts weren't much kinder. Looking at James, she inwardly sighed, disappointed that her son hadn't managed to form any romantic connections at his age.

Their conversation was interrupted by approaching footsteps outside the dining hall. They turned their attention towards the door.

Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Yuan and his wives, as well as Rose, Julie, and Ava.

"Oh, my, you all certainly took your time getting here today. Did something... intriguing happen, I wonder?" Madam Layla's voice carried a playful tone, her smile still holding a hint of mystery.

Yuan and his wives remained composed, accustomed to Madam Layla's playful teasings. They took their seats without missing a beat.

As the conversation continued, Madam Layla's daughters—Rose, Ava, and Julie—found their faces blushing like ripened apples. Madam Layla, without a need for their words, immediately deduced the situation.

'Something did indeed happen, didn't it? Young people these days, as energetic as ever...' she mused with a playful glint in her eyes, casting a knowing look at her daughters.

Turning her attention to Yuan, she invited, "Yuan, as well as Mrs. Yuan, please, have a seat. Breakfast has already been served. Let's eat before it gets cold, shall we?"

"Of course! Food is best enjoyed when it's still hot," agreed Yuan, taking his place at the table. His wives followed suit, and they all began to partake in the meal.

Mid-bite, Madam Layla called out to Yuan. He looked up with a mixture of curiosity and confusion, wondering if there was something urgent on her mind.

"Is there something you'd like to discuss, Madam Layla?"

"Well, you see, aren't you all planning to leave the village tomorrow morning after breakfast?" Madam Layla inquired.

"Yes, that's the plan. Is there something we should be aware of?" Yuan responded.

She continued, "I just thought it might be a good idea for you to meet my husband... I mean, for Rose, Julie, and Ava's father to meet you before you all depart. You haven't had a chance to meet him yet, and I've been remiss in introducing you. It's every father's dream, you know, to meet their son-in-law..."

Yuan looked at Madam Layla, then at Rose, Julie, and Ava. He realized she was right; he hadn't yet met his father-in-law, who was gravely ill and unable to leave his bed.

'How did I overlook this? If Madam Layla hadn't mentioned it, we might have left the village without ever meeting Rose, Julie, and Ava's father,' he reflected.

An idea sparked in his mind. 'Perhaps a Restoration Pill might help, potentially curing his supposedly incurable ailment? The medicinal essence in a Restoration Pill is highly potent. It's worth a try, especially since he's now my father-in-law.'

After a moment of thought, he suggested, "Once we finish our meal, let's go visit him together. I'm sure he'd be delighted to meet all of us."

"That sounds wonderful. He'll be overjoyed to meet you all at once," Madam Layla responded with a warm smile.

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